How to refuse sweet and starchy foods

Sweets and butter products bring a lot of joy to people of all categories. Fragrant buns and chocolate are associated with warmth, cozy gatherings and a good mood. However, there is a flip side to the coin, which is the negative impact of flour and sweets on the human body. Who can refuse a piece of fresh cake or a bar of French chocolate? For most people, this kind of addiction creates an insoluble problem.

How to refuse sweet and starchy foods

Why do you want to eat sweets and flour

There is a medical point of view that fully reveals the reasons for craving for sweets and pastries. Before dealing with a "addictive" addiction, study important aspects.

  1. Chromium, which is contained in the body in a metered amount, is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. The element controls the level of glucose in the blood, its lack leads to the desire to eat something sweet.
  2. Not many people know that intellectually busy people experience a huge sugar deficit. 20% of energy is allocated to brain work, and her body takes from glucose. If you work hard, be prepared for the fact that the craving for sweets will not disappear.
  3. To increase the desire to eat a bun or a piece of chocolate can constant exposure to stress, apathy, changeable mood. Often, a person prefers to “seize” sweets and flour products with an emotional decline.
  4. Girls during menstruation experience a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Hence the desire to eat chocolate to make up for the deficit. In this case, you should not deny yourself pleasure, since all glucose obtained will come out with blood.
  5. Some people abuse sweets from childhood, a habit of this kind is difficult to eradicate. Parents treat the child with a treat as a reward for good behavior, education, etc. The habit passes into a conscious life.
  6. I want to eat chocolate or a bun for those people who often sit on strict diets and have a disturbed metabolism. As they say, the forbidden fruit is sweet. The more you limit yourself to the pleasure of eating sweets, the more you want to break the taboo.
  7. People who suffer from low blood pressure (hypotension) often want to use sweets to increase blood flow to the brain. The same situation is observed in patients with recent concussion and osteochondrosis. With such diseases, the brain does not receive enough oxygen and, as a result, blood supply.

What is the abuse of sweet and starchy

Sweets and buns can cause significant harm to the body. In order not to find health problems, study what uncontrolled zhor leads to.

So, the following consequences are observed:

  • insomnia;
  • apathy, chronic fatigue, general malaise;
  • in rare cases, an increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees;
  • decreased immune function;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • high blood pressure (hypertensive patients should be especially careful);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • reproduction of yeast bacteria and fungus in the intestine;
  • slowing down the metabolic processes of the body;
  • diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis

Is it possible to completely refuse sweets

The country's greatest minds, working in the field of good nutrition and dietetics, argue that it is impossible to completely abandon sugar. In this case, the exclusion of sweets will lead to a lack of hemoglobin and a violation of blood coagulation.

In order not to harm the body, you need to constantly maintain a supply of energy or look for alternatives to chocolate products. Otherwise, human performance will decrease, problems with the activity of all internal organs will begin.

When solving the problem, you should not completely abandon sweets, flour can be excluded. The main thing is to control the amount of consumed chocolate (sweets, etc.). In an adult, the proportion of sugar in the diet that is acceptable for consumption should not exceed 5%.

What will happen if you refuse sweet and flour

After refusing uncontrolled consumption of sweets, you will notice positive changes in the body.

What will happen if you refuse sweet and flour

  1. Refusal of sweets and flour products will improve memory, enhance brain activity and physical endurance. It is scientifically proven that sweet tooth damage the brain, because the level of harmful carbohydrates in the body goes off scale.
  2. If you give up sweets in a timely manner, but forever forget about problems with the skin. You no longer have to apply masks for acne, purulent acne and rashes, wrinkles. Harmful carbohydrates contribute to the rapid aging of the skin and the slowed down production of collagen fibers.
  3. Changes in the functioning of the vascular system and heart muscle are noticed. These groups begin to act in concert, excluding the development of complex diseases. So, the risk of death from diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke is reduced. It is precisely to these conclusions that the learned cardiologists came.
  4. Girls who monitor their weight and seek to lose weight should exclude sweets from the diet. So you will keep the figure in good shape, and also get rid of extra centimeters. For 1 month, you can lose about 2-4 kg., And you do not need to exclude other familiar dishes.

How to reduce cravings for eating flour

  1. First of all, you need to find a decent motivation for yourself. Sit down and think about why you want to give up flour products. Most often, people come to this conclusion because of health problems and being overweight. Look for incentive, hang motivational posters.
  2. Find a hobby that will take up all your free time. People eat buns or bread because they have nothing to do. Sign up for a gym or computer courses, start attending the pool or dance section.
  3. When walking around the supermarket, do not pick up buns so as not to store them at home in the future. So you will be too lazy to go to the store for pastry, when there is a desire to eat flour.
  4. As soon as you feel that you are no longer able to endure, abruptly change your occupation. For example, you watched a series. Stand up, swing the abs or squat. Take a hot bath with herbs, go for a walk, eat yogurt.
  5. If the rejection of flour products has passed because you want to lose weight, keep a diary. Write in it all your achievements (how many days you refrain from flour, etc.), review notes periodically.
  6. In rare cases, cravings for flour products are caused by dehydration. Normalize water balance. Drink at least 2 liters. fluids daily. Supplement it with freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.
  7. Foods high in protein can relieve cravings for flour. Include lean meats, eggs, hard and soft cheeses, whole milk, cereals and legumes, vegetables.

How to reduce your cravings for sweets

How to reduce your cravings for sweets

  1. The most effective way to refuse sweets is to comply with the daily intake of carbohydrates. It is necessary to make a diet so that they accounted for 45% of the daily allowance.If you consume 1300 Kcal per day, then 600 of them are given to complex carbohydrates (cereals, beans, lean meat, sweet fruits, etc.).
  2. Do not neglect the morning meal. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water with lemon juice, and after half an hour, start your meal. For breakfast, it is better to choose oatmeal and porridge, cottage cheese or a sandwich with diet bread and soft soft cheese. Morning meals will start the metabolism and protect you from a lack of carbohydrates.
  3. Take the habit of eating fractionally. Do not skip meals, eat every 4 hours. Between the main meals take snacks (nuts, vegetables, fruits, cereals). The portion should have a size in the range of 250-300 gr.
  4. As mentioned earlier, a small amount of sugar is necessary for the human body. Do not give up sweets completely, eat everything, but little by little. Another option will lead to frustrations and a bad mood.
  5. Switch to proper nutrition, it is necessary to maintain insulin at the optimum level. Replace chocolates with foods that are similar in energy value (candied fruits, nuts, etc.).
  6. If you really want to eat something sweet, choose the right time for a meal. Desserts are consumed until the first half of the day, it is during these hours that carbohydrates are transformed into energy, not fats. Especially valuable is the recommendation for those who want to lose weight.
  7. People who lead an active lifestyle and play sports can eat sweets every day. In this case, consume 3 cubes of dark chocolate 1-2 hours before exercise. During training, you will burn calories gained.
  8. As soon as you feel that you cannot control yourself, lean on the fruit. Always have bananas, apples, pears, citruses at home. Any seasonal berries also work.

The desire to eat chocolate or baking appears for various reasons. Most often, people “jam” negative emotions with these products, so try to avoid stress. Fill the diet so that it contains similar dishes with complex carbohydrates.

Video: how to give up sweets and lose 4 kg in three weeks

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