How to eat kiwi: useful tips

In winter, the body suffers from vitamin deficiency - the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits is reduced, and vitamins must be taken from somewhere. In this case, kiwi comes to the rescue - a delicious and sour fruit that contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Kiwi has more vitamin C than even lemon! Moreover, the fruit can be enjoyed with the whole fruit, unlike yellow citrus. But how to eat kiwi right? Some people, seeing this hairy fruit for the first time, do not know which side to use. We will tell you about the most healthy and healthy ways to eat kiwi. But first, let's see how a fruit affects our body.

How to eat kiwi

Kiwi's benefit

  1. As noted, in kiwi there is a lot of vitamin C, which is able to withstand colds, strengthening immunity. Eating kiwi regularly, you can survive the fall and winter without sick leave.
  2. Regular consumption of kiwi reduces the risk of cancer. Kiwi has potassium, which perfectly affects the cardiovascular system.
  3. Kiwi is a mild natural laxative that is suitable for children, the elderly and pregnant women. The latter, by the way, is useful not only for the prevention of constipation - the fruit contains a huge amount of folic acid, which reduces the risk of fetal neural tube pathologies.
  4. Kiwi dilutes blood and with daily use reduces the risk of blood clots.
  5. Kiwi perfectly affects the work of the respiratory system - relieves cough, eliminates shortness of breath, is able to suppress an asthma attack.

When buying this fruit, it is better to choose ripe and slightly soft fruits. They have a sweet taste and aromatic juice. If the fruit is hard, wrap it in paper and leave it at room temperature for a couple of days. During this time, it will ripen, and you can use it with pleasure.

How to eat kiwi

There are many ways to eat this fruit, we will tell you about the most popular.

  1. The easiest option is to eat the fruit, peeling it from the skin. Use a plastic knife for this, so that the juice does not oxidize from the metal and does not lose vitamin C. This method is applicable for strong fruits, it’s rather difficult to peel a soft kiwi. After peeling, cut the kiwi into convenient pieces to eat. You can eat them with your hands or just a fork (remember, plastic). Small bones or grains of kiwi do not need to be removed - they are quite soft. In addition, the main trace elements are concentrated in them.
  2. If the fruit is soft, it is better to eat it like that. Cut the kiwi in half and just grab the half in your hands like a glass of ice cream. Carefully pick out the contents of the peel with a spoon and send it to your mouth with pleasure. This is the best way to preserve the juice of ripe kiwi, because when it slices, it flows - eating it is inconvenient. By the way, this method of eating kiwi is considered the most correct and intelligent. So it is recommended to eat exotic fruit in etiquette books.
  3. Some advise eating whole kiwi directly with the peel. How is this possible, you ask? Indeed, the skin of this fruit contains a huge amount of beneficial substances, even more than in the pulp itself. Therefore, many adherents of a healthy diet eat kiwi directly with the skin. Soft hairs do not irritate the mucosa, but you can get rid of them if you wish. To do this, rinse the kiwi under running water by wiping it with a metal sponge for dishes. After this “hair removal”, eating kiwi with a peel will be much more pleasant. It’s not for everybody how to eat pomegranate and grapes with or without seeds, each one decides independently.

These simple tips will help you not to delay eating a ripe and juicy fruit, but to consume it the way you want.

How else to eat kiwi

We present to your attention recipes and ways to consume this green fruit.

How to eat kiwi

  1. Kiwi is actively used in the preparation of pastries and desserts. After heat treatment, the fetus becomes soft, its aggressive acid is eliminated, from which sometimes a sore point appears.
  2. Kiwi is added to desserts fresh - fruit salads are prepared from fruits, and cocktails are decorated.
  3. Whip the kiwi with milk and cream to get a delicious and aromatic smoothie that will refresh you on a hot summer day.
  4. Kiwi pulp can be chopped and mixed with sugar, lemon and nuts. Bring the mass to a boil several times and get a deliciously fragrant citrus jam.
  5. Kiwi is used to make meat marinades. Certain acids act on stiff meat fibers, which speeds up the pickling process several times. This method is often used when you need to prepare meat in just a few hours. In addition, kiwi gives the meat a special delicate taste and light acidity.
  6. Eating a slice of kiwi or orange after each meal will allow foods to be better digested. This is a great technique if you want to lose weight.
  7. If a child coughs for a long time, he can be helped with a kiwi fruit salad. Cut the fruit into small pieces, sprinkle with cinnamon and season with honey. All ingredients have anti-inflammatory effect. After such a sweet medicine, the cough will become much less pronounced.

When mixing kiwi with dairy products, be prepared for the fact that after a while the fruit juice will begin to break down proteins. Therefore, you should add kiwi just before serving the dish. If you have problems with your stomach, be careful when using kiwi - it contains a lot of acid, which can be dangerous with high acidity.

Did you know that kiwi used to be called Chinese gooseberry? Indeed, if you look at the fruit in the context, you can find many similarities with this berry. Kiwi is one of the twenty most nutritious foods consumed by humans regularly. Eat kiwi, strengthen immunity and be prepared to resist colds!

Video: how to clean a kiwi quickly and easily

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