How to register disability for a bedridden pensioner

The state officially guarantees pensioners in need of money and medical assistance good payments, free rehabilitation and many other useful and necessary things. People who have had to deal with a bureaucratic system know that it is very difficult to win well-deserved benefits. Endless commissions, signatures, stamps and lines. And then how can a lying pensioner go through all circles of a bureaucratic hell and fill out disability?

How to register disability for a bedridden pensioner

First step: direction

Relatives or people who are not indifferent to the fate of a pensioner will be engaged in the design of the group. For a person who will have to contact representatives of the bureaucratic system, it is recommended to write a power of attorney giving him the right to put signatures and submit applications on behalf of a lying pensioner. The notary must certify this paper so that officials and members of the commission do not have objections and questions. The procedure is inexpensive and will not take much time, but it will save your nerves.

With a power of attorney, a pensioner's passport and his medical card, the relative is sent to the therapist. If the patient has recently suffered a stroke, and there are already forecasts for his rehabilitation and further condition, you can go to your doctor.

The specialist is obliged to study all the extracts, and then give a stack of directions to the pensioner:

  1. We took feces, blood and urine tests necessary for biochemical studies.
  2. They made an ECG and an EEG for a bed patient.
  3. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray and additional tests.

Older people who do not get out of bed need extra hygiene products like diapers or diapers. This aspect is discussed with the doctor during the consultation. The specialist must write down on the patient's card what hygiene items the patient needs. It is important to know the size of the pensioner and the number of items, be sure to make sure that the doctor does not forget to indicate them on paper.

Some specialists may refuse to write out directions to save budget funds. The law does not oblige doctors to reason their decision in writing, but a relative of a lying patient has the right to file a complaint against an unscrupulous doctor. It is recommended to write a statement addressed to the head physician, in which they indicate that a particular specialist prevents obtaining benefits and paperwork. If it does not work, go directly to the court and demand fair punishment or compensation.

Second step: communication with the commission

The doctor turned out to be a responsive and understanding person, without any nit-picking, he issued all the forms and explained where to go next. They should come to a lying pensioner home and take all the tests in the presence of a trustee.

Important: Relatives are advised to be present when taking blood and other fluids so that the medical staff treat the elderly person politely and professionally.

While laboratory assistants conduct research and fill out forms, documents should be collected with which patients or their representatives are sent to a forensic examination. Bureaucrats sitting in their offices find fault with every little thing. You have to spend a lot of nerves and time to prove that a pensioner:

  1. Disabled due to stroke, injury or serious illness.
  2. He cannot cook his own food, take a shower without assistance and satisfy other biological needs, is immobilized and is constantly in a lying position.
  3. An elderly person needs social care and state support in order to take a course of recovery and rehabilitation in order to alleviate the condition.

The commission finds fault with every word and analysis, carefully checks the package of documents, so you can not forget anything. It is recommended to collect in several copies:

  1. Copies of all labor books of the elderly person, on which the notary's seals should be.
  2. Inquiries from the last place of work, and sometimes the penultimate one, if necessary.
  3. The cause of disability was a disease associated with professional activities? Or did a pensioner get a serious injury at the workplace? It is important to provide the commission with official confirmation and form H1.
  4. In the hospital, a relative preparing documents must be given an outpatient card against signature. You can transfer the original to ITU or make copies, but then it is imperative to assure them.
  5. Bureaucrats will not accept the application unless they receive a photocopy of the pensioner's passport. Sometimes they are allowed to submit other official documents confirming the identity of the elderly person, but it is better not to risk it. There is very little time to submit all the papers, and each delay can lead to a re-examination and retake of the tests.
  6. Be sure to attach to other documents a special statement and referral to ITU. A form for him will have to be bought on his own.

When the results of examinations and conclusions of highly specialized doctors are ready, the authorized person makes photocopies just in case and adds them to the rest of the papers. It remains to stand in line and submit a package of prepared documents, not forgetting to grab a notarized power of attorney so that there are no claims.

Relatives are advised not to count on a warm welcome, but to prepare in advance for a thorough interrogation. Based on the results of an alternative “interview”, a date will be set when the commission arrives at the pensioner and draws up a protocol.

It is important to have time to submit an application and go through all bureaucratic obstacles within 10 days from the moment of receiving the results of the analyzes. If a person does not have time, they are canceled, and everything starts anew.

Tip: It is recommended to check with the doctor who is writing out the directions who to contact with a full package of documents: to him or to the head doctor. They ask in advance so as not to waste valuable time standing idle in queues for coupons and under the specialist’s office.

Third step: waiting

The date is set immediately after the adoption of the documents. Representatives of the commission file photocopies in the case, returning the originals to the relative, and say what day they will come to the pensioner. By law, proof of disability must occur within a month.

Three or four people, usually doctors, come to the bed patient home. An examination can also be carried out during hospitalization, then they will visit a pensioner in a hospital ward. The commission is accompanied by a secretary who records all actions and conclusions, and then enters the data into the register. Documents are attached to the case to justify the registration of disability.

Official proxies are allowed to attend the examination of the patient. It usually doesn’t take too much time, because ITU representatives already have the basic data. Within 2-3 months, a certificate is issued to the pensioner, if his application was accepted, or a refusal is sent.

Disability was not given, but did not substantiate the decision in writing? Recommend to require official paper. You can go to court and file a case with the document, but oral arguments cannot be used to win the case.

A disability certificate is recommended to be laminated, because with it you will have to go through the second round of a bureaucratic hell called regional social protection. This authority accepts all documents, including an individual rehabilitation program, which is also issued by ITU. Social protection is responsible for the benefits of a lying elderly person, but not for pensions. Usually its dimensions remain unchanged.

You can contact the Pension Fund with questions, where they will explain everything in detail.
With a positive decision of the commission, premiums, free medicines and hygiene products, as well as other statutory benefits, a lay pensioner receives after 3-6 months.

Negative decision

After an additional examination of an elderly patient, ITU representatives refused to assign him disability? If there are no obvious reasons for the negative decision, and the relatives are sure that the pensioner should receive benefits, they recommend that you contact the very state agency that submitted the application.

The official representative writes a complaint, which is considered for 30 days, and then form a new commission. A pensioner has the right to be examined by independent doctors if he does not trust ITU. But all the actions of specialists must be recorded, otherwise there will be regular claims and reasons for refusal.

A negative decision is subject to appeal in court. When choosing a competent lawyer, you can achieve a positive decision. It is important to submit a full package of documents and all references. If possible, bring witnesses. But they recommend filing a lawsuit to people who are confident in the diagnosis, because a negative court decision cannot be appealed or changed.

Bureaucratic subtleties

The amount of benefits for bedridden patients depends on the group assigned to the elderly patient. If doctors come to the conclusion that his condition is irreversible, then in the future it will not be necessary to confirm disability every 1-2 years. Otherwise, relatives will be forced to undergo an examination, collect documents and constantly prove that the pensioner is entitled to benefits under the law.

An elderly patient with a disability is provided with free medicines, hygiene products, hearing aids, orthopedic shoes, strollers and other medical equipment that the patient needs. A pensioner is treated in a hospital 1-2 times a year, if necessary. All the details are discussed with representatives of the commission or a doctor.

Domestic bureaucrats are trying to find a reason for refusal, carefully checking information and references. They meticulously question relatives and the pensioner himself, looking for an excuse. But experts recommend insisting and achieving the required benefits, because a person who has given youth and health to the state deserves respect and material support.

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