How to make a beautiful voice at home

The voice has a tremendous impact on the perception of others, for this reason many people want to get rid of possible defects in this regard. Excessively high timbre, lisping or swallowing sounds make it difficult to show themselves to the full, while clear diction and moderate intonation place the listeners in two. We will consider important aspects in order and give practical recommendations on how to make a voice beautiful at home.

How to make a beautiful voice

Step number 1. Perform oral hygiene

After the morning awakening, get rid of excess saliva and mucus in the mouth, which makes it difficult to express clearly. Such neoplasms do not allow the voice to open, so in the morning you can speak hoarsely or, conversely, squeakily. Also, because of the mucus, a person pronounces words through his nose, imitating the voice acting of pirated films.

The production of speech and voice will be many times faster if the oral cavity is cleared of excessive saliva. Use a special brush with a surface for processing the tongue, as well as toothpaste and rinse aid.

Do not be lazy to pay due attention to the language, the mucus on its surface will not allow you to build intonation and diction. After cleaning the cavity, proceed with a series of exercises that must be carried out directly in the morning.

Step number 2. Watch out for diction

People who work in the field of marketing or have other professions that involve exposure to voice will like this recommendation. Your field of activity involves a conversation with the public, which means that diction should be clear, convincing.

Scientists from around the world have repeatedly proved that the low timbre of the voice symbolizes calm, shows the leader, speaks about the impressiveness of man. At the same time, an overestimated timbre indicates the opponent’s uncertainty and weakness. It is impossible to listen to a person with a shrill voice for a long time.

It is important to have the right diction so that people take you seriously and effortlessly. In cases where a person speaks inaudibly, swallows letters or words, they stop listening to him. This creates a lot of trouble associated with the inability to convey their own idea or to convince the authorities of the seriousness of the venture.

Follow the diction, work it out every day when communicating with colleagues, household, friends. As soon as you notice that you are beginning to speak inarticulate, correct yourself. Stop, exhale, rephrase what was said with timbre and arrangement. Warn opponents in advance that you are working on diction, otherwise they will perceive such behavior as being rude. Try to speak below, do not "ring".

Step number 3. Growl

An elementary exercise - a growl - will help make a beautiful voice. Daily start the morning with the pronunciation of the protracted “rrrrrrr”, then hold your breath for 20 seconds, repeat the action another 7-10 times.

After such actions, say the following words in order of turn: tractor, ruble, grass, role, rhythm, lilac, wing, rice, ring, frost, cheese, steering wheel, carpet, cook, product.
If you have enough time, re-read and speak the words slowly, recklessly, expressively, with maximum emotionality.

Step number 4. Exhale correctly

The next exercise, which will help make the voice beautiful, is called "The rhythm of yogis." Indian masters have a deep voice, you can easily achieve it with simple manipulations.

Stand on a stool or hard sofa, spread your legs at a distance of 40 cm from each other.Start to inhale deeply and then exhale, carry out the procedure without jerks and abrupt diaphragm work.

After 3 minutes, exhale and inhale in the previous mode, then sharply release air and at the exit say "XXX-aaa." In this case, pay attention to the fact that the exhalation should be carried out completely, without air retention in the respiratory tract. Also, make sure that the sound is as loud and clear as possible, lean forward for the best effect.

Step number 5. Pronounce consonants

In addition to making your voice beautiful at home, this exercise helps strengthen your ligaments. It is recommended to carry out manipulations in the early morning, the duration of the procedure will not take more than 10 minutes.

Having straightened your back, stand in front of the mirror, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, exhale. Start breathing in slowly while making sounds, choose one letter at a time.

On the first breath, say “oh-oh-oh-oh”, then exhale, on the second inhale - “and-and-and-and-and”, then “uh-uh-uh”, “ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It is important to understand that such a sequence of sounds was not chosen by chance, you start to draw “I” (the highest note) first, and end with “A” (lower).

Repeat the pronunciation of sounds on inhalation another 5 times, then change the sequence in random order. You can perform the exercise not only in the morning, but also repeat it throughout the day, if you wish.

Step number 6. Moo

Mumbling involves the pronunciation of a lingering sound, "mmmmmm." In the school of singing, such an exercise is performed at each lesson, so look at its implementation at home.

If you “moo” correctly, lips will automatically start to itch. In cases where it is not the lips, but the throat that itch, raise the chin a little higher. Perform a simple exercise for 5-7 minutes 4 times a day.

Do not try to get the maximum amount of air into your mouth, do not moo, copying the “ruminant”, such actions do not help development.

In some cases, with regular pronunciation of the sound "M", pain may occur in both men and women. Do not try to endure, immediately stop the procedure and carefully monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercise in a neutral tone that will not confuse you. Do not strain your cheekbones and jaw, such a move will only complicate learning.

Step number 7. Do your tongue exercises

Open your mouth wide, start driving the lower jaw left and right, take your time. Repeat simple manipulations for 3 minutes, then proceed to the next exercise.

Slightly open your mouth, stick out the tip of your tongue, smile. Swipe your tongue first to the right corner, then to the left. Try to charge in such a way that the jaw remains in its original position. In this case, you can not touch the lower lip.

After 2 minutes, slowly sweep the middle part of the tongue along the upper lip, then go back, but on the lower one. Make 5 full circles without jerking or braking.

After that, start to consider your tongue as your teeth, touching each of them in turn. Fold your lips together, walk along your front teeth, insert the tip of the tongue first by the right cheek, then by the left. Repeat all the manipulations, opening your lips.

You can achieve the beauty of your voice yourself, the main condition is to perform exercises in the morning. After awakening, the facial muscles are still “sleepy”, for this reason it is recommended to carefully work them out to wake them up.

Video: how to make your voice beautiful and sexy

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