How to throw a mirror: 6 ways

The mirror has long been considered a truly mystical household item. Many believe that it conceals the knowledge of people who have ever looked at their reflection. For this reason, experienced housewives want to get rid of energy and cleanse their homes from all sorts of misfortunes. If you argue from a different point of view, an improperly thrown interior item can cause injury to housing and communal services employees or those who accidentally cut themselves on the mirror. Consider the important aspects in order, highlight the main features.

How to throw a mirror

Method number 1. Street container

Since the old mirror contains a lot of information, which is far from always positive, it is necessary to apply caution to the procedure. Since ancient times, grandmothers used a ritual to help remove corruption and curse.

To properly throw away an unwanted item, prepare a piece of black or dark blue cloth, wrap a mirror in it. Take a white nylon thread around the perimeter, stitching the sides. As a result, you should get a kind of bag.

After all the manipulations, take table salt with you, take the mirror to the street and place it next to the container for construction waste. Sprinkle household items with salt, do the same with the place where it stands. Such a move will help remove the energy of your family from the surface of the product.

Method number 2. Sale

The age of technological progress, in particular the Internet, leaves its mark on society. More and more people are addicted to used property auctions. If you belong to this category of citizens, use this recommendation.

Put up a mirror for sale on famous bulletin boards, invite your friends to buy a product. To carry out the procedure as quickly as possible, lay out a few photos and formulate a clear description of the product. Indicate whether there are scratches, cracks, gold-plated elements, etc.

The most popular sites are “Slando”, “Avito”, “Antiques”. On these portals are posted daily ads of hundreds of thousands of users. You can also resort to the site "VKontakte", "Classmates", "Facebook" and other well-known social networks.

Method number 3. Burial place

Another excellent option for ridding the mirror of the energy of the owners is considered to be a kind of funeral. Since ancient times, this method has not lost popularity, so people of all ages actively resort to it.

To carry out the procedure correctly, sew a bag of dark opaque material for the mirror. Attach a tie to the upper edge, place the product inside, close it tightly.

Take the mirror to the forest, grove or far corner of the infield. Dig a hole about 0.5-0.7 meters deep, then send the product there.

The main condition for the funeral is that the mirror must be located under the tree, but not under the aspen. In this case, the procedure is usually performed by a well-intentioned person, consisting in a good mood.

Method number 4. Church rite

For believers, this technique will become relevant. Throwing away a mirror is easy enough if you conduct an ancient rite. On the eve, visit the church, draw holy water and get a candle.

Wash the mirror first under the tap, then wipe it dry with a gauze or cotton cloth. After that, irrigate it with holy water and cross it with a candle. During the ceremony, whisper the product that it served you faithfully, say goodbye.

After that, pick up the plastic bag in size, place a mirror in it. Tie a tight rope on several sides, make three girths. Take the mirror to a trash can for household waste, optionally mark “mirror”, “carefully, glass” or “fragile product”.

Method number 5. Present

One common way to throw a mirror is to offer a present to your neighbors or friends. Wash the interior under running water for 3 minutes, wipe dry and place in fresh air until the remaining moisture evaporates.

After that, wrap the mirror in a transparent plastic film, attach foam or cardboard to the corners. Place at the front door. Perhaps one of the neighbors will like this “gift”. You can also attribute the attribute to a container on the street. Be sure to make a note "Caution, mirror."

Method number 6. Mirror crumb

No matter how strange it may sound, but many grind the mirror into dust before taking it to the trash. If you have enough time and the necessary tools, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

Prepare a few fabric bags, as well as bags made of thick polyethylene, which will fit the final crumb. Take a wide-tipped hammer with you, go outside.

Spread the newspapers, put a mirror in one of the fabric bags, tie. Begin to intensively hit the product with a hammer, each time choose a new place to strike. Shake the bag periodically.

When you notice that dust began to fall through the fibers of the fabric, wrap the crumb with another bag, and then wrap it with polyethylene and wind it with tape / electrical tape. The procedure has come to an end, you just have to take the bag to a container for construction waste.

A properly discarded mirror will save the owners from the hassle of utilities and neighbors. If, in addition, a few old rites are performed, then you will easily erase your own energy. Use one of the proposed methods, without fail, wrap the household item in a cloth. Cover sharp corners with foam or cardboard, redistribute the product to your friends, rinsing it with water first.

Video: rules of conduct with mirrors

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