How to steam in a health bath

Upon arrival to the Russian bathhouse, not all people realize that they can make the most of the steam room visit. Also, not many have information about contraindications to such procedures, which puts their health at risk. As a rule, when talking about a Russian bath, a person presents biting blows with a broom, high temperature and inability to breathe. Such a view is erroneous, because you need to steam in a comprehensive way, leaving time to rest. Let's talk about everything in order.

How to steam in a health bath

Positive features of the Russian bath

  1. If you regularly go to the steam room, intensive burning of calories begins. As a result of this, you can not go to the gym in order to get rid of extra pounds. If we talk about numbers, 3 hours of intensive aerobics are equal to 1 hour in the steam room (at intervals). It is during this period that mass burning of fat begins with the waist, hips, and abdomen.
  2. The humidity in the Russian bath is about 50-60%, while the temperature regime varies between 55 and 75 degrees. Due to such conditions, skin cleansing begins, all toxins and poisons are excreted through the pores. Also, the steam room helps to get rid of the hated "orange peel", the bones and the circulatory system are strengthened, the muscle tissue tone is normalized.
  3. A regular visit to the Russian bath improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure if it is not at the peak of exacerbation (sudden jumps). Very often people with kidney and liver diseases go to the steam room. As a result of warming, headaches disappear (even a serious migraine is eliminated), sleep is normalized, and the psycho-emotional state is stabilized.
  4. Steam favorably affects the work of the entire respiratory system of a person. The lungs are cleansed, mucus comes out of the bronchi (during the common cold), the activity of auditory and olfactory receptors improves. The bath relieves pain in bones and joints, so people with arthritis and osteochondrosis often resort to it.
  5. Experienced experts recommend steaming about 1 time per week to those people who have revealed vegetative-vascular dystonia, a low immune system, and exposure to mood swings. At the same time, it is not necessary to set the maximum temperature and humidity; indicators of 55 degrees / 50% will be sufficient.

Contraindications to visiting the steam room

Experts have identified a number of restrictions under which you can not visit a Russian bath. Let's consider them in order.

  1. You can not bask in the steam room for people with skin diseases. This includes the presence of purulent acne and inflammation, psoriasis, eczema, etc. Dermatologists unanimously repeat that it is forbidden to visit a Russian bathhouse even for those who have small acne on their bodies. If you neglect the recommendation, the tumor will become inflamed, developing into a large abscess. It will hurt, itch and deliver maximum discomfort to its owner.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to bathe in the bath of the category of people who have undergone and is undergoing epilepsy attacks. The same applies to a person with pulmonary or heart failure, tumors (it does not matter if it is benign or malignant). With caution, people with pneumonia, bronchitis need to bathe.
  3. It is forbidden to soar in the bath for young children under the age of 6 years. If we talk about the elderly, this category of citizens can go to the bathhouse only after passing the examination by a specialist (as prescribed by the doctor).Obstetricians and gynecologists do not advise their patients to steam the body, but future mothers often neglect this recommendation.

Bath brooms: types, effects on human health

Brooms can be made of walnut, bird cherry, juniper, birch, fir, oak, alder, eucalyptus, nettle.

Bath brooms

  1. Walnut brooms are used to eliminate varicose veins. They are also effective for the body of diabetics, people with peptic ulcers. Thanks to the universal composition, the level of glucose in the blood is normalized, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal, the vessels expand and, as a result, the blood circulation improves.
  2. Bird cherry brooms are usually bought by men and women whose corns and corns form on the feet. Leaves soften the structure, saturate the cells with oxygen, and prevent the appearance of fungus.
  3. Juniper has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person. If you regularly steam with the use of such a device, the body is saturated with energy, sleep normalizes, laziness, apathy and fatigue disappear.
  4. Oak brooms are considered the most popular. They are used to improve the elasticity of the epidermis, cleaning pores. Products of this kind have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, they draw poisons from the skin.
  5. If we talk about birch leaves, brooms on this basis are the softest. They serve to heal small scratches, improve the skin's water balance, and fight dryness and peeling. Birch brooms also make scars less noticeable, smoothing and soothing the epidermis.
  6. Fir brooms help get rid of puffiness, as they remove fluid from the skin. They normalize the water-salt balance of the body, as a result of which the skin becomes soft. Fir is useful for people with sleep disorders and radiculitis.
  7. Alder-based brooms contain sticky particles that stick to the body in the process of whipping. Leaves draw poisons from the skin, improving the natural cleansing of pores. Alder is often used to prevent chronic bronchitis (not at the time of exacerbation), struggling with cough.
  8. Eucalyptus brooms are considered to be the rarest and most expensive of all available on the market. They eliminate nasal sinus congestion, fight allergies, and remove sputum from the respiratory tract.
  9. Nettle brooms have gained wide popularity among people with mental disorders, high blood pressure, arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other similar diseases.

