How to wake up in a good mood

Many blogs are full of articles on the topic: how to wake up in a good mood? And to be honest, some tips are perplexing. At least to begin with an elementary answer. Most residents of our country wake up in a bad mood. But, in your power to change everything for the better. It only takes about half an hour and you are already a cheerful chipper, and not a sullen beech.

How to wake up in a good mood

By the way, we warn you. The first time you have to significantly overpower yourself. A human habit is developed in 21 days. Well, isn't it worth 3 weeks of torment in a good mood in the morning? Go.

First 10 minutes

How do they write there? The melody of the alarm clock should be pleasant and quiet. Nothing like this. It should be rhythmic and loud. So that you do not decide to set the alarm for another 5-10-15 minutes. Because these minutes can be spent usefully. And you still won’t get a good sleep. And do not oversleep for sure.

Further down the list is an incomprehensible shaking of limbs lying in bed. Well, as if you were thoroughly shocked by the current. I wonder if your half doesn’t have to get up so early, will she like a shaking bed? Do not do nonsense.

Better reach out and yawn. Because these are completely natural morning processes. Then sit on the edge of the bed, down a little. What for? We don’t know, but it’s necessary. See, your body will like it. Well, now you can safely go to water procedures.

Tip. Stomping into the bathroom, turn on the kettle and microwave along the way. Let them warm you breakfast.

In the bathroom, do not look in the mirror until you wash yourself. We assure you that after water procedures the picture in the mirror is much better. From this and the mood rises. Be sure to engage in childishness. Make faces, bounce, dance. You can put a massage mat on the floor. Dancing on it while brushing your teeth is indescribable!

In extreme cases, turn on your favorite music. Just not a radio or TV! What the hell is this chernukha in the morning with?

Second 10 minutes

Absolutely all sources recommend eating cereals, yoghurts, fruits, granola and others like them for breakfast. And what do you command those who hate sweets? To spoil your mood even more, trying to stuff nasty yogurt inside?

But they didn’t guess. For breakfast, eat what you love the most. Cheese? Here is a sandwich. Fish? So in the evening they prepared a piece for the microwave. Cookies? Yes, how much will fit. Meat? And this is also in store in the evening.

And it doesn’t matter that something there is high-calorie and not useful. Everything is absolutely useful until 12:00 p.m. During the day, these harmful calories will burn. But after lunch you will already follow the plate. In the morning, cheer yourself up with your favorite snacks, even if it's just a cup of coffee.

Oh, I met a tip somewhere: put live bouquets at the head of the bed for the night. Say, women really like to wake up and see flowers. From this the mood rises.

Sorry, let me argue. I think that the authors of these tips have seen enough of romantic cinema and let's scribble frank nonsense. They tactfully silent the prose of life. And we will not.

Flowers for the night by the bed do not need to be put, because:

  1. The pungent smell will not let you fall asleep. And a dream, if it happens, can be disturbing and unpleasant. Especially if it is a half-dead bird cherry or a Dutch rose with a plastic aroma.
  2. After the bouquet, someone should wash the vase. And the donor is unlikely to do this. Most likely, the woman will have to scrape the dishes. And this is the first thought when looking at the flowers in the morning.
  3. If you are a man, you are tormented by vague doubts that it is the bouquet at the head that will add joyful minutes in the morning.A man would have something sexually invigorating in the morning, such as a cup of good coffee and a good blowjob, rather than a strange broom on the bedside table.

Therefore, do not engage in nonsense again and do not add worries to the sleepy head. Forget it.

Tip. Do not watch TV during breakfast. Turn on the music radio channel and read a book. Let them just remember a couple of pages. But the head was not filled with unnecessary news.

By the way, some do not like to talk in the morning. So why spoil your mood with unnecessary verbiage? I know one family who is always in a good mood in the morning. She does not shut up even for a second, even at the table, but in principle she does not need an interlocutor. He is a silent man by nature, and in the morning generally mute. Reads, nods, thinks over and has breakfast. Everyone is happy.

Third 10 minutes

How are you still chewing? Then eat and can not read this section. Those who have already finished breakfast continue to make themselves in a good mood.

Hey, leave the dishes alone. Do you need it? The plate and glass will not go anywhere, they will wait until the evening. And even mold will not overgrow. No, of course, if you are nervous about a dirty spoon in the sink, then another thing. Set an alarm 5 minutes early and on. Just do not put the dishes in the sink at night. Then in the morning not enough sleep, you will still scrub bowls. And get angry.

Therefore, we spend these 10 minutes to good use. No, no, no, we don’t touch the gadget. Otherwise, you will have to spend not 10 minutes, but much more. Well, so what, like counts. Take it at work. Oh, just don’t have to cheat. Absolutely all people at work spend at least 5 minutes on social networks.

We must do a useful thing - to raise our spirits. So, we plop down in a chair and again we go stupid. Yes, we just sit and do nothing. And so good at heart, when nothing is needed and nobody pulls. It does not matter that after 10 minutes you need to jump up and get ready for work. It is this time - your sacred right to do nothing. Try it, you know how you like it?

Useful Tips

Some sources suggest exercising in the morning. It is certainly good, but here's the thing: laziness mother, she’s such a dangerous thing. It is clear if you are used to jogging in the park in any weather. And if you are a pregnant lady, an old man or a boiled office worker? What kind of exercise, what kind of sport?

Recommendations say that these ridiculous movements accelerate blood throughout the body and cheer you up. Nonsense. An unaccustomed person will have enough dancing in the bathroom. If you really need a charge of vivacity, then try to oversleep once. See what cosmic speed your untrained body will develop.

But seriously, start the alarm at least 15 minutes earlier. From your sleep will not decrease, and a lot of free time will appear.

Tip. Want more sleep time in the morning? Even if you gather the whole family? Do all things in the evening. Cleaning, washing, cooking. And it doesn’t matter that you are tired of work. You’ll still get tired of the housework But in the morning you will not fly around the apartment, screaming the air with shouts and slaps.

Breakfast for the whole family also cook in the evening. A better weekend. Cooked, packed, stuffed into the freezer. Do not forget to sign! On the way to the bathroom, they put it in the microwave and voila!

Just do not right now about freshly cooked cereals and the benefits of them. So whoever has nothing to do in the morning, let him conjure at the stove. We have a more important task - to wake up in a good mood!

How to wake up in a good mood? Now you know for sure. Moreover, the spirit of contradiction sits inside each person. Well, isn’t it pleasant for all bad weather and adversity to spontaneously leave the house, enjoying life? That's the same.

Video: how to get up early with a smile

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