How to learn a foreign language on your own: 7 steps

Many dream of learning a foreign language, but not everyone has the time and money to attend courses. For this reason, the question of where to start practicing in order to master the technique of conversation and writing at home becomes relevant. It is no secret that patience and perseverance are the best guides, they set the tone for the whole process and do not allow you to stop there. To properly approach the study, you must clearly follow the recommendations. We will analyze the important aspects in order and give step-by-step instructions.

How to learn a foreign language on your own

Step number 1. Set goals

First of all, it is necessary to set a specific goal. You must clearly understand why you need to start learning a foreign language. Perhaps you plan to visit a certain country or start traveling around the world, you are going on an “exchange” tour, you are going on a business trip.

There are frequent cases when people begin to study at will as a hobby, and not out of need. It is important to identify this point, as a person suffocates without purpose. Such a move will allow you to create a specific program of learning a foreign language, sharpened for specific needs. The goal is a great motivator that helps you move forward.

An additional support will be daily training. It doesn't matter if you came tired from work or spent your nerves in traffic. Practice is fundamental to successful language learning; it is inextricably linked to a specific goal. Engage in self-discipline to develop memory every day. An ideal assistant is a diary in which you need to draw up a detailed lesson schedule.

Step number 2. Love the subject of study

You can’t learn a foreign language if you don’t get into this area. It is important not to force yourself to work on the program, but to do it as a pleasure. Try to tune in to a wave in which the learning process will act as a hobby, without unnecessary nerves. It is necessary to drive a thought into your head: learning a language will help to reach a new level and improve the quality of life. Such a move will not allow you to fly away from daily activities.

The right attitude does not mean memorization, but analysis of important aspects in order. For example, it is initially necessary to master grammar, punctuation, stylistics, the technique of forming words and complex sentences. When the understanding of basic principles comes, feel free to start cramming. As for the "blind memorization", without this even a partial mastery of the language is impossible. Understanding words is not enough, it is important to be able to pull the right thing out of your head in time.

Step number 3. Immerse yourself in language learning

Often you can hear the phrase "Language must be learned in a natural environment," and this expression is not accidental. If, for example, you decide to learn English, the procedure is best done in America. In such an environment, everything improves: articulation, compilation of competent "conversational" sentences, the ability to memorize phrases as a whole.

For the most part, people do not have the opportunity to leave for the specific purpose of learning a language. There is only one way out - to create a natural environment for the curriculum at home. To do this correctly, you need to hang up posters on the walls with inscriptions in an unfamiliar language, after memorizing, you need to change one poster with another.

Of course, achieving the maximum result will not work, but this method is worth considering as an additional incentive.Read textbooks adapted for Russian-speaking people, watch films in a foreign language, listen to audio books, chat with users of a specific country. Surround the material being studied on all sides to make adaptation easier.

Step number 4. Follow the daily plan

As in any other business, you need to proceed from the goal. Try to memorize 25-30 foreign words every day, while at least 7-10 of them should be verbs.

Teachers of foreign languages ​​unanimously say that it is better to start learning in alphabetical order. For example, today we have learned 5 words starting with the letter “A”, tomorrow - with “B” and so on. After that, go to the second round. But, as a rule, this process is too long, so it is not necessary to make such a structured choice. You can write words in random order, most importantly, focus on verbs.

Correctly submit information will help cards. On one side write the Russian word, on the other - foreign. Browse through the option in your native language and try to remember the translation, then check yourself by turning the sheet over. You can also download a special program on your smartphone, which automatically covers a foreign transfer. You must enter the word yourself. This option is much better, because it develops not only memory, but also written literacy.

Step number 5. Copy pronunciation

Listen to audio and video recordings in a foreign language, if possible, start communicating with the carrier. Pay attention to the pronunciation technique, fix sounds in your head and try to repeat them. Over time, you will be able to catch the trend of pronunciation and realize that one sound should be sharp, the second soft. It is necessary to pay attention even to the slightest features of pronunciation, after which try to try this technique on yourself.

Such a move will help to easily enter the sphere of linguistics, as well as adapt to the articulation technique of native and foreign languages. The undeniable benefit of this technique is the expansion of the vocabulary, as a result of which the correct pronunciation will be generated at an arbitrary level. Soon you will cease to be obsessed with sounds, this will become a kind of norm.

Step number 6. Get into the read

When you have mastered a certain number of words, start reading easy books in a foreign language. Do not set the goal to translate the entire text. Go over it thoughtfully, try to catch the essence at least partially. You do not need to look in the dictionary for the translation of each expression, you will spend a lot of time and do not remember anything.

If you want to know how a word is translated, do not use an online translator. It is better to spend time, find the picture on which this or that object will be depicted. Visualize the process.

After 2-3 such manipulations, you can identify the meaning of the word from the context, this will be the starting point - a hunch, but you will understand the general meaning. In addition to developing good inductive and associative thinking, visual memory will improve, as a result of which grammar and writing will be acquired faster. It is important to understand that this technology is suitable only for people who have already learned the basics of a foreign language.

Step number 7. Use phrasebook

In every stationery store you can buy a phrasebook in a particular language. As a rule, such literature includes not only words, but also whole sentences. It is enough to choose the simplest phrases and memorize them, gradually combining with each other and creating a dialogue. Start with the usual forms of greeting and farewell, wishes, acquaintance, standard questions “How are you?” and answers to them.

If you plan to visit a new country in the near future, the phrase "How to get to the street ..." or "How much is the juice?" Will not be superfluous.Adapt the acquired knowledge to specific needs, choose phrases for all occasions. An interesting fact is that working with a phrasebook is an exciting experience. You will not have time to look back, but already begin to absorb the material, like a sponge.

Whenever possible, pronounce phrases / words out loud so that you are not shy about pronunciation and can get used to unfamiliar speech. You should not be led into a stupor by the improper use of sounds, this is a matter of constant practice.

It is easy to learn a foreign language at home, if you have basic knowledge regarding the compilation of the program. First, decide on a goal, and then try to create a “natural environment” in your apartment. Memorize 25 words a day, focus on verbs. Start communicating with the carrier, memorize and interpret in your own way the method of pronunciation of sounds. Do not try to keep up with everything at once, act gradually, use a phrasebook.

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