What to bring with you to a Russian bath

What to bring with you to a Russian bath

  1. Prepare the bag, put in it a change of linen, bath towels and a bathrobe, a broom of the selected type, a mitten for the body (if massage will be done). You will also need shower gel and shampoo, body cream, face tonic, felt or wool cap for a bath, a sheet, slippers.
  2. To additionally create aromatherapy in the steam room, you can prepare a decoction based on medicinal herbs. Suitable chamomile, ginseng, eucalyptus, geranium and other plants. Pour the infusion directly onto the stones, enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.
  3. Take mineral water (still), herbal or green tea with sugar, freshly squeezed juice, etc. If you follow the figure, you can scrub coffee grounds or wrap with honey.
  4. You can not drink alcohol on the day you visit the bath and in the steam room itself. Otherwise, you risk putting excessive stress on the heart. It is also worth limiting the intake of fatty foods 5 hours before going to the steam room. Have a snack with diet curd, vegetable salad or porridge (2 hours before visiting the bath).

Steam Room Preparation

  1. To begin, soak the broom in boiling water, leave it for half an hour. After each treatment, send the broom back to the basin of hot water.
  2. Before you go to the steam room, wash your body with a shower gel.Rinse under a contrast shower, and complete the wash with hot water. Such a move will prepare the skin for the effects of temperature in the bath.
  3. It is important to remember that while taking a shower you should not rub your body with a hard washcloth. Thus, you will wash off the lipid layer, which protects the epidermis from burns. The skin will become vulnerable, dry.
  4. You can not wet your head while visiting the shower. Otherwise, the hair will begin to conduct heat to the scalp, resulting in a heat stroke. Get a hat, which is sold in large supermarkets and stores "Everything for the bath."
  5. Headgear can be made independently from dense linen or cotton. Before entering the bath, moisten the cap in cold water so that the head does not overheat during steaming. Perform manipulations before each session.
  6. If we talk about the number of entries in the steam, it all depends on the state of health. As practice shows, 5-7 sessions are enough, and each of the stages differs in temperature and duration of stay in the booth.

The first entry to the bath

The first entry to the bath

  1. First of all, you need to warm the body well, preparing it for further sessions with a higher temperature. Take a basin with a soaked broom, do not get the attribute. Leave it wet until the second run.
  2. Lay a sheet on the lower shelf, sit down and relax. On the lower tier, the temperature regime is about 60 degrees. You will not experience oxygen deficiency and bone aches.
  3. After 5 minutes, you can lie down on a spread sheet, close your eyes and inhale alternately with your nose and mouth. Try to breathe systematically so as not to overload the diaphragm.
  4. To understand that adaptation to temperature has begun, the general condition of the body will help. Your body will begin to sweat intensely, your heart will beat faster, blood will flow to your cheeks.
  5. It is after adaptation that one can cross over to the railing located in the middle. The total duration of the first visit to the steam room should not exceed the mark of 10-12 minutes, watch how you feel.

The second and subsequent visits with a broom

  1. The next visit should not go beyond 20 minutes. At this stage, you can use a broom, this will help you enjoy a massage and improve the body.
  2. It is difficult to broom your own body, so it is recommended to steam it. You can also hire a professional bathhouse attendant if you visit the thermal complex.
  3. Ask your partner to follow the steps in the order below. Lie on a bench, enjoy the procedure.
  4. First of all, the attendant takes a broom and makes light strokes with the tips of the leaves. Movement should capture the entire body - from the neck to the feet.
  5. Following the fanning, there is a shaking. To do this, the opponent raises a broom to the ceiling (there is concentrated a large accumulation of steam). When the leaves heat up, they need to be pressed to different areas of the body. The emphasis is on the feet, back, buttocks, lower back, shoulders, calves.
  6. When local warming comes to an end, you can start whipping. The attendant walks throughout the body, performing light (without pain) strokes. First, the boiling is carried out from top to bottom, then vice versa.
  7. The body is already accustomed to strokes, relax it with strokes (duration - 3 minutes). Now start patting again, increasing the amplitude and strength. You should feel a tingling sensation and a slight burning sensation, but not pain.
  8. The procedure ends with a hot compress. To do this, the broom warms up for a couple, then is applied to the feet, lower back, shoulders, back of the thigh and back. After each use, the leaves need to be reheated.
  9. When the massage comes to an end, lie on the bench for another 5 minutes to prevent dizziness. Take a contrast shower, wash your body, swim in the pool.
  10. The third and subsequent visits should not exceed a duration of 25 minutes. Carefully monitor your health, for one procedure you can enter the steam room no more than 7 times.

To soar successfully, the procedure requires preparation and attention to detail. Increase the length of time in the bath gradually, do not wet your head before entering the steam room. Ask your opponent to do the broom massage in stages.

Video: how to bathe in a bath with health benefits

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