How to quickly remove the fume at home

After a stormy pastime, the body begins to remove ethyl alcohol from the intestines and other internal organs. Actions are accompanied by a strong fume that appears in the morning. People who need to go to work need to get rid of this feature. You can remove the fume with medications or folk methods, let's talk about everything in order.

How to quickly remove a fume

Medication for fumes from the mouth

  1. Glutargin. Tablets based on this component are included in many anti-hangover drugs (for example, Alcocline). The product removes acetaldehydes and acetic acid, cleanses the intestines and liver. Most often, tablets are taken with severe alcohol poisoning, but it is allowed to use it as a way out of a fume. Due to the rapid breakdown of ethyl alcohol, alcohol residues are eliminated in a short time.
  2. Succinic acid. Human metabolism cannot do without the participation of succinic acid. If you take pills, the positive effect will not take long. Thanks to the medicine, ethyl alcohol and other toxic poisons are quickly eliminated from the blood. The positive effect is reflected in the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, intestines, heart. Succinic acid is contained in preparations marked "Antipohmelin" (Limontar, Antipolitsey, etc.). To get rid of the fumes, you need to take 1 tablet every 1.5 hours. The daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.
  3. "Gutten Morgen." The drug marked "Antipohmelin" is available in the form of a pressed pickle based on cucumbers. Before use, the product must be diluted with drinking water according to the instructions. Due to its liquid form, Gutten Morgen is absorbed into the walls of internal organs almost immediately. It neutralizes ethanol by splitting and pushing it out. The medicine includes pepper, cloves, parsley and dill. All flavored additives mask the smell, and incoming acids (ascorbic, succinic) remove the remnants of poisons.
  4. Tincture of Eleutherococcus. Drugs act as an adaptogen, an immunomodulator. These medicines contain glycosides. They also help get rid of neuralgia, overcome the general depletion of immunity, improve kidney and liver activity. In addition, eleutherococcus increases brain activity and physical activity. It positively affects the heart muscle and removes toxic substances from the body. The composition is available in tablets, capsules, ampoules, bottles with infusion.
  5. Pop "Stand-KA". The composition is characterized by a completely natural composition. Due to the low pricing policy, there is no need to refine, preparing the composition for getting rid of the fumes on their own. The pop contains thyme, St. John's wort, ginseng, geranium, citric acid. To remove the fume, you need to dilute the composition with drinking water, drink before bedtime and after morning awakening.
  6. Drink Off. To remove the fume after a stormy party, buy jelly pills at the pharmacy. You can choose the taste of your choice. Most often, “Drink Off” has a lemon, herbal, mint finish. The composition of the medicine includes licorice root, ginger, mate, infusion of Eleutherococcus, ginseng and guarana. All listed components are completely natural. They have an analgesic and absorbing effect.
  7. Anti-hangover drugs. In the pharmacy you will find many products that equally effectively eliminate the smell of alcohol from the mouth. They have a general anti-hangover effect. The most common formulations include Antipohmelin, Limontar, Alkazeltser, Ricks 1, Sti Filterum, Regidron, Zorex, Whitish Coal, Hydrovit Forte, Enterosgel, and Alkolin ”,“ Citraglucosolan ”, etc.All of them have instructions for use, are available in various forms (tablets, sprays, suspensions).
  8. Activated carbon. In most cases, after a hangover, people immediately take activated charcoal, and this is not surprising. The drug has absorbing properties, it absorbs ethanol and removes it from the body. The smell of alcohol disappears after 2 hours. To calculate the dose, you need to know your own body weight. Approximately 8-10 kg. 1 tablet is necessary. The drug Polysorb acts in a similar way, only it is more useful.

