How to wear and remove contact lenses

A few decades ago, people with poor eyesight were forced to wear massive glasses with a wide frame. Some, however, could not do this - did not want to spoil the appearance. Then they had to not notice much, not to recognize people, not to distinguish between inscriptions and small objects. Today, for visually impaired people, there is a great alternative to correct vision and not to wear glasses - these are contact lenses.

How to wear and remove contact lenses

Contact lenses are today the subject of daily use by a million people. They are able to correct vision quickly, safely, naturally. In addition, there are colored lenses that can completely transform your image. But in order for contact lenses to bring only satisfaction, they must be correctly worn and removed, properly looked after, changed and cleaned in time. Over time, this will become a habit - people who wear lenses for years no longer notice all these manipulations. If you decide to try on lenses for the first time, you need to know a few important rules.

How to wear lenses

As a rule, the first fitting of lenses takes place under the supervision of a specialist who is in any optics. The doctor will tell and show how to wear lenses and how to care for them. If you have to do this for the first time at home - do not despair. Our recommendations will help you learn to wear and remove lenses yourself.

  1. First you need to wash your hands. Since you touch the lenses with your hands and also come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, this is very important.
  2. If you wear lenses for the first time, make it a habit to always start with one eye, for example, with the right. Subsequently, you can avoid confusion. By the way, the lenses do not need to be interchanged, even if both have the same diopters.
  3. So, they opened the container, picked up the tweezers and carefully grabbed the edge of the lens. They took it out of the liquid and looked at the light. This should be done every time - you check it for microcracks, tears and cuts. Even the smallest speck of dust on the lens can cause discomfort to the eyes.
  4. If the lens is intact, carefully place it on the fingertip. Make it so that the lens lies only on the base and its edges are raised. On the pillow should be a sort of plate with raised sides.
  5. After that, you need to check whether the lens has turned out. If she is in the correct position, her edges will be directed upwards. If the lens is twisted, the edges will look to the sides, the lens itself will take the form of a flat plate. In this case, the lens must be carefully turned out with tweezers.
  6. When the finished lens was on the finger of the right hand, you need to open the eye and carefully hold the lower eyelid with the open finger of the left hand. You can also hold the upper eyelid, but some do without it.
  7. After that, attach the lens directly to the eye. She, like a wet suction cup, will immediately adhere to the mucous membrane of your eye. Then lower the eyelid and cover your eye. Slowly lower the pupil down.
  8. Gently blink your eyes so that the lens finally snaps into place. The lens and the pupil have the same shape, so it rarely moves from its proper place. If you notice an improvement in vision - the lens fell into place.
  9. If for some reason you feel pain, pain, a feeling of a foreign object in the eye - make a few movements with your fingers from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. The lens will come out in this way, it will need to be rinsed in liquid and after some time (when the eye calms down and the redness subsides) try to put it on again.

For the first time you can wear lenses for no more than three hours. In the future, this time can be increased.But even if you wear lenses for many years, they must be removed before bedtime. The fact is that the lens restricts the passage of oxygen to the eyeball, you need to give your eyes time to relax.

How to remove lenses

Removing a lens is a bit easier than putting them on. Be sure to wash your hands before removing. After that, open your eye and fix both open eyelids with two fingers of your left hand. With your right hand finger, gently slide the lens away from the pupil, on the sclera. After that, the lens will lose its shape and gather in the corner of the eye like a rag. It will just need to be removed with two fingers. The lens is placed in a special container with liquid until the next day.

Rules for wearing contact lenses

With proper care, the lenses serve a person for a long time, do not tear and do not deteriorate.

Rules for wearing contact lenses

  1. The lens fluid needs to be changed every day, in extreme cases - once every three days. This ensures the purity of your lenses, and hence the health of the eyes.
  2. Once every few weeks, lenses can be cleaned with special tablets. They need to crumble, dilute in water and lower the lenses into this water. The special composition of these tablets allows you to split microscopic particles of protein, which settles on the lens by contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. Cleaning tablets, exactly like liquid for lenses, are sold together with lenses, in optics.
  3. Contact lenses have an expiration date. Some can be worn only one day, others 4 months. Whatever the lens, do not exceed the allowable lens wear period. If it’s written that it’s time to change the lenses, do so. Even without visible damage, the lenses become unusable - there is a feeling of discomfort, pain, pain, and lacrimation.
  4. Contact lenses should not be worn during colds - after which it is advisable to change them to new ones or thoroughly clean them. In addition, lenses should not be worn while taking antibiotics.
  5. If microscopic contamination appears on the lens, it must be cleaned. This is not difficult to do, you just need to be very careful. Put a few drops of lens liquid on your palm. Put a lens in this drop. Wipe the wet lens on the palm of your hand with your finger. Then rinse it in clean water in the lens container.
  6. To remove small specks from the lens, you can use this method. Fold the lens in half and carefully, holding it between two fingers, move the pads. Two halves of the same lens should rub against each other. After that, do not forget to rinse the lens.
  7. If you have sensitive eyes, you need to use special moisturizing drops for the eyes during the day. In the summer, when the mucous membrane of the eye dries often, drops should be used by everyone who wears contact lenses.
  8. If a scratch, tear or crack is detected on the lens, change it; you cannot wear such a lens.
  9. Sometimes it happens that from improper handling the lens breaks or bursts. In this case, it is not necessary to immediately change a pair of lenses - buy only one thing.
  10. Never use plain water to clean or store lenses. After staying in such water, the lens becomes unsuitable for subsequent wear.
  11. If you are removing lenses for the first time and you can’t do it at all, drop moisturizing drops into the eye. When the mucous membrane is saturated with moisture, the friction will be less, and removing the lens is not difficult.
  12. If you wear contact lenses, do not wear them with a beautician for face steaming. In addition, you do not need to swim in the water with your eyes open - you risk losing your lenses.
  13. Many people wonder what to do if the lens is worn inside out. It does no harm. However, a lens worn on the contrary is worse fixed on the pupil, you can simply lose it.
  14. Sometimes it happens that when you put on the lens falls. Since it is transparent and very thin, it is very, very difficult to find. To avoid this, you need to wear lenses over a table on which there are no foreign objects.When looking for a lens, don't forget to look at your clothes - often they get stuck on their sleeves or chest.

By following these simple rules, you can bring contact lenses into your life so that you no longer want to give them up.

Contact lenses are a real salvation for those who do not want to wear glasses. Many complain that contact lenses are not suitable for them - eyes hurt, vision becomes foggy. In fact, correctly selected lenses are very rarely incompatible with the mucosa. Following all our recommendations, you can wear lenses with great pleasure!

Video: how to put on and how to remove contact lenses

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