How to distinguish real perfumes from fakes: 10 ways

Modern society does not differ in moral principles, for this reason many manufacturing companies produce low-quality products. The so-called counterfeit products can be found on shelves with cosmetics and perfumes of famous brands. At the same time, sellers unanimously reiterate that you are holding original products in your hands. Since the cost of such instances is quite high, it is important to be vigilant in time. How to distinguish fake perfumes from real ones? Let's try to figure it out together.

How to distinguish real perfumes from fakes

Step number 1. Perfume Information

Before you go shopping, look at the information about the perfume you want to purchase. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the information on the manufacturer's website. As a rule, firms give clear data regarding their products (where the barcode is located, lot number, etc.).

Optionally, you can read reviews on the Internet and watch a video review. At the last, the bottle, packaging, logo, hologram, protective tape, etc. are clearly shot. Remember everything you see.

If possible, make a print screen on your phone or print. It is important that at the time of purchase you can verify the bottle in your hands with what you found on the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to verify not the probe, but the bottle that you are going to buy.

Step number 2. Polyethylene film

Perfume, made in Italy, France and other leading countries for the production of chic aromas, is packed in cellophane film. It should not be too dense or, conversely, thin. Polyethylene tightly adheres to a cardboard box, does not wrinkle with folds, does not wrinkle. Cellophane is stretched so that in the end it does not creep along the package, deforming in the corners and bottom.

The original perfume has an even seam, which is located at the back or side of the cardboard packaging. To bend, you need to use a heating method similar to how packages are sealed in hypermarkets. For this reason, the seam is very thin and neat, not more than 0.5 cm wide. If you see that the ends of the cellophane are glued together, there is a fake in front of you.

A round or square paper stamp is usually glued to the seam. It is important to remember forever that some eminent perfume manufacturers, such as Hugo Boss, Сlinique, Shiseido, etc. do not fundamentally seal a cardboard box with cellophane.

Step number 3. Cardboard box

A typical sign of fake perfume is a gray cardboard box. Pay attention, first of all, to the shade. The original perfume is located in a package of snow-white, pale pink or pale blue cardboard. Branded boxes do not have stickers; the logo is pressed into the cavity of the cardboard.

After visual inspection, touch the package, it should be tight. To the touch, such products resemble delicate velvet, since manufacturers use high-end cardboard. In the case of a fake, the packaging will have uneven edges, it will literally rustle under the fingers.

In cases where you often fly abroad, where you buy yourself a quality perfume, do not throw away packaging from it. In the future, you can determine the fake if you decide to purchase goods in a Russian boutique. The same applies to duty free products.

Step number 4. Package and lettering design.

When you visited the website of the manufacturer of this or that perfume, you probably specified in which place the inscriptions should be located, which letters are in bold, etc. Also, you made print screens with which you purchased the products. Do not be lazy to check the information from the site with the information on the package, being directly in the store.

Package and lettering design.

The information should affect the volume of the bottle, composition, place of procurement and packaging. In cases where the manufacturer's website assures that its products are only available in 30 ml. and 100 ml., and they try to “suck in” goods with a volume of 50 ml., the last option is a fake.

Pay attention to the name of the perfume. Often typos are made on fake packaging, an extra letter is inserted, or the word is changed. Such a move helps fraudsters evade responsibility for falsifying perfumes. Allegedly, the name is different, despite the similar appearance.

The original packaging has clear labels, the contours are clearly visible. A fake is often equipped with smudges, poorly readable words. In this case, the color reproduction of the original from the copy is significantly different. In the first case, it is saturated, bright, in the second - faded with floating transitions.

Many copies contain a line with the names of the cities “Paris-Madrid-London”. It is important to remember that the original inscription consists only of a line like “Made in France” or “Made in Italy”, and not the banal “France” or “Italy”.

The original packaging is engraved in a smaller print than a fake. The round icon with an arrow on the copy is drawn the other way around (down arrow), and should be an up arrow.

If perfumes are officially delivered to the Russian Federation, they are thoroughly tested. On the label there is a GOST certificate, barcode, expiration date, address of the manufacturer. In this case, the barcode has a different marking. For example, Italy is indicated by numbers from 80 to 83, Spain - 84, France - 30-37.

