How to remove lenses from the eyes: useful tips

Today, lenses are gaining more and more popularity - they are used for vision correction much more often than glasses. Contact lenses have many advantages - they do not get dirty, do not fall like glasses, they cannot be broken. And most importantly, the lenses correct vision as accurately as possible, leaving no distance between the eye and the lens itself, as happens when wearing glasses. Due to this, the breadth of view increases, a person actively uses lateral vision, which is simply impossible when wearing glasses.

How to remove lenses from the eyes

For many women, their invisibility is a significant advantage. Apart from you, no one knows that you have poor eyesight - you can easily wear sunglasses, do beautiful makeup and not be afraid that your eyes will be hidden by glass or a massive frame. In addition, you can finally get rid of the holder of the title "bespectacled". Colored contact lenses can completely change your appearance, and even image. But many lens owners do not immediately learn how to put them on and take off. And if you still wear the coveted lenses, it’s much more difficult to remove the vision correction tool. What to do in this case?

How to remove lenses from the eyes

If you are already exhausted by unsuccessful attempts to remove contact lenses, your eyes turn red, and your nerves are played out to the limit, you need to calm down. Calm and measured are the main conditions for a successful outcome. So, how do you remove the lens competently?

  1. First you need to wash your hands - this is very important. After all, the fingers will come in contact with the mucous membrane of the eye and a thin lens. You need to wash your hands both before putting on and before removing the lens, using soap. In camping conditions, you can use antibacterial wipes or gel.
  2. Sit at the table so that your elbows rest against its surface. Before you should be a mirror, an open container for lenses, tweezers. Organize good lighting that should not shine right in your eyes.
  3. With the index finger and middle finger of your left hand, hold the upper and lower eyelids, respectively. This is done so that you do not involuntarily begin to blink and close your eyes.
  4. With the index finger of the right hand, carefully touch the lens and slide it from the pupil towards the sclera protein. Do not look with your eyes at the pads; look directly in front of you.
  5. After prolonged wearing of the lens (especially on hot days), the cornea dries up and there is a feeling that the lens literally has grown into the pupil and it is impossible to move it. In this case, to facilitate the task, you can use special moisturizing drops, which are also sold in optics, often complete with lenses.
  6. Drop such drops on the eye and make the pupil a circle in one and the other direction so that the liquid is evenly distributed throughout the mucosa. Removing a lens from a moistened eye is much easier.
  7. As soon as you manage to move the lens with your fingertip away from the pupil, carefully grab it with two fingers of your right hand.
  8. Dip the lens into the liquid container so that it is completely immersed in a special composition. Use tweezers if necessary. Do not use tweezers without rubber tips - you may damage and scratch the fragile structure of the lens. Do not confuse the right and left lens in places, even if you have the same diopter.
  9. Remove and put on lenses before applying or removing makeup. Otherwise, friction can result in particles of makeup on the lens or in the gap between the lens and the pupil. By the way, if you wear lenses, makeup should be soft and hypoallergenic.
  10. In some cases, contact lens owners may be offered a special device to remove them.It is a small suction cup in diameter of the lens itself, the suction cup is located on a stick. The assembly is, as it were, attached to the outside of the lens, after which it is detached from the eye and remains on the suction cup. However, many admit that removing lenses this way is not very convenient, it is much better to use your own fingers. Such a device is indispensable for ladies with long nails, especially of acute shape. It is very difficult, almost impossible to remove the lenses yourself with such a manicure. Therefore, if you remove the lenses with your fingers, you need to refuse long nails, at least at first.

After a few days it will be much easier to remove and put on the lenses, and after you get used to it completely, the actions will come to automatism, and you will spend no more than 10 seconds on it.

How to care for lenses correctly

One of the disadvantages of wearing lenses is the need to carefully care for them. Every day or every other day, you need to change the liquid in the container, pre-rinsing it with clean and warm water. The fact is that while wearing the porous structure of the lens is impregnated with the smallest particles of dust and dirt, protein deposits of the mucosa. To clean the lens and prepare it for tomorrow's wear, the material must be in a special cleaning fluid.

How to care for lenses

In addition, it is very important to change the lens on time. If the lens has an expiration date of 3 months, do not wear it longer. Microcracks are formed on its surface from prolonged use, which bring discomfort to the eye. In some cases, old lenses can cause unexplained headaches, pain in the eyes. If the lens is damaged ahead of schedule, a crack has appeared on its surface - it is absolutely forbidden to wear it either.

Once a week, you need to mechanically clean the lenses, because sometimes protein plaque is not removed using liquid. On sale, special tablets that need to be dissolved in water can be sold along with lenses. Soak the lens in the prepared composition for several minutes. Then put the lens on your finger, fold it in half and gently rub the two halves together. This allows you to gently but effectively clean the inner surface of the lens from various deposits.

When buying lenses, pay attention to their quality. A good lens must be breathable - this is a prerequisite. Do not buy cheap products - if air does not pass through the material, oxygen starvation of the lens mucosa may develop.

Wrong choice, dismissive removal and putting on lenses can lead to other unpleasant consequences. If you put on or remove the lens with dirty hands, you can infect the mucous membrane with an infection, as a result of which blepharitis, keratitis, etc. will develop. In some cases (rarely enough) in a person, individual intolerance to the material from which the lenses are made can be detected. Therefore, if you are putting on lenses for the first time, or changing the manufacturer, start with short periods of wearing time. This will allow you to quickly respond to a problem if it arises. Follow the health of your eyes, competently look after the lenses, and they will bring you only joy.

Video: how to remove lenses quickly and easily

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