How to recognize an addict: useful tips

Addiction is a terrible addiction. Many people, once having experienced the pleasure of a drug, do not realize what abyss they drove themselves into. Most modern citizens argue that in life you need to experience all the “charms” of being, but they do not fully understand the meaning of this phrase. Instead of trying psychotropic drugs, it is better to go on a trip or engage in extreme sports. The addiction destroys fate, breaks dreams, love, friendship. Addicts have nothing sacred left.

How to recognize a drug addict

The first signs of an addict

At first, it is quite difficult to notice changes in the behavior of a person who started using drugs. If you suspect something is wrong with a friend or relative. In this case, you should pay attention to the main symptoms of the addict. There are different drugs in severity. Therefore, the initial changes of the person who uses it will also vary.

  • Changes in the manner of writing and speaking.
  • Excessive activity, impaired coordination of movements, causeless lethargy.
  • Frequent mood swings.
  • Lack of, or, conversely, rabid appetite.
  • The pupils react poorly to light, a gleam in the eyes appears, which looks unnatural.
  • The addicted person gets off the usual sleep pattern.
  • The skin color changes: it turns pale or reddens for no reason.

It is worth paying attention to more significant and specific signs. Because in the modern rhythm of life we ​​can seem like potential “addicts” at first glance. We may also have drowsiness, apathy, loss of appetite and mood swings.

Signs of addiction to different drugs

  1. Hallucinogenic. When taking hallucinogenic drugs, fictitious phenomena occur that do not coincide with reality. In this case, the addict does not quite understand what he sees. It seems to man that he observes animals and natural phenomena. Some, on the contrary, see the horrors that are recorded in the memory of once viewed films. In this state, a person can do a lot of stupid things without realizing it. With a long intake or a sharp cessation of the action of such substances, apathy, mental imbalance and depressive state often appear.
  2. Heroin. In a conversation with the heroin addict, you may notice that the addict repeats the sentences several times. He stretches the words and slowly leads the dialogue. Standing asleep, then abruptly joins the conversation. If a person is currently under the influence of a drug, he may seem like a good-natured interlocutor. The addict remains calm and polite enough if nothing annoys him. Pay attention to an unusually narrow pupil that does not respond to light. The lips turn red quickly, can be swollen and bitten. Unnaturally pale skin is also a sure sign of addiction.
  3. Hypnotic. When taking sleeping pills, the symptoms are similar to alcohol intoxication. If you take a large amount of medication, hallucinations may occur. Addicts lack salivation. In most cases, the language is very tangled, as a result of which speech becomes slurred. Also, people with addiction often experience discoordination of movements.
  4. Marijuana. When smoking cannabis, the addict's pupils dilate, redness of the lips and eyes appears. Dry mouth is also present. A person who has used marijuana is unusually mobile and speaks fast. At the end of the drug, a strong appetite wakes up.
  5. Reception of volatile substances. An example of such substances is gasoline, Moment glue, acetone, solvent, car paints and varnishes. Often, teenagers begin to breathe in pairs because of the desire to experience hallucinations (cartoons). This is the most affordable and forbidden way to get unconventional intoxication accompanied by "glitches."
  6. Psychostimulants. When taking such substances, the People's Commissar has an excessive desire to do something, to talk a lot and quickly, jumping from topic to topic. In addition, the pupils dilate, a person under the influence of the drug can not sit still. If funds allow, the addict is under the influence of this drug for several days. Often such a drug causes increased sex drive. Therefore, people often take psychostimulants with the opposite sex, after which they have sex for hours.

How to identify a drug addict by behavior

How to identify a drug addict by behavior

  1. The beginning of addiction can be a change in the company of friends. When a person begins to use drugs, his interest in comrades with whom he had close contact before disappears. New friends show a different world with unusual sensations using forbidden substances. As a result, the addict breaks old ties. On this basis, adolescents quickly find like-minded people and are reluctant to share their newly made friends with their parents.
  2. Communicating with a new company, the addict tries to express himself secretly, incomprehensible to others with phrases. Pay attention to how a teenager responds to eye-to-eye communication. If he does not want to meet with other members of the family, preferring to remain alone with himself more often, think about it.
  3. Pay attention to the contents of your first-aid kit, there may be drugs that can relieve the breakdown of a drug addict. After a certain period of time following the addiction to drugs, the addicted person loses interest in everything. He ceases to enjoy his hobby, which until recently brought pleasure. In most cases, the addict leaves home for a long time. Upon return, his appearance is poor.
  4. It is worth noting that sharp jumps occur in the mood. For a novice addict, this is especially noticeable. He can be unusually funny, then suddenly becomes sad. This also includes causeless aggression, complete indifference or, on the contrary, concern. The addict tries to move fast, while he experiences complete disorientation (poor coordination of movements).
  5. You can identify the addict in another way. If we are talking about a teenager, pay attention to the fact that every time he asks for more pocket money. It happens that you cannot afford to allocate funds for his needs. Look at whether your valuable items that can be turned into a pawnshop or sold by hand are missing. With this money, drugs will be bought.

