How to stop biting your fingernails: useful tips

It is often believed that only children bite the nails. But this is not so. Among adults, there are also many people who from time to time succumb to this bad habit and bite their nails. This is a very bad addiction that can cause serious illness. A huge amount of germs and dirt accumulates under the nails. And when a person bites his nails, all this pathogenic garbage enters through the mouth directly into the body. Besides the fact that the habit is harmful to health, biting nails are a very deplorable sight. Shredded, gnawed at the root, sometimes bloody and flaky nails are far from an aesthetic ideal. That is why you need to get rid of the habit, and as soon as possible. But first, let's try to figure out the reasons for this behavior.

How to stop biting your fingernails

Why does a man bite his nails

Many attribute this behavior to a habit that he always did, and now, with pleasure, biting his nails. But before, people used to write in their pants and did not know how to speak. But over time, he learned a lot and does not commit more stupid acts. So why is the habit of biting your nails left? Why can't adults consciously stop in their actions?

  1. The most common reason for this behavior is neurological. Often a person bites his nails in a state if he is worried, depressed, worried. Someone in such moments smokes, someone bites his nails - this is normal. But in order to unlearn such a habit, you need to have seeds with you for such a moment. Something extraordinary happened, not pulling your hands in your mouth, but get the seeds. And the hands are whole, and the mouth is busy.
  2. Some people bite their nails when they think about something important. In such cases, they usually bite the nails on the machine, waking up already when all the fingers have become bitten and gnawed.
  3. If keratin deficiency is observed in the body, this can lead to the habit of biting nails, especially in a child. Eat more carrots to make up for this deficiency.
  4. Very often, nails bite from idleness. If this is exactly your case, you need not to be bored, but to find a favorite business that will occupy all your free time.
  5. Often, women begin to bite their nails to get rid of minor imperfections. Here the burr jumped out, a piece of the nail broke. This is annoying, and the woman tries to gnaw a piece of the nail, hoping to correct the situation. But, often, exacerbates it, making it even worse.

In addition to the fact that along with nibbled nails, a huge number of microbes enter the body, this habit can forever deprive you of the beauty of nails. Constantly gnawed nails change the shape of the nail plate. It becomes wide and short. In addition, the structure of the nail itself worsens - it becomes loose, brittle and thin. Often this is accompanied by a damaged and painful cuticle, frequent burrs. If you constantly bite your nails, the situation needs to be changed, and as soon as possible.

How to stop biting your fingernails

  1. In women, the following method works almost 100%. Go to the beauty salon and make yourself a quality manicure. You will just be sorry to gnaw such beauty, and each time you will pull yourself. In addition, the amount of the procedure will not allow you to return your nails to their previous state. Let the manicure on your nails be constant so that you do not want to enjoy your nails again. And if you make the extension with acrylic or gel, you definitely will not want to bite such a solid material.
  2. Try to be less nervous, take time to relax. Do relaxing baths, go for a massage, listen to calm music. In this case, you don’t want to reach your mouth with your fingers.
  3. If you want to nibble something in critical and stressful moments, you can use seeds, a toothpick, a match, fruits, nuts for this.
  4. Women need to constantly carry a nail file and nail scissors. This will help to respond in time if the nail suddenly breaks or a burr appears.
  5. Before you bring your fingers to your mouth, think about those pathogenic microbes that can cause the appearance of worms and worms in your body. And the larvae of these worms are most likely located under your nails.
  6. Occupy yourself at the moment when boredom comes to you. You can do household chores, sit on social networks, read a book, eat, take a walk with friends.
  7. Argue with one of your friends that you can not bite your nails for a while. Material values ​​can sometimes be powerful motivation.
  8. In order to remember each time about your difficult struggle with a bad habit, you need to put a ring on your finger or just tie a red thread. When your fingers reach into your mouth, a bright object will remind you that you can’t bite your nails. In this case, you need to show will and abandon the momentary desire.

People with this bad habit have bitten nails with a lot of wounds and sores. The hands of such a person can be seen from afar - they look disgusting. It becomes especially unpleasant if their owner is a charming woman or a pretty girl. A person who bites his nails often seems to be all nervous, cowardly, silent, clogged and unsure of himself. Are you such a person? Well of course not! And you need to prove it with beautiful and well-groomed nails! But what if the youngest members of your family bite your nails?

How to wean a child from biting nails

Since ancient times, our grandmothers have known a lot of tips on how to wean a child from nail biting. They smeared their fingers with garlic, pepper, iodine and even brilliant green. You can spread the fingers of a child with a solution of chloramphenicol. It is very bitter and leaves a long aftertaste. Having tried these fingers once, the child will not want to pull them into his mouth for a long time.

How to wean a child from biting nails

Among modern products, a special nail polish can be noted. It is applied to the nails, like a regular varnish, dries and stays on them for a long time. As soon as the baby puts his fingers to his mouth, he will feel an unpleasant bitter taste that cannot be tolerated. He is unlikely to want to try a “treat” a second time.

Neurologists say that the habit of biting a child’s nails is associated with nervous experiences. Think about what happened in the baby that could put him out of balance. However, remember that a child’s problems can be as serious as yours. He may be as worried about a lost toy as you are because of problems at work.

You should not scold and pull the child if he bites his nails, otherwise the habit will only intensify. You need to gently offer the crumbs to play new games, draw, that is, take it.

If a teenager bites his nails, talk to him. Say that bitten nails look untidy and ugly. The girl can be invited to do the first manicure. Give the boy a jubilee penny or expander to help him take his hands when his fingers reach out to his mouth. To remind you can seal the nails with a plaster. After a few days, when the habit is uprooted, the patch will not be needed.

Biting the nails on the hands is not only very harmful and dangerous, but also insanely ugly. A man with nibbled nails will not be interviewed and is unlikely to appeal to members of the opposite sex. If you bite your nails, you need to get rid of it urgently. Pull yourself together and get rid of the terrible habit forever.

Video: how to stop biting your nails

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