How to learn to walk beautifully: 3 ways

A beautiful woman’s walk is a sign of emotional balance and self-confidence. It’s easy to learn how to possess your own body, while not seeding and not repeating the movements of men. A harmonious step emphasizes the advantages, gives the body grace and lightness. Confident lady with a beautiful posture catches the eyes of men, makes to look after her. It is not necessary to go to mannequin courses, a podium walk is unlikely to be useful to you in everyday life. Consider important aspects that will help you learn how to walk beautifully at home.

How to learn to walk beautifully

Method number 1. Correct posture

  1. The main feature of a beautiful gait is the presence of proper posture. A flat back, straightened shoulders, a raised chest, an inverted stomach are the key to success. If you can learn to behave in this way, consider that half the work is done.
  2. It is important to understand that posture is a common way of holding both standing and sitting. For this reason, it is necessary to correctly evaluate your own body in front of the mirror.
  3. Press your back against the wall, press the heels, shoulder blades, back of the head, shoulders and buttocks to the surface. After that, step back half a meter, stand in front of the mirror. Remember what the correct posture should be, return to the starting position. Carry out such manipulations 6-7 times a day.
  4. In cases where you have not found the correct posture, try to get rid of the stoop. Prepare a thick book or a bag of fruit / cereal, place on the back of your head, walk around the apartment for 10-15 minutes. Hold the “equipment” so that it does not fall off. After the time has passed, you will notice a change.
  5. Another major feature of correct posture is the state of weightlessness. When you have mastered staging a flat back, curled shoulders, and an abdomen, try to relax. If you keep your body tense, from the outside it will look as if you have swallowed an aspen stake. The compressed muscles are transmitted to the gait, as a result of which the latter will look unaesthetic.

Method number 2. Beautiful walk

  1. After mastering the correct posture, you need to move on to setting the step. You can start training on the way to work or study at home. In the first case, have time so that you have at least half an hour left in stock. Go slowly, follow the movements.
  2. A beautiful gait involves setting the socks in different directions, while the heels are on the same level - a straight line. Do not try to make the eight, like models from the catwalk, in everyday life no one will appreciate it. You should also not pace too broadly, imitating male walking.
  3. Remember once and for all - the foot leads the body, and not vice versa. No need to try to move forward with the body, otherwise the gait will not turn out smooth, since jerks suppress grace. Avoid jumping, which is formed because you sharply get on the heel.

Method number 3. Mastering heels

Mastering heels

  1. After basic knowledge regarding posture and correct gait, you can begin to master walking with heels. A common mistake that girls make is to place their heels apart, with their toes inward. This oversight puts the legs in a wheel, due to which the gait seems to be clubfoot.
  2. In addition to the above error, many girls, for vague reasons, put their foot on the toe first and then on the heel. In turn, such manipulation provokes the grasshopper syndrome: bent knees spoil the whole impression.
  3. In order not to make mistakes, keep your right leg on which the center of gravity is transferred when walking. You should not buy stilettos for study if the calves are not sufficiently inflated. Start small: 6-8 cm. It is enough to master this technique.
  4. After a crescent of regular training, increase the length of the heel, but at the same time, reduce its thickness. Ideally, you should come to stilettos about 10 cm long.
  5. Train at home for half an hour, then start to gradually go out. You can visit the nearest movie theater or go to the grocery store. The main thing to remember is that walking in heels for more than 3 hours a day provokes varicose veins and swelling.

Walking Exercises

  1. Press your heels against the wall, spread your socks to the side, lift your chin up. After that, begin to slowly move away, trying to maintain the original position. Perform 10 approaches, then repeat the same manipulations, but with a heavy book on his head. Do a simple exercise 2-3 times a day.
  2. Many people know that dancing helps to become more graceful, easier. For this reason, it is recommended to master not sports directions, but, for example, a waltz, salsa or tango. Firstly, a sensual partner will be a great addition, and secondly, training will take place quietly and with pleasure.
  3. If it’s not possible to enroll in a dance studio, conduct home classes. For 10-14 days, engage in 1 hour, watching a video on the Internet. Try to perform the movements correctly, do not cheat. After the specified period, put on your heels and start all over again.
  4. Psychological techniques will help to gain a gait. On the day off, put on a beautiful dress and heels, walk around the apartment, drinking tea and doing household chores. It is much better to transform into underwear or a dancer’s costume, such manipulations allow you to relax, feel confident and sexy.

It’s easy to learn how to walk beautifully if you have sufficient knowledge and adhere to simple techniques. Like any other business, there are their own characteristics that must be taken into account. Start practicing in a good mood, repeat the exercises several times daily. Believe in yourself and be irresistible!

Video: how to learn to walk in heels

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