How to learn to walk in heels: useful tips

Heels help girls gain confidence, thereby forgetting about extra pounds or failed staining. This type of shoe is considered to be irreplaceable, well-chosen shoes visually lengthen the legs, give the image femininity and completeness. However, if you step along the boulevard like a grasshopper, this does not look elegant at all. We will consider the important aspects in order and give practical recommendations.

How to quickly learn how to walk in heels

The right choice of shoes

The main feature of walking in high heels is the ability to stay confident. If you initially say “I can’t!”, “Oh God, it’s impossible to learn this!”, Then it will be so. Be patient, pay attention to little things, practice regularly.

  1. An ideal shoe model is considered to be stilettos, the length of which varies between 8-10 cm, but the height of the heel is a purely individual choice. It all depends on personal preferences and foot size.
  2. If we talk about a longer hairpin of the order of 12-15 cm, you will feel uncomfortable. Even girls wearing heels constantly look ugly, pacing in such shoes. For this reason, we recommend immediately abandon such eccentric options.
  3. It is important to understand that shoe models vary widely, even if they seem to be exactly the same. To evaluate shoes correctly, put them on, stand on a level and non-slippery floor, straighten your knees completely. Climb on toes so that about 3-4 cm remain from the heel to the surface.
  4. In cases where it is not possible to tear off the heels by the specified amount, the shoes do not fit, the heel is too high. If you neglect the advice, when walking the knees will be bent, the gait will seem awkward. Be sure to take into account the size, make sure that there is enough space for insoles.
  5. When choosing shoes for training, give preference to sustainable models. The best option is to buy shoes with a square or semicircular heel with a height of about 8 cm.
  6. For girls who have never stood on their heels, shoes with a rounded rather than a pointed toe will be the best option. Otherwise, when walking, you will hook with one toe to the other, losing balance. Of course, in a shoe store your eyes will start to run up, keep yourself in control.
  7. As the first "teacher" it is better to give preference to classic shoes with a closed nose. Open sandals with wide straps, which fix the foot well enough in the ankle area, are also suitable. Such options will prevent the likelihood of injury, since they fit snugly enough to the foot.
  8. After you master the square or semicircular thick heel, you need to learn to maintain balance. For these purposes, shoes with a thin, but not high hairpin about 6 cm long are ideal. At the same time, discard the "slings" shoes, which practically do not provide support.
  9. If there are concerns that it is too early to start walking in heels of a certain shape and length, purchase platform shoes. They allow you to maintain balance on any surface. It is not necessary to buy shoes with a wide base, choose models whose sole narrows gradually.

First steps in heels

First steps in heels

  1. The process of mastering the heels should proceed gradually. Change one shoe with another as you learn. To understand that the time has come to go shopping, you will help the internal state. The next time you try to walk, you will no longer experience discomfort, this will become a signal.
  2. “Home” heels will help you gain experience. As practice shows, girls get used to new shoes in 2-3 hours. You can put on your shoes and start housework, combining one with the other. Besides the fact that you get used to heels, there will be an excellent chance to distribute shoes, having made them much more convenient.
  3. The first thing you need to learn to stand in shoes, as well as walk in them around the house. Only after that you can allow yourself to go to a nightclub with friends or on a date with a gentleman.
  4. Put on your heels, turn to the mirror with one side, then slowly turn the other. Such a move will make it possible to assess posture, if necessary, turn your shoulders, pull in your stomach, raise your chest. It will be better if you immediately put on a dress and do makeup to gain confidence.
  5. After a visual inspection, go “walk” around the apartment. Walk on hard surfaces, avoid slippery floors and soft carpets. At first walking in heels, do not try to bend your knees, do not step with a “male” gait, keep your legs as close to each other as possible.
  6. Do not break your posture, do not stoop. The first 2-3 hours, follow your back, control every step, because right now you are laying the foundation for a further walk. Do not try to learn everything at once, a little later you will feel more confident and stop paying attention to possible shortcomings.
  7. Walk around the room, constantly changing the direction of movement, do not pace the model line. Slowly brake, do not jump, do not push the heel. After you feel confident, being on a hard floor, change the cover, start training anew, with small steps.

