How to kiss: useful tips

Legends can be made up about the importance of a kiss in a couple’s life. Thousands of films captured on camera the tenderness of the moment when lovers touch their lips and dissolve into each other. A kiss is a consequence of warmth and tenderness, with its help people show feelings and express sympathy. However, not everyone knows how to kiss, some experience tremendous discomfort at the mere thought of it. We will analyze the types of kisses, find out which type will be appropriate specifically in your situation. Consider the main features in order, give recommendations.

How to kiss

How to learn to kiss: a classic of the genre

There is a certain technique that will fully teach you the classic version of the manifestation of tenderness. The technology includes 2 stages: the first is expressed in preparation, the second describes the kissing technique.

Stage number 1. Preparation for a kiss

  1. Not a single kiss can do without preparation, because well-groomed lips are the key to success. It is with the help of this body tool that a girl makes a guy want more. Take care of the basic care, carry out the scrubbing procedure by removing keratinized particles. Moisten the lips with a hygienic lipstick or balm. Avoid chapping and flaking.
  2. It is important to prepare in advance for a possible kiss, we are talking about bad breath. Get a compact freshener or make it a habit to carry chewing gum in your handbag. Do not neglect the trip to the dentist, treat your teeth on time. Smoking ladies are advised to abandon addiction or exclude it while they are with a partner.
  3. Preparation for a kiss affects not only the lips, but also the body. Your body should be relaxed, in no case do not squeeze or cross your arms over your chest. Pay attention to gestures, it is important to perform them smoothly, without fussing. Show your companion openness and goodwill, smile more. If you hear something unpleasant, hide your emotions and smile. Get rid of negativity and possible complexes.
  4. The “delicate” moments of preparation include the touch barrier. The essence of the procedure is to create maximum comfort for the partner. The satellite should not feel awkward at the moment when you touch it. To do this, go from a distance, start with unobtrusive tactile contact (arm, shoulder, fingertips, etc.). After that, take the gentleman for fun, forcing him to trust you. Try not to focus on your own movements, actions should be carried out unobtrusively.

Stage number 2. Kiss Technique (Common)

  1. After careful preparation, we proceed to the main stage - a kiss. Choose the right time and place, if possible, create a romantic atmosphere. Make sure you are not disturbed. Choose a calm topic for conversation, bring the dialogue to its logical conclusion (the situation is closer to intimate).
  2. Start leaning slowly toward your companion’s face, covering your eyes. Look at his lips, then snuggle up to them with yours. Stretch your lips, while trying to leave them relaxed, chubby, thirsty. After contact, close your eyes completely, focus on the sensations you experience.
  3. Appreciate the taste of the chosen one. To do this, gently touch the lower lip with two lips, pull it into your mouth. Suck, nibble, and enjoy in every way possible. The companion must understand that you are "tasty." After about 10 seconds, slowly pull away, observing an interval of 3 cm between each other's lips.
  4. Slowly open your eyes, look up to your partner's eyes and evaluate the effect.Closely monitor the reaction, it will show whether you should stop or you can continue further. To understand the reaction of the satellite, watch out for a smile. Its presence will tell that the cavalier liked everything.
  5. Satisfied with the kiss, the young man can look away down and to the side (diagonally), thus he expresses embarrassment. In cases where the guy is twisted a little or moves away from you, as if from a fire, it is worth stopping what was started.
  6. If you make sure that the young man liked the kiss, continue the manipulation. Start kissing his upper and lower lips one by one, sucking, biting, and making slightly perceptible moans.
  7. Periodically step back and watch the reaction of the satellite. It is important to make sure that everything is going according to plan. Do not take the situation into your own hands, leave the young man room for maneuver. Allow yourself to kiss in response, in no case do not strain your lips.

Kinds of Kisses

It is known that, depending on the type of kiss, the technique varies. We disassembled the easy (classic) version, it's time to start heavy artillery. There is French (with language) and a gentle kiss, we will consider each of them in order.

Kinds of Kisses

Preparation for a kiss
Before any kiss, a thorough preparation is necessary. This applies not only to the oral cavity, but also to the body as a whole.