Step number 5. Inner cardboard box

The cavity of the box has an integrated structure of white cardboard. Such a "construction" does not allow the bottle to fidget from side to side during transportation, storage. Fake packages are made of cheap gray cardboard, because they are still not visible on the window and outside when viewed.

If it is not possible to evaluate the inside of the vial, shake the sealed packaging. The bottle inside should not hang from side to side. Noise will be minimal without rumbling.

Step number 6. Bottle

By packaging, you can determine only the very bottoms of fake perfumes, which are most often produced in the UAE and China. If the cardboard box did not raise suspicion, it makes sense to consider the bottle directly. To do this, contact the seller consultant to unpack the cardboard box. Do not be shy, the procedure can be carried out without violating the aesthetic appearance of the package.

The original bottle is made of completely transparent glass without smudges, irregularities, errors in casting, changes in shade, small bubbles in the cavity of the bottle. High-quality perfume is bottled in handmade bottles. Often, a metal plate is attached to the bottom of the container with engraved information about the country of manufacture, batch number, expiration date, etc.

Inspect the labels, the letters on the copies are not at the same level, they can be half-erased or fuzzy. While the original has a clear inscription that you can’t find fault with. It is important to remember forever: if the shape of the bottle is unusual, it will be quite difficult to fake. Wanting to get a genuine product, compare the bottle of perfume purchased with the image on the site or a tester in a perfume boutique.

Step number 7. Perfume Color

Perfume Color
After visual inspection of the vial, evaluate the color of the liquid. As a rule, perfumes can be dark yellow and fawn. In some cases, manufacturers vary the shade of the liquid with dyes.The result is a pinkish, bluish, greenish or lilac hue. However, if you notice that the perfume has a rich color, there are chemical impurities in it. Too bright tones are characteristic of fakes.

Step number 8. Bottle cap

You may not even pay attention to the lid, but it best describes the fake. Perfume bottle designers usually patent the plastic from which the cap is made. For this reason, the accessory is perfectly flat, with no burrs or unnecessary bulges. Fake, on the contrary, has flaws. It can contain creases, bumps, the weight of the products is very light, it looks cheap.

Step number 9. Spray

At the original perfume, the atomizer is tightly attached to the bottle, it does not scroll, it is performed in accordance with the general design. Pay attention to the metal rim located under the sprayer. Make sure that the element does not scroll around its axis, does not “walk” from side to side. An ideally executed element sits quite rigidly on the bottle. It is known that the first 2-3 clicks do not spray the composition. This is because the fluid is pumping through the tube. After the release of air that has collected in the cavity during assembly, the perfume is freely atomized.

Step number 10. Series and lot number

Company perfume has an engraved series and lot number, usually consisting of a combination of numbers and letters. At the same time, inscriptions are made both on a cardboard box, and on the bottle itself. It is important that the instructions are not on the glued label, but on the products themselves (glass, cardboard). The ciphers on the bottle and packaging must match.

If you doubt the authenticity of the products, ask the seller for a quality certificate. According to the law, stores are required to provide it without explanation. When the original certificate is in your hands, carefully inspect the seal. It should be wet, slightly smeared, and not copied or painted.

To distinguish the original print from the fake, rotate the certificate at an obtuse angle. If it is printed on a printer ("Photoshop"), then in the hands of a fake certificate. The original print stands out on the paper, slightly protruding.

Practical recommendations

It is quite difficult to distinguish the original perfume from the copy, even despite the above information. Here are a few tips to help you choose quality products.

  1. Do not listen to sales consultants who claim that the perfume was licensed in Poland, India or China. French and Italian manufacturers never issue licenses; they create perfumes only in their own country. Production technology was not disclosed.
  2. Well-established manufacturing companies only in rare cases produce the so-called 10-15 ml probes. At the same time, perfume brands do not deliver products in pen-spray bottles to store shelves, with the exception of Salvador Dali.
  3. When it comes to French perfumes, world leaders pay due attention to the word "parfum". That is how they write, without the letter “e” at the end of the word (“parfume”). If you see a typo, do not purchase the product, it is fake.

It is difficult enough to distinguish the original perfume from a well-made copy. First of all, inspect the plastic film, box, internal structure. Pay due attention to the bottle, lid, atomizer. Examine the labels and certificates, evaluate the shade of the liquid.

Video: how to distinguish quality perfume

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