How to open dried nail polish: 3 ways

Today, manufacturers produce a diverse palette of colors for every taste and budget. However, many girls prefer to be content with one shade and do not change it. Very often, a bottle of varnish dries at the most inopportune moment, which puts beautiful ladies in an awkward position. Soon it's time to go to the event, and the nails have not yet been painted up. Do not get upset, consider an effective technology for solving an urgent problem.

How to open dried nail polish

Hot water

  1. Before you start a full-blown operation, try a simple technique. Turn on hot water so that it flows with high pressure. Put on rubber gloves and grab a bottle in your hand. Quickly place the neck (drying place) under the tap, then wrap the tube with a towel. Try to unscrew the cover, in cases with a slight hardening, these measures will be enough.
  2. If the first technology was unsuccessful, use the following recommendations. Turn on the hot water so that it flows in a thin stream. Put on tight rubber gloves, take a jar of varnish in your hand. Substitute a cover under a stream of water, wait about 2 minutes. Throughout the procedure, slowly turn the tube so that it warms up evenly. Make sure that hot water does not fall on the glass container, otherwise the varnish will dry in the bottle itself. As in the previous case, wipe the lid with a towel and try to unscrew the tube. Under the influence of high temperatures, plastics will expand a little, due to which the lid will be more free to "sit" on the neck.

Rubber Bands

In most cases, the problem with opening the varnish is the thinness of the lid. I can’t grab it in such a way as to scroll it hard enough. The usual stationery elastic bands for banknotes will help to correct the situation. Twist them in half, put them on your fingers, then tightly wrap them around the bottle cap. If necessary, use a few pieces to get a tight grip. You can open even those bottles that are equipped with a sharp and thin cap.

Nail polish remover

Sometimes it happens that after painting the nails, the ladies do not completely close the tube. Soon, it turns on its side, the contents flow out and clog the area where the lid and neck connect. Because of this, it becomes problematic to open the bottle, here it is necessary to use several stages.

First, open the hot water, set up a thin stream. Put on protective rubber gloves, place the tube under water, wait about 1.5 minutes. After that, pour pure acetone into the container or use the product in which it is present. Lower the varnish lid into a bowl so that the joint is tightly covered, wait about half an hour. In order not to pour a lot of funds, put the bottle on its side, periodically turn it over.

When the dried varnish softens, remove the excess with a sharp object around which gauze is wound. Suitable nail scissors or a kitchen knife. Now turn the tube upside down, pour acetone into the hole between the cap and the bottle, wait at least 10 minutes, periodically pour the composition. At the end of the term, try unscrewing the tube, if necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Preventive actions

When you managed to open the varnish in one of the above ways, prevent its subsequent solidification. Unscrew the tube, dampen a cotton cloth (do not use cosmetic discs) in acetone / nail polish remover. Process the neck of the bottle so that there are no traces left on it. Repeat the procedure until the thread is clean.After all manipulations, wipe the neck with a dry cloth.

Now process the inside of the cover. Pour acetone into it, wait 5 minutes and pour it. Pour again, dip a cotton swab there and clean the threads well from the inside. At the end of the operation, rinse the lid with clean nail polish remover and tighten it in place.

Do not leave the tube with varnish in the half-open state in the hope that the lid will not stick in the future. In this way, you will only contribute to the rapid drying of the contents.

Do not resort to mechanical methods of exposure, which involve the use of sharp objects. Do not attempt to rip off the cover with a knife, scissors, screwdriver or pliers. By making such an attempt, you will only ruin the thread. Do not beat the bottle with varnish on the table, the technique is effective in the case of homemade pickles, but not with cosmetics.

Video: what to do if the nail polish is thickened or withered

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