  1. Make a lip peeling. To do this, massage them with a cane sugar and honey scrub mixed in equal proportions. Lubricate your skin with balm to prevent peeling. Try to pull the sponges with a tube while keeping them relaxed.
  2. Learn to be seductive. Review the wardrobe, send to the trash everything that sits imperfectly. Get high-heeled shoes and a lipstick with a flickering effect (this move will help focus on the lips). Rehearse a smile, "shooting" with your eyes, feminine laughter.
  3. Watch for non-verbal gestures, these include the body language of the young man. If he tries to stay close to you, a young man likes you. Proceed to the plan "X", accidentally touch the hand of the satellite. You and he should not feel embarrassed by such a manifestation of sympathy. Otherwise, the kiss will turn out ridiculous.
  4. Do not avoid eye contact, it is the foundation of a successful kiss. At the same time, periodically lower your gaze to the lips of a young man, making it clear that you are interested in the further development of events. Do not forget to smile sweetly, get your face close to the guy as much as he allows.

Method number 1. Tender kiss
This kiss option is one of the most sensual and immaculate, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. We recommend getting close to youth with this technique.

  1. Make sure that the situation favors the start of manipulation. Slightly cover your eyes, come close to the guy and slightly open your mouth. Touch the cavalier lips, pulling them forward a little. It is important to stay relaxed and confident, otherwise your awkwardness will be transmitted to the young man.
  2. Go very gently from the upper lip to the lower lip, give each of them 5 seconds, no more. After the first contact, step back, rest your forehead against the guy’s chest, wait for time, raise your eyes. Look at the young man, evaluate the reaction. Take a languid look, showing that you want more.
  3. Smile gently. If the guy smiles back, proceed to the next step. Now more persistently press your lips to the lips of the partner, pull one of them into your mouth. Bite, but not blood. Repeat with the second lip, and then leave the young man to do the same.
  4. If you can’t get the point, practice on your index finger. Squeeze it with your lips, controlling the force of compression. You can use the middle and index fingers, their surface is close to the size of the lips. Suck, bite pads, vary the strength of the muscles.

Method number 2. French Kiss
The French kiss is called amorous, grown-ups. The technique involves the use of a language that penetrates the partner's oral cavity. As a result of the kiss, sensitive zones awaken, they help the guy with the girl to better feel each other.

  1. In an appropriate environment, approach the guy’s face, touch the young man’s lips. Squeeze his upper lip, touch it with the tip of his tongue. Thus, you will send a signal to the satellite that you are going to kiss him sucker. If the young man breaks the kiss and moves away (does not understand the maneuver), postpone the action next time.
  2. In case the guy agrees to continue, slightly open his lips with his tongue and penetrate inside. Actions should be very gentle, smooth, do not strain your lips and tongue. Get the effect where the ends of your tongues touch and start intertwining.
  3. Alternate penetration of the tongue and sucking of the partner's lips. The general scheme looks like this: alternately squeeze the lips of a partner with your lips, create a weave of tongues, suck on the lips of a young man. At the same time, your tongue should not penetrate too deeply, 2-3 cm is enough.
  4. In the process of kissing do not forget about the movements of the hands. Gently touch the cheeks of the gentleman, grab him by the neck, do not spare the shoulders and chest. Let out sighs, feel free to moan if you are pleased. Periodically suck and bite your lips, creating the effect of “sucking”.
  5. Your main goal is to show the guy that you experience true pleasure from kisses. Do not replay, act as naturally as possible. Complete the manipulation with a decrease in pace, a gentle hug. Thus, you will leave the companion partially insatiable, eager for new caresses.

Practical recommendations

How to learn to kiss

  1. To fully enjoy the kiss, try to relax and get rid of embarrassment. Trembling hands, knees giving way and sweaty palms testify to falling in love. Surely your partner is worried no less. Have fun, forget about the complexes.
  2. If possible, prepare for the kiss thoroughly. Create a romantic atmosphere, use scented candles or slightly dim the light. Prepare a delicious dinner, include relaxing music.
  3. In the process of kissing, do not try to adhere to one pose, change the position of the body. Do not keep your hands down; examine your partner. Stroke his back, shoulders, cheeks, touch his neck. Bite the earlobe, do not be silent. Do not skimp on gentle words, show your companion how good you are with him.
  4. Alternate tender, classic and love kisses, make a variety. Do not strain your lips and tongue, otherwise the partner will think that you are unpleasant. Always keep your mouth clean, resort to tenderness only after brushing your tooth.

Many young ladies are thinking about how to give a guy pleasure and let them know about their intentions. A kiss is considered an excellent manifestation of tenderness, so this art must be learned. Consider a classic technique, kiss your partner passionately, or add sensuality with caressing lips.

Video: how to kiss passionately

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