How to Poach Cockroaches with Boric Acid

Cockroaches can settle not only in dirty and groomed apartments. Often they come to the house from unscrupulous neighbors through cracks, ventilation hatches, open windows. And no matter how many times you don't get out of your house, there are fewer Prusaks. In this case, you need to use a lethal agent - boric acid.

How to poison cockroaches with boric acid

What is dangerous boric acid

Boric acid, entering the body of an insect, causes severe poisoning. The poison acts on the nervous system, the cockroach may experience cramps, paralysis, suffocation. In addition, cockroaches feel a strong unbearable itch. And, even if the insect survives, it never returns to its previous place. Boric acid can cope with even the most serious pest populations.

Boric acid copes well not only with cockroaches. This is an excellent way to combat ants - the principle of action is the same. But boric acid does not act on bugs - because they do not eat solid food, but only drink blood.

How to poison cockroaches with boric acid

Boric acid used to be used as an antiseptic - it treated wounds and abrasions. Over time, more modern medical devices began to be used, because boric acid often caused a local allergic reaction. Today, boric acid is an excellent insect repellent.

Boric acid can be in the form of a powder, liquid, and alcohol. Boric alcohol is not suitable for bullying cockroaches, because the smell of alcohol itself is not attractive to them. But the liquid and powder can be used both separately and in a mixture with other products to attract a cockroach with a delicious smell.

First you need to understand what cockroaches eat and drink at night. They can live for a long time without food, but without water they face death. Therefore, left bowls of water, tea in a mug, water in a sink are potential feeding of insects.

Sprinkle the boric acid as a track where the cockroaches live the most. It can be a toilet, a sink, a trash can. It is advisable to make a boring path around the sink so that the prusak could not get to the water without getting dirty in the poison. The fact is that after eating, the insect invariably returns to its lair, cleans its paws there, after which part of the grains of boric acid will necessarily enter its stomach.

If you poison cockroaches with liquid boric acid, you can pour the poison into a small saucer and leave it near the sink. It is very important to deprive the Prusak of alternative drinking options. Remove all kinds of cups and jars of liquid, wipe the sink dry. Prusak is in great need of fluid, and he will certainly drink boric acid.

Boric Acid Cockroach Bait

If the cockroach does not want to feast on the treats prepared for it, you can flavor it with mouth-watering additives. So, how to prepare a bait for cockroaches with boric acid, so that the Prusak certainly feast on them.

Boric Acid Cockroach Bait

  1. A raw egg. This is the classic and most effective way to attract the Prusak. The whole egg should not be used, only the yolk is needed. Take one raw yolk and mix it with two bags of boric acid (10 grams each). It will turn out gruel, from which it is necessary to roll up small balls and put it in the most popular habitats of insects. If the mass turned out to be liquid enough that does not roll into balls, you can smear the product on small saucers or cardboard. Leave the bait for a few days. Of course, you will not see cockroach corpses, but you will definitely notice that there are much less Prusaks.
  2. Potatoes and boiled yolk. Boil an egg and one small potato. Mash and mix the yolk and potatoes. Add liquid boric acid and roll the balls. If you prepare the poison from boric acid powder, then you need to add a little water so that the consistency is liquid.
  3. Powdered sugar and flour. Take boric acid powder, flour and powdered sugar in equal proportions. Mix all the loose ingredients and add to the water to knead the dough. Roll small balls from the cooked product to spread the poison in all the kitchen drawers and behind the refrigerator.

These simple recipes will help you prepare refreshments for uninvited guests so that they no longer appear in your home. It is worth noting that the poison, especially if it turned out to be thick, dries quickly and becomes unattractive to the Prusak. Therefore, from time to time, you can drip a few drops of water on rolled balls to "refresh" the treat.

Among the recommendations for cockroach poisoning with boric acid, there is one fun way. If you saw a cockroach, try to catch the Prusak and lower it with a mustache into the cooked "treat". After this, the cockroach must be released. It seems ridiculous, but there is logic in it. The fact is that the Prusak, having eaten boric acid, brings the poison into the den on the legs and body. He infects the intolerable itch of his "comrades." That is, he carries poison to the very center of the settlement. Having done such manipulations several times, you will be convinced that the war with the Prussians is over with your victory.

Is boric acid safe for humans

Another plus of boric acid used in insect poisoning is its safety. Even if you have small crawling children or pets, you can safely lay out balls with boric acid. Of course, it is definitely not worth eating them specially, but if they accidentally enter the human or animal organism, they will not do any harm.

Cockroaches are very unpleasant and harmful insects. They penetrate everywhere, transferring a lot of diseases and infections. Having once seen a Prusak in his house, do not wait for him to come with friends, begin to poison him with boric acid immediately. And then your house will be protected from dangerous and uninvited guests.

Video: how to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment

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