Heels Walking Technique

There are important features that will help you to walk in heels smoothly and gracefully.

Heels Walking Technique

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that the steps should be short, and the feet are guided strictly along one line, not to the sides. Put the heel on the surface first, then transfer the weight to the toe, do everything quickly, do not jump. If you feel uncomfortable, reduce the length of the step.
  2. Arms out to maintain balance, do not “peck” your nose into the ground, keep your chin up. In cases where there is no certainty when walking, avoid slippery or wet surfaces, do not walk on gravel, lawn, sand or pavement covered with ice.
  3. There are often situations when at the beginning of training girls lose their balance and fall. No need to restore balance, usually this leads to a fracture or dislocation. Learn to fall correctly, escaping with embarrassment and, in extreme cases, a slight bruise.
  4. Experienced experts unanimously say that you can’t walk in heels for more than 5 hours a day. At the same time, it does not matter if you just mastered the technique or have long known the beauty of such shoes. For ankle pain, remove your shoes and let your feet rest.
  5. Try to master the model walk by standing in front of the mirror. Cross one leg with the other, seductively shaking your hips, while not trying to pace too wide. Perform simple manipulations 15-20 minutes a day, then proceed to the next step. Put a bottle of water on the floor, try to lift it, squatting. Keep your knees together, stand up gracefully.
  6. When wearing high heels, it is difficult to get used to the tilt of the foot caused by a similar value. Perform the exercise daily: sit on the edge of the sofa, raise your feet on your toes, linger in this position for 15 seconds, lower your heels. Perform another 15-20 approaches, optionally replace the technique with walking around the apartment on toes.

Baby Step Exercise

The technique includes a number of features, but it is in addition to the basic technique of teaching walking with heels.

  1. Do not try to take a wide step and at the same time look elegant. Start with small, children's steps, most importantly, do not bend your knees.Soon you will realize that steps are automatically shortened due to the height of the heel.
  2. Do not lower the heel and toe at the same time. Observing the technique of walking in heels, you will notice that after the heel the weight is transferred to the fingertips. It is at this moment that you need to step further, as if you are moving on toes.
  3. Put your legs closer together. To achieve this and not to correct your gait constantly, put on a pencil skirt or a tight-fitting dress that will tighten your hips. Such frauds will help to achieve a model gait, when the models walk on the catwalk, putting one foot forward the other.
  4. Stand in such a way that the heel of the right foot is in the middle of the sole of the left. At the same time, keep the angle between the shoes the size of a fist. Now transfer the body weight of the hind leg to the tips of the fingers, wait about 10 seconds. After that, repeat the same with the front foot. Such a move helps to strike a balance.

What you should pay attention to

Having started training on mastering heels, adhere to practical recommendations that will help you feel confident in any situation.

Practical Heel Walking Recommendations

  1. Constantly change direction, do household chores while in shoes: wash dishes, vacuum, iron. Such manipulations will make you forget about discomfort, in addition, from a male point of view, it looks extremely sexy.
  2. Master different types of coverings: go down to the yard, walk around the house, walk on the carpet. Surely you have to walk on a slippery tile when you are fully finished training.
  3. Girls wear high heels when heading to a nightclub. If you plan to dance in new shoes, first work out the movements at home. Turn on club music, make short jumps, turns, steps. Take your time, dance in slow motion, gradually increasing it.
  4. More than once you have to walk upstairs in new shoes, so this skill needs to be worked out. Climb up and down the stairs, staying closer to the railing. First, rely on them, then gradually release your hands. When lifting, put only the sole of the shoe on the step, and during the descent, rely on both the heel and the toe.
  5. Go out in heels to the nearest supermarket or park, walk with your child or friends near the house. The asphalt surface is fraught with many surprises, small pebbles and strive to get under the heel. You need to gradually get used to the "street" atmosphere.
  6. Go shopping with a tall trolley. Such a move will help maintain balance if the coating is slippery. Be careful when you return home with bags, they will pull you to the ground, as a result of which you may injure your leg.

Like any other business, walking in heels has its own characteristics that must be considered. Adhere to the basic technique and practical recommendations, pay attention to posture. Do not take too wide steps, choose the right shoes for training.

Video: how to quickly learn to walk in heels

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