How to eat carambola: useful tips

A man strives for everything unusual - travels, learns new people, enjoys to relish the unfamiliar cuisines of the whole world. But most of all we like to try exotic fruits. They represent different forms, tastes and smells. One of the most amazing fruits of Southeast Asia is carambola. Carambola is often called a star apple because of its unusual shape. Cut along, the carambola is a kind of five-pointed star, which can decorate any dish.

How to eat carambola

The benefits of carambola

This fruit is rich in many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Its use is very useful for humans.

  1. Carambola is an incredibly low-calorie product. 100 grams of pulp accounts for only 35 calories. Therefore, this fruit without restriction can be eaten by those who follow their figure.
  2. Vitamin B1, which is contained in the pulp of this exotic fruit, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. With regular consumption of carambola, a person becomes less irritable, calm, balanced. In addition, 10 minutes after eating the fruit, the mood improves, vivacity appears, and performance increases.
  3. Carambola is saturated with various acids, which allows the fruit to beneficially influence the thyroid gland. Eating fruit continuously reduces the risk of food allergies, heart disease, and arthritis.
  4. This fruit is considered to be the best beauty product. Its constant use guarantees you nail strength, healthy hair and moisturized skin.
  5. Carambola contains thiamine, which affects digestion. This fruit improves appetite, which is especially important for children, the elderly, as well as patients at the stage of rehabilitation after serious diseases.
  6. Residents of Sri Lanka use carambola juice to whiten teeth, remove various stains from clothes and metal products.
  7. Carambola strengthens the immune system, helps to cope with colds faster, improves the body's resistance.
  8. And carambola is successfully used to relieve a hangover syndrome. The juice of this fruit quenches thirst, relieves intoxication, and fights headaches.

All the beneficial properties of this unusual fruit tell us that you need carambol! And as much as possible, if you have, of course, if such an opportunity.

How to choose carambola

Like a banana, the fruit can be yellow, sweet and soft, or green and hard. Oddly enough, but people in Asia value the latter kind of carambola more. They believe that an unripe fruit has more beneficial properties. You can choose the fruit that you like the most. It depends on your preference, whether you like sugary sweet things or prefer fruits with sourness. The narrow ribs of carambola should be clearly separated, the sides of the fruit should be fleshy and moderately soft.

The taste of carambola resembles a mixture of gooseberries, apples and plums. Some clearly feel the orange and even the cucumber in the carambola. You can be sure of only one thing - to feel the taste of carambola, you need to try it.

Fruit is brought to Russia unripe in Russia; on the way, it almost keeps up. You can store carambola bought in the store for 2-4 weeks, depending on its initial condition.

However, karambola cannot be carried away by those who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach. Fruit is also contraindicated in kidney disease.

How to eat carambola

Some inhabitants of the planet, living far from the place of cultivation of this exotic fruit, do not even know if it can be eaten. And if possible, then how to do this?

How to eat carambola

  1. Eating fruit is very simple - it is completely edible.But first you need to wash it thoroughly. Especially a lot of dust gets stuck between the faces of the fruit, in the hollows.
  2. Cut the fruit across so that you see several stars 1 cm wide.
  3. Krambola can be eaten directly with seeds and peel, however some prefer to peel the fruit completely. To do this, you need to pierce the center of the sprocket with a knife in order to cleanse the fruit from soft seeds. After that, carefully cut the edges of the fruit with a thin knife to remove the black veins and yellow peel.
  4. In addition to the gastronomic satisfaction of carambol, it creates an aesthetic pleasure. She is decorated with glasses of cocktails, desserts, ice cream, pastries. Beautiful yellow stars can decorate any dish.

To get the maximum benefit from the product, carambola, like any other fruit, you need to eat fresh. However, from this juicy fruit you can cook some dishes.

Carambola Recipes

If you have a lot of carambola in stock, you can cook a lot of healthy and tasty dishes from it.

  1. In China, carambola is used to stuff fish. The fruit is finely chopped, mixed with lemon and other citrus fruits, stuffed with this fish before baking. This filling gives the fish an incredible aroma and sweet and sour taste.
  2. If you mix carambola juice with orange and gelatin, you get very tasty jelly. This dish has found its popularity in Hawaii.
  3. Carambola - a great sauce for meat dishes. It is mixed with chopped celery, horseradish, vinegar and spices.
  4. The sweet and sour taste of carambola juice is often used as salad dressing. The fruit gives an unusual taste to even the most mundane foods.
  5. If carambola is unripe and has not gained sweets, it is successfully used as a vegetable. Vegetable stew is made from carambola, fruit is added to salads, stewed and pickled.
  6. Carambola is not considered an allergen, therefore mashed potatoes from this fruit are often the first to feed Asian babies.

If you have the opportunity to eat carambola - do not give it up. Try a juicy sweet and sour fruit and take advantage of this exotic fruit.

Video: how to eat carambola fruit

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