How to make a smoky hookah: useful tips

Hookah is an oriental pleasure that does not harm a person. Contrary to popular belief, the smoke that we inhale from the hookah is not smoke at all, but the vapor that remains after heating the syrup and tobacco. Hookah lovers really appreciate the ability to “hammer in” a delicious hookah with lots of heavy smoke and no bitterness. But how to make such a hookah on your own?

How to make a smoky hookah

How to hammer a smoky hookah

Even if you have never made a hookah, thanks to our detailed instructions you can do it really high quality.

  1. Rinse the hookah thoroughly, check the water in the flask - it should be fresh. To improve the taste of smoke, milk or wine can be used instead of plain water. Check the shaft - there should be no rust (if it is metal).
  2. Then take all the parts of the hookah and check their tightness. Just blow air through the hookah. If a draft is drawn from some of the cracks, you need to assemble the structure so that the air does not pass. If necessary, cover the slots with pieces of adhesive tape.
  3. After that, you can start to hookah hookah. In order not to wash the bowl after each clogging and so that the bowl is not saturated with the smell of tobacco, it can be pre-lined with a piece of foil. Carefully wrap the bowl inside, repeating its shape and bends.
  4. When the bowl is wrapped with foil, you can put tobacco into it. No need to squeeze or rinse it. After all, the syrup, which is impregnated with tobacco, gives taste and special smokiness. After all, as you remember, what we breathe is not smoke from burning, but syrup that evaporates from hot air. And if you wash the tobacco and deprive it of precious syrup, what are we going to smoke?
  5. Tobacco in the bowl should be distributed evenly over the entire surface. In no case do you need to compact and compact it. Between pieces of tobacco there should be a space through which air will pass.
  6. Pour exactly enough tobacco into the bowl so that there is at least 3 mm of space on top. This prevents tobacco from touching the coals. If the tobacco touches the coals, it will begin to burn. As a result, we get an unpleasant, bitter taste of a hookah.
  7. Foil the tobacco. The foil can be special, ordinary food and even from a bar of chocolate. It also does not matter which side you set the foil to - matte or shiny.
  8. After that, holes must be made in the foil. This can be done with a simple needle or a toothpick. However, if you often make hookahs, we advise you to make such a tool. Insert a regular needle into the wine cork with pliers. It is quick and convenient to pierce the foil with such a device. In addition, such a tool will always be at your fingertips. In order for the hookah to give a lot of smoke, the holes should be made not in the center, but in a circle around the foil. This will allow the coal to remain in the center, but not set fire to the tobacco.
  9. Then put pieces of coal on the foil. The number of coals can be different, even, like the size of smoldering coals. The main thing is to make the tobacco warm, but not catch fire.
  10. After you put the coal, cover the bowl with a cap. If there is no special cap, you can make a cylinder out of foil and put it on top. This will allow the tobacco to warm up much faster.
  11. After that, you can begin to smoke a hookah. Inhale the vapors, change the position of the coals.
  12. Usually one serving of tobacco should be smoked for no more than half an hour. It is believed that after the indicated time, the syrup completely evaporates and tobacco begins to burn. So we begin to breathe real smoke, that is, we simply smoke.
  13. After you have smoked a hookah, remove the foil with tobacco from the bowl. Tobacco should be a little oily. If it is scorched and dry, then you have smoked it for too long.
  14. After smoking, be sure to flush the hookah hose. After it dries, it will be almost impossible to wash pieces of ash and other substances.

This is a simple algorithm for hammering a delicious smoky hookah without bitterness.

Secrets of a smoky hookah

Experienced hookah workers know that in order to have a lot of smoke from a hookah, and also to be thick and strong, you need to observe some conditions.

Secrets of a smoky hookah

  1. You need to buy quality tobacco. After opening the pack, it must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. To smoke a lot, tobacco needs to be warmed up well. Put the coals on the foil, but do not smoke the hookah for the next 5-10 minutes, no matter how much you would like to. The fact is that when more tobacco warms up, more smoke is produced.
  3. To get a lot of smoke, use 3-4 layers of foil over the bowl. However, keep in mind that in this case it will be much more difficult to smoke a hookah.
  4. It is better to use several small coals than to heat tobacco with one charcoal.
  5. If you smoke a hookah alone, it is advisable to use more coal. If several people smoke, it is better to leave a little coal, as they can light it up very quickly.
  6. Another of the secrets of smoky hookah is glycerin. Add a few drops of glycerin to the tobacco to create a thick white smoke.
  7. It is better to use silicone and clay cups for burning - the tobacco in them is heated evenly, but does not smolder. In ceramic cups, tobacco burns quickly, giving the hookah a characteristic bitterness.
  8. There is an opinion that the hookah is smokier if you make it on milk.
  9. Remember to get a lot of smoke - no need to put a lot of tobacco. It must be loose.
  10. The range of smoking mixtures includes products designed specifically for hookah with a lot of dense smoke.

Hookah is not only a way to relax and spend a pleasant evening with friends. This is like a way of meditation - while smoking, ways to solve problems and answers to serious questions come to mind. And most importantly - it is not only tasty, but also really safe.

Video: how to make a smoky hookah

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