How to drink freshly squeezed juices

Freshly squeezed juices are widely popular among all categories of citizens. Pregnant women, children, the elderly, men - all resort to healing drinks to improve their health. Fresh can be prepared from seasonal or frozen berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs. The beneficial properties of the drug vary depending on the initial composition. In order not to harm the body, you need to know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. Let's talk about everything in order.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

Useful properties of freshly squeezed juices

  • strengthening the immune system during colds and flu;
  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body of poisons and toxins;
  • raising "morale";
  • saturation of the body with a daily dose of beneficial enzymes;
  • liquid withdrawal, getting rid of puffiness;
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • appetite improvement;
  • increase in hemoglobin in the blood.

The benefits of freshly squeezed juice from specific products

The above beneficial qualities apply to all juices without exception. However, depending on the main component, valuable properties may vary.

  1. If you want to normalize the activity of the vascular system and the work of the heart muscle, give preference to fresh based on orange, grapefruit, beets, kiwi, pumpkin, grapes.
  2. In the case when it is necessary to increase vitality and normalize the psycho-emotional background, lean on freshly squeezed juices from carrots, lemon, orange, and beets.
  3. If the goal is to lose weight or remove a couple of centimeters from the waist, prepare a drink based on apples, pineapple, grapefruit, pears, beets, grapes, pumpkins.
  4. To maintain the liver and kidneys and clean them, prepare freshly squeezed beet, grape, pear, pumpkin juice.
  5. In case of anemia, give preference to fresh carrot, apple or pomegranate juice.

Indications for use of freshly squeezed juice

  • vitamin deficiency in the offseason;
  • low immunity;
  • a period of colds and flu;
  • frequent use of junk food, drinks;
  • overweight;
  • low vision
  • constipation
  • slow metabolism;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • clogged vessels (relevant for smokers);
  • liver problems

Precautions for drinking fresh juice

  1. Cranberry and tomato juices have diuretic properties. Therefore, the use of the drink should be limited to people with stones or sand in the kidneys.
  2. If you have a gastrointestinal disease or if your stomach often hurts, limit your intake of acidic fresh. These include a drink made from cherries, pomegranates, apples.
  3. Those who are often allergic to foods should be wary of all types of juices. First make sure that you are not hypersensitive.
  4. If you often "jump" in blood sugar or have been diagnosed with diabetes, refuse sugary drinks.

Features of drinking fresh juice

Features of drinking fresh juice

  1. The vitamin complex is not stored in fresh for long, so try to drink the juice immediately after preparation or in the next half hour. Do not prepare the drink for future use; it will not be of any use.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices contain a lot of fructose, so with daily use, review your diet. Add fiber and protein to maintain blood sugar.
  3. Of all the juices available, only carrot, beetroot and orange juices increase sugar levels.They should be used with extreme caution and be sure to dilute it.
  4. The daily dose of the drink consumed ranges from 200-450 ml. It is necessary to increase the number gradually, starting from the minimum mark. Add 50-70 ml every day.
  5. Fresh juice should be drunk separately from food. If you use the composition in conjunction with food, you risk developing heartburn, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence and general digestion.
  6. Before choosing a particular juice option, read the contraindications. People with certain diseases should limit or completely eliminate the use of fresh.
  7. Specialists in the field of proper nutrition recommend preparing juices in a blender or squeezer, and then drink a drink from a glass dish. In this case, all vegetables, berries and fruits must be clean.
  8. As mentioned above, juices lose their beneficial properties half an hour earlier. However, a beetroot drink does not belong to this category. Before use, let the juice brew in the cold for 2 hours. Otherwise, volatile enzymes will cause vomiting or nausea.
  9. Mix the ingredients in a blender bowl, then smooth. In the case when nut is added (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.), pre-fry it.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

  1. If we talk about the time interval in which it is necessary to consume juice, it is better to drink fresh until 14.00 hours. In this case, after morning awakening, you can not enjoy a drink on an empty stomach. Important! If you drink freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach, the level of acidity in your stomach will increase. This, in turn, will provoke irritation of the mucosa and the development of gastritis, ulcers.
  2. Take freshly squeezed juice 20-30 minutes before the main meal or snack. Never drink fresh food in order not to cause bloating, diarrhea and other problems.
  3. Doctors do not recommend consuming freshly squeezed juices at lunchtime and in the evening, especially with drinks based on berries and fruits. There are a lot of fast carbohydrates in these juices that lead to weight gain. Important! Freshly squeezed juices can be conditionally equated to energy drinks with caffeine. If you use the composition in the evening or before bedtime, there is a risk of insomnia.
  4. If you have problems with being overweight, do not abuse sweet juices. Drink the drink no more than 1 time per day, adhering to a dose of 250-300 ml.
  5. As for vegetable juices, unlike fruit and berry juices, drinks do not increase sugar. For this reason, you can drink the composition twice a day for 1 glass. The product is used until 13.00 hours, no later.
  6. Freschi must be taken 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after a meal. In the morning immediately after sleep, you can drink only potato juice, all the rest are prohibited.

How to dilute freshly squeezed juices

  1. Freshes, which lead to an increase in acidity, are diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. All others are 2: 1.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices include vitamins of various groups, including A, E, K, D. To enhance digestibility, add 30 ml to the drink. fat cream. The recommendation is extremely relevant for drinks made from pumpkin and carrots.
  3. To reduce the calorie content of the consumed drug, pour 40 g into the drink. granola or rye bran.
  4. Do not add salt or granulated sugar to fresh, as loose components slow the body's absorption of beneficial substances.
  5. Honey can be used as a sweetener. Turmeric, nutmeg, and cinnamon are often added to juice.
  6. Add chopped greens of parsley, dill, celery to the finished drink. Combine berries with fruits, vegetables, and vice versa.

How to store freshly squeezed juices

  1. If you take fresh with you for a walk or for a long train, use a portable refrigerator or a thermal bag.
  2. Pour the finished drink into a glass dish and close. Then refrigerate and consume in the next 30 minutes.Do not forget that beet juice is pre-infused for 2 hours.
  3. To exclude the interaction of a fortified cocktail with oxygen and extend the life of the drink, add 5 ml to the fresh juice. lemon juice. In this case, the composition will stand up to 1.5 hours without loss of quality.
  4. Freezing of freshly squeezed juice is allowed. If you do not have time to use it in the allotted time, pour it into a container and put it in the freezer. When the time comes for a meal, unfreeze the potion naturally.

Freshly squeezed juices can be prepared from berries, herbs, vegetables and fruits, which are currently at hand. These include pumpkin, banana, orange, parsley, pineapple, kiwi, tomato, pomegranate, apple, grapes, strawberries, potatoes, celery, etc. Before use, make sure that you have no contraindications and are not allergic to the components.

Video: the harm and benefits of freshly squeezed juices

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