How to increase concentration: 8 ways

His business and personal sphere of life depends on how well a person knows how to concentrate on tasks. No matter how incredible talent you have, everything will go down the drain if you can’t concentrate on business. Experienced psychologists advise paying attention not only to the psycho-emotional background, but also to external stimuli. To increase concentration, it is enough to follow practical tips. Let's talk about everything in order.

How to increase concentration

Method number 1. Tidy up the workplace

  1. In order to eliminate the root of the problem, it is important to keep the workspace clean and delimited. Learn to send to the trash everything that you no longer need. You should not copy Plyushkina who stores unnecessary things in boxes.
  2. Tidy the desktop, place on it only the paper necessary for the job. Remove varnishes and nail files, leave the stapler, pens, seals and other necessary (!) Tools. Otherwise, the blockage will attract the eye, causing you to disperse and then concentrate again.
  3. Psychologists have concluded that after losing concentration, a person needs at least a quarter of an hour to regain attention. If you are distracted by the phone or intrusive colleagues, you will spend a lot of time on further collecting yourself “on alert”.

Method number 2. Get your thoughts together

  1. Many people cannot concentrate on the main thing, because they constantly have thoughts in their head about pressing problems (difficulties in the family, lack of money, quarrels with colleagues, etc.).
  2. It is important to understand that the brain cannot think of several completely opposite things at the same time. Thus, you "force" your body, subjecting it to tremendous stress.
  3. The recommendation refers to the first advice, with only one clarification - distinguish between problems that are not related to work and the assignment. That is, if you need to make a monthly report, think only about it.
  4. It is extremely difficult for some people to get rid of extraneous thoughts if a tragedy really happened (loss of a loved one, divorce, betrayal, dismissal, etc.). You need to take a half-hour break and relax. A great option is meditation or sleep. You can just sit in silence with your eyes closed.

Method number 3. Go in for sports

Sports to increase concentration

  1. The recommendation is especially relevant in cases where a person works mentally. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, combine brainstorming with light exercise.
  2. Once an hour, take 10 or 15 minutes of rest, do exercises, pull yourself up, squat. At the same time, try to concentrate only on breathing and muscle tension, throw away thoughts about work.
  3. Sport is known to enhance brain activity. Sign up for an aerobic gym or dance, attend training at least 3 times a week. In such a simple way you will raise your mood and increase your concentration.
  4. An alternative to sports are regular walks. If you need to perform monotonous work by type of service, do exercises several times an hour for the eyes, fingers, neck and other parts of the body that are most exposed to stress.

Method number 4. Do not chase two hares

  1. The modern world leaves its mark on society. More and more people suffer from a colossal lack of time, as a result of which they are trying to keep up with all things at the same time.Get rid of this habit, solve problems as they become available.
  2. Learn to prioritize. A notebook or a brief outline of the day plan in your head will help you with this. In the first place put the most complex tasks, they need to be done in the morning. Next, solve tasks of an average degree, put off petty questions for the evening.
  3. At the end of the working day, the brain is very tired, overloaded. It doesn’t matter if you work physically or mentally, the body prepares for bed. You can not chase two or three hares, so you will not be able to concentrate on any of the cases.

Method number 5. Find motivation

  1. Many people can be called meteorological. Some cannot get out of bed because their pressure has fallen dramatically due to changing weather or climatic conditions. A person will go sleepy all day, unable to solve the tasks.
  2. To push yourself to work and concentrate, you need to find motivation, incentive. Think about what a specific case solution will give you? Will you get a decent fee or will you leave work faster?
  3. When the answer to the question appears, proceed to the plan. As in previous cases, make a mental or written plan, begin to solve complex issues. Look at what you are doing from a profitable perspective (look for the good).

Method number 6. Provide yourself with everything you need

  1. In order to proceed with the execution of a task, it is important to prepare all the tools and materials that will be needed in the future. Otherwise, you will be constantly distracted in search of a pen, stapler or other item.
  2. Examine the to-do list for today, equip the workplace, then start working. Thus, you will not only increase the concentration, but also reduce the time for the implementation of the plan by 1.5-2 times.
  3. You can provide yourself with everything you need not only externally, but also internally. Meet the physical needs of the body. If you are thirsty, do it in advance and put a bottle of water next to it.
  4. Do not sit down to work hungry, but do not overeat. It is important to remember that mental activity can only begin after half an hour after a meal. Otherwise, the brain will be busy digesting food, you will not be able to concentrate.
  5. If you are falling asleep, it makes sense to take a nap for 30-60 minutes to give the brain a rest. This technique is used in many European countries and is quite effective. This is much better than you spend a lot of time fighting sleepiness.
  6. Do not get carried away with food; it is important to eat fractionally in small portions. If you overeat, thirst and apathy will begin to torment you. Also, fasting should not be allowed, otherwise the body will be sluggish. Visit the toilet as often as your body requires.

Method number 7. Work intermittently

  1. The concentration of attention has the unpleasant feature of disappearing after the duration or monotony of action. If you work, as they say, for days on end, there can be no talk of any efficiency.
  2. It is important to be able to stop and take breaks, even if such a reception is contrary to your principles. It's about the brain, not about physical abilities. Of course, muscle tissue can work for a long time, but the brain quickly gets tired.
  3. As a relaxation, consider a lesson that is the opposite of what you do in regular time. This can be a walk or a jog in the park, reading a book, a short dream, etc.
  4. If possible, wash yourself with cold water or take a contrast shower once every 1-2 hours. It is important that the break is at least 10 minutes. If possible, constantly ventilate the work area to prevent oxygen starvation.

Method number 8. Sleep soundly

Sleep to increase concentration

  1. To increase concentration, you must follow your biological rhythm. If you are an owl by nature, do not wake up at 7 in the morning.Sleep a little longer, as a result of this you will not feel "not in the right place."
  2. Pick up a pillow for sleeping; it should not be too rigid or, on the contrary, soft. The best option is products on down or feathers. If possible, buy an orthopedic mattress that provides perfect support and relaxation to the whole body.
  3. Avoid insomnia, wandering at night, drink sleeping pills (by prior consultation with your doctor). If you can’t fall asleep, drink green tea with honey, ventilate the room, eat chocolate candy.

Concentration of attention requires a long “setup” and at the same time it is easy to lose. Do not let extraneous irritants distract you. Avoid noise, sketch in your head a list of tasks that need to be completed (step-by-step instruction).

Video: how to develop concentration

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