How to eliminate a fume by folk methods

How to eliminate a fume by folk methods

  1. Gum. Most people resort to menthol chewing gum, but such a move is a serious mistake. Choose products with fruit flavors, it is advisable to give preference to strawberries, lime, lemon. Chewing gum does not last long, the effect is enough for half an hour maximum. Ordinary sunflower seeds are considered an alternative to this method, they are more effective and eliminate the fume coming from the digestive tract.
  2. Bay leaf. The method is known since ancient times. To mask bad breath, chew a few bay leaves. The procedure is not pleasant. You can prepare a decoction of 15 leaves, let it brew for about half an hour, and then drink 60 ml. on an empty stomach. If the fume did not go away immediately, eat, repeat the manipulations after eating.
  3. Peanut butter. To eliminate the smell of fumes, drink 25 ml. olive or nut oil immediately after morning awakening. You should resort to a similar method if you are confident in the "resistance" of your stomach. Otherwise, diarrhea may develop. If there is no oil based on the listed ingredients, chew canned olives or eat a handful of almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts (not walnuts only).
  4. Rosehip. If you do not have gastritis or an ulcer, use a broth based on rose hips. Brew 2 handfuls of dry or fresh (washed) berries in boiling water, let stand for 1 hour. Then filter, drink 250 ml. at a time. Repeat after 45 minutes if circumstances permit. You can supplement the infusion with berries of currants, gooseberries, citrus fruits.
  5. Seasonings. Folk remedies can easily kill the pungent alcoholic smell. Take nutmeg at the tip of a knife, peppermint, cinnamon, clove buds or parsley. Chew one of the listed spices for 5 minutes, then spit it out. Rinse your mouth is not necessary, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. An amateur method, the effect lasts for half an hour.
  6. White alder. Take 25 gr. dry alder, grind plants, pour 0.5 l. boiling water. Cover the dishes, leave the broth to infuse for 40 minutes. When the composition reaches a temperature above room temperature, filter it. Use the ready-made broth as a means of rinsing the oral cavity. The tool eliminates the unpleasant odor of alcohol for 2-3 hours.
  7. Sagebrush. Due to the specific pungent odor, wormwood is able to rid the oral cavity of alcoholic stench. The composition is used as a rinse, drinking it inside is not recommended. Is that 10 ml. 2 times a day. To prepare the infusion, take 30 gr. dry plant, fill in 550 ml. hot water. Send to the stove, wait for the boil. After 10 minutes, remove from heat, let stand for 1 hour. Strain, rinse thoroughly.
  8. Brine. Mix 20 gr. table or sea salt with 450 ml. hot water, let the granules dissolve. Add 15 g, if desired. drinking soda, bring the solution to room temperature. Start rinsing the oral cavity, perform manipulations for 5 minutes. In addition to eliminating the smell of alcohol, you strengthen your gums and get rid of bleeding.
  9. Oat broth. Buy 200 gr. unpeeled oats, wash it, let the liquid drain. Brew with boiling water, put on the stove, bring to a boil.Cook the composition for a third of an hour, then turn off the burner, cool and filter through cheesecloth. Take the drug inside of 250 ml. three times a day. Similarly, a decoction of rice, millet, and oats is prepared.
  10. Strong tea. After waking up in the morning, drink a glass of cool water with 40 ml. lemon juice and 1 ml. table vinegar solution (concentration of 6%, can be replaced with apple). After 20 minutes, prepare 150 ml. strong tea leaves or 50 ml. espresso. Drink while hot, repeat after 4 hours. For a better effect, have a tight breakfast before drinking.

Practical tips

  1. Fresh air can work wonders. If after a stormy night party you have the opportunity to go out in the morning, do not neglect this recommendation. Charge for half an hour or take a quick step through the park. It’s good if there is a river nearby where you can swim.
  2. Do breathing exercises. Open all the windows in the apartment or go to the balcony. First take 10 deep breaths and exhalations, then jump on a skipping rope for 5 minutes or squat. Sports will thin the blood, ethyl alcohol will disappear many times faster.
  3. Toxins are released not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the skin. Take a hot bath or a contrast shower. Withdraw alcohol and get rid of bad breath can be a normal visit to the bath. Ask a specialist to work your body with a broom.

If you need to get rid of the smell of fumes from the mouth in a short time, take a look at the medications. Buy an infusion of Eleutherococcus or motherwort, suitable means "Antipolitsay", "Gutten Morgen", "Regidron". Prepare the infusion of wild rose or alder, cook oats. Rinse your mouth with saline.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of fumes

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