How to get fat quickly at home

It is quite difficult to achieve ideal weight, it all depends on the structure of the body, height, age, gender. Very often you can meet men and women who are struggling with excessive thinness. Wanting to get in shape and look more solid, people resort to all kinds of tricks. Some, on the contrary, try to lose weight by limiting themselves in food and increasing physical activity. This option does not suit you, you need to eat a lot and correctly. Consider the important aspects in order.

How to get fat fast

Weight gain guidelines

  1. Since weight gain is achieved through physical activity and increased body fat, you need to use an integrated approach. Start the day right - with sports. It is not necessary to visit the gym, it is enough to perform simple exercises at home. Get dumbbells, a skipping rope, do squats, swing a press. Take work on the body 30-60 minutes a day, daily.
  2. A set of extra kilograms for girls immediately reflected on the waist, watch her. In addition, fat often accumulates in the hips and buttocks, this also needs to be taken into account. For this reason, if you notice excessive accumulation of fat, work on this area. For example, there are sides - start twisting the hoop. Have you noticed “ears” on your hips? Bend your legs back, do squats with dumbbells / barbell.
  3. Review your daily diet. If you used to eat low-calorie foods, replace these foods with more satisfying, but not fatty ones. Lay on potatoes, whole grain pasta, cereals, and beans. Eat pork, beef. Calorie intake should increase gradually (approximately 120 Kcal. Per day). Do not replace the right carbohydrates with the wrong ones, refuse fried foods or eat them 3 times a week, not more often.
  4. At the stage of weight gain, you need to use "forbidden" foods. These include moderate quantities of flour products, products with a high starch content, sweets, fast food (not more than 2 times a week). In this case, occasionally you can eat fried chicken without skin, pork flesh. The rule "after 6 is not" is not valid for you, eat 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.
  5. Drink food to increase body weight. For example, for dinner you can eat mashed potatoes with meat, while washing down food with tomato, cabbage or carrot juice. In this case, it is necessary to consume at least 2.5 liters. clean water per day to prevent swelling of the extremities and remove excess salt from the body.

Weight Gain Products

It makes sense to consider products that you should focus on. Summarize the information, highlight the main features.

Weight Gain Products

  1. Fruit lovers should lean more on high-calorie fruits. These include grapes, bananas, persimmons, mangoes, peaches, apricots, apples, melons. In this case, you can make freshly squeezed juices based on the listed fruits, drinking 300 ml each. per day.
  2. Take the habit of eating a handful of nuts, eat candied fruits, prunes, dried apricots, raisins. Give preference to berries with a high sugar content, prepare milkshakes based on them.
  3. If we talk about dairy products, include fat yogurt, cream (fat content from 20%), whole homemade milk, cottage cheese (fat content from 15%), sour cream in your daily diet. It will not be superfluous to use soft and semi-hard cheeses, butter, whey.
  4. As mentioned earlier, it is important to consume flour products for mass gain. Eat homemade cakes, waffles, pastries, rolls, sandwiches, cakes.It is important that the bread is wheat, not rye, the first option is caloric. However, the listed products must be consumed in moderation, evaluating the figure objectively.
  5. Cook porridge in milk, not on water. Be sure to add butter and granulated sugar (preferably beetroot rather than cane). It is worth giving preference to barley, pearl barley, buckwheat, wheat, oat, flaxseed, rice porridge.
  6. The daily diet should include lean and fatty meats. Allowed to eat everything: lamb, chicken, pork, turkey, beef, veal. Fry meatballs, bake meat in the oven, slow cooker (at the discretion).
  7. If you don’t have diabetes, make sure you always have sweets in the kitchen cabinet. You can eat sweets and chocolate, most importantly do not exceed the mark of 100 gr. per day. It is advisable to use the above sweets not in the morning, but at lunch and in the evening, so that 30% of carbohydrates are deposited in fat.
  8. Of course, no mass gain occurs without the participation of chicken / quail eggs, sea cocktail, fish. The listed products have a large number of minerals and vitamins, which are necessary for a full life. Especially they need to be eaten if you have already started playing sports. Protein helps build muscle tissue to help you gain weight.

How to gain weight in a week

To gain about 5-6 kg. For one week, it is important to balance your diet so that it includes the optimal amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. To do this, it is necessary to carry out certain manipulations, which we will discuss below.

How to gain weight in a week

  1. First of all, determine the true reason why you want to gain extra kilograms. Perhaps you have a thin physique by nature, as a result of which a lack of mass affects the functioning of internal organs. Some people suffer from nervous disorders, anorexia and other ailments. For more detailed information, it is recommended to consult a doctor, conduct a comprehensive examination, and then begin amateur activities.
  2. The daily diet must be fortified, balanced, sufficient in age, gender, height. In addition to ordinary food, you need to take multivitamins, fish and badger oils. The listed drugs are sold in the pharmacy, the instructions are attached, do not violate the manufacturer's recommendations.
  3. Take the habit of drinking a special cocktail daily. Mix 270 ml with each other. cream with a fat content of 20%, 40 gr. liquid honey, 100 gr. cottage cheese (9%). Use the resulting paste immediately after cooking. If desired, you can replace honey with sugar, as well as add dried apricots, raisins, figs, prunes.
  4. It is known that weight gain directly depends on muscle tissue. For 7 days, engage in physical activity, adhere to the recommendations described above. If you eat and play sports at the same time, the process will be much more efficient. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a fractional diet, which consists in five meals a day. Servings should be healthy, satisfying. If desired, you can drink protein, amino acids, dietary supplements, which are sold in a sports nutrition store.
  5. To achieve maximum results, eat foods that whet your appetite. Eat green apples, chew gum, dress with mustard, pepper, horseradish. Drink on an empty stomach freshly squeezed carrot, cabbage, celery juice, fermented baked milk, kefir.

How to quickly get fat guy

How to quickly get fat guy

  1. To increase body weight, you must first play sports. Sign up for a gym, visit it at least 4 times a week. Perform exercises on all muscle groups (but not on the same day). If possible, make an individual program with the trainer taking into account the characteristics of your body.
  2. In combination with high physical activity, you need to drink at least 3 liters. water per day. An important role is played by milk (at least 1 liter per day), fermented baked milk (about 0.7 liter per day), pure protein (sports nutrition). If you do not drink, the body will begin to dehydrate. He will take fluid from the muscles, spending energy on the processing of body fat.
  3. A very important aspect is to consume enough calories per day. Calculate the value according to your body using an online calculator. Daily add to this number 350-450 Kcal. When the weight starts to rise and then stops, increase the calorie content by another 500. Perform manipulations until you achieve the desired result.
  4. Take the habit of eating 5-6 times a day in large portions. It is important that the menu consists not only of the second courses, but also the first. Do not skip snacks; during this period, use the “forbidden” foods described above. Try to eat balanced, the dish should contain fats and carbohydrates in the maximum amount.
  5. Visit the clinic and calculate the amount of fat as a percentage. Depending on the individual body structure, you can gain weight through body fat or muscle building. Moreover, in both cases, the final result will vary significantly. Watch for weight gain, regularly weigh yourself, write indicators in a notebook.

It is easy to get fat if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the diet and possible methods. Create an individual menu for yourself, do not limit the body to junk food, drink more. Eat foods rich in fat and protein, start playing sports. If necessary, get sports nutrition that promotes muscle gain.

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