Addict Health Issues

  1. The most visible condition of a novice addict is his appetite. It can change dramatically from gluttony to complete unwillingness to eat. This suggests that not everything is in order with human health, you need to focus on this fact.
  2. You can pay attention to bad breath, this indicates that the teenager is using marijuana or hashish. A frequent cough or rhinitis that has not been observed before suggests the idea of ​​taking heroin by your loved one.
  3. As a result of the use of narcotic substances of any kind, a person has a violation of the activity of the heart muscle, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Often a drug addict jumps in blood pressure, resulting in dizziness.
  4. Take a closer look at the person you suspect of drug addiction. If he looks through you with glass eyes, while the pupils do not react in any way, you can be sure that your loved one is under the influence of a drug.

How a drug addict disguises injections

How a drug addict disguises injections

  1. Traces of injections can be noticed by loved ones or friends. A potential addict will see numerous spots from an intravenous drug. Comparing all the signs, you will definitely conclude that a person is addicted.
  2. The addict will in every way evade questions from where the traces of the syringe in the veins came from. The addict will begin to refer to the fact that he was injured or combed this place. Also, a person can add that he played with a cat that scratched him. You will hear a lot of absurd options for the appearance of traces. You do not need to be a specialist in medicine to distinguish damaged skin from traces of an injection.
  3. If you suspect your loved one of drug addiction, look at the wounds on the skin. In the place where the needle was inserted, a small dot will remain. Thus, a small bruise is clearly visible in the injection zone. When a person makes intravenous injections for a long time, so-called “roads” from injection points form. With multiple injections of the drug into the same vein, a cavity called a "well" begins to form.
  4. If the tracks go along the veins, this means only one thing - a person injects himself with narcotic substances. Drug addicts in every possible way try to hide the “roads”, passing them off as scratches. It is not so difficult to hide stains from intravenous injections. It is enough to apply ointment from bruises and blood clots on the injection site. It is enough to use such products for several days, after which the problem of visible traces will be solved.
  5. Many addicted people try to hide their traces in every way, making injections in those parts of the body where the veins are poorly visible. An example of such areas is the area of ​​the groin, armpits, legs, neck, etc. When injected into these parts of the body, the addict allows himself to wear loose clothing in the hot season. In some cases, it is only pale skin color, circles under the eyes and excessive thinness.
  6. There is a certain part of drug addicts who prefer smoking or snuffing narcotic mixtures to intravenous injections. It is difficult to distinguish such drug addicts from ordinary citizens. Those addicts who are afraid to disappoint their loved ones or quickly end their lives come to a method of using prohibited substances.

How a drug addict disguises dilated pupils

Pupils dilate when drug users take stimulants. To make the eyes look normal, addicts use medications, they include a group of myotics. Medicines of this kind can narrow the pupil. If you drip them into the eyes for a long time without a doctor's prescription, cataracts often form, and further blindness occurs. However, drug addicts want to hide their addiction to illegal substances so much that they don’t think about the consequences.

How addicts mask narrowed pupils

Drug addicts who use heavy drugs such as opium and heroin are often faced with narrow pupils. To help them comes a potent remedy for stomach disease "Bacarbon". A side effect when taking the medicine affects the expansion of the pupils. To expand the pupil of the eye after injection of a potent drug, the Bacarbon tablets are crushed into dust and diluted with clean water, then the resulting mixture is dripped into the eyes.

If you suddenly noticed this medication in a loved one, it means that he is taking potent drugs. The recommendation is relevant for drug addicts who have not previously been exposed to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. It happens that after uneven instillation, the pupils may not be equally dilated.A drug-dependent person is defined in a similar way.

If you witnessed the strange behavior of a loved one, try to find out the true cause of the change in his psychological state. The addict will have more chances for rehabilitation, since the fight against addiction should be started as soon as possible. In the first attempts at conversation, the addict will evade conversations, as well as refer to irritability factors when trying to discuss his behavior.

Video: how to find out if your loved one is using drugs

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