How to persuade parents to buy a dog: 8 ways

Every child, regardless of the social status of parents, material wealth and living conditions, dreams of a pet. And often these are not boring fish that cannot be stroked and not free cats that are rarely amenable to training. The pet that every child dreams of is a dog. A real, living dog that will become a faithful friend. If you dream of your own doggie, and mom and dad say about the crampedness and inability to keep a dog in the apartment, this article is for you. We will help to overcome the blank wall of parental misunderstanding, and you can bring a little puppy to the house.

How to persuade parents to buy a dog

Why parents do not want a puppy

You have already told your mom and dad about your dream several times, but they don’t want to listen to get a dog? Then you need to talk seriously with your parents. In the evening, when they will be in a good mood (preferably after dinner) ask mom and dad about the conversation. They will understand that this is a serious matter, and you do not regard this as a momentary impulse. During the conversation, find out why the parents do not want to get a dog. There must be an explanation for this. Try to overcome the obstacle, depending on the reason.

  1. Small flat. Often, adults refuse children because the apartment is too small for the dog. They say, “If we had our own home ...” and the dream remains a dream. Ask if you plan to expand housing in the near future? Well, really the impossibility of moving to a large apartment will leave your dream unfulfilled? As a compromise, you can get a small dog. Dogs of some breeds do not take up much space and may well settle in a small box.
  2. Allergy. This is a more serious reason, which will be almost impossible to overcome. If you or someone at home is allergic to dog hair, you can try to choose a short-haired or bald breed of dog.
  3. Lack of money. Keeping a dog is quite an expensive pleasure, as it may seem. Buying a pet itself, vaccinations, payment of veterinary receptions, treatment, food, all kinds of vitamins, toys and bowls cost a lot. Therefore, you need to take at least part of the costs. If you dream of a dog, start saving up money, at least a little. You can save money, data on pocket expenses, you can save on school lunches, and it’s better to find a side job. This will show parents that you are not only an adult, but also quite responsible. Help neighbors take out the trash, sort out the computer, go to the store for a small fee. In addition, you can distribute flyers near the metro, put up ads - there are many options, the main thing is desire.
  4. Caring for a dog. Many parents are sure that in two months your enthusiasm will pass, and the dog will remain. They believe that all worries about the pet will fall on their shoulders. To some extent, they are right - a lot of guys do this. However, if you are determined and do not intend to retreat, you need to prove your independence to your parents.

Talking with mom and dad, argue your arguments, talk like an adult, try to dissuade them. Diplomacy, perseverance and good reason will lead to a successful outcome of the negotiations.

How to prove your independence

If you are not yet ready for a serious conversation with your parents, you need to prove to them that you are already an adult, you can take care not only about yourself, but also about your pet. To begin with, take up your studies and tighten your grades. It is necessary not only to fix deuces and triples, but also try to participate in an intellectual competition.And if you win the Olympiad in any subject (at least school), it will be a significant advantage.

In addition, you need to help parents around the house more. Throw away garbage, vacuum, clean the table, my dishes, even when they do not ask. Show mom and dad that you are already quite an adult to do many household chores. If parents work, prepare dinner for them - simple spaghetti will seem like a delicious dish to them. With these actions you are not in words, but in fact will show that you can fulfill your promises.

How to persuade parents to buy a dog

Every mom and every dad wants to see his child happy. Here are some ways to help melt the parents' practical heart and finally buy you a dog.

How to persuade parents to get a dog

  1. Tell mom and dad that thanks to the dog you will spend more time outdoors. Modern parents are very worried about the health of their children, because they devote all their free time to computers. Social networks, virtual games, the Internet simply do not let boys and girls go, spoiling their eyesight, spine and psycho-emotional state. The possibility of long daily walks can bribe alert relatives.
  2. Tell your parents more about your future puppy. Tell me how you will play with him on the lawn, how you will bathe him after a walk, how you will frolic in nature, how he will go to rest with you. More often show your mom photos and videos with the breed of dog you are dreaming of. Tell dad that a dog can be taught to bring slippers, and to train her is a pleasure.
  3. If there is a holiday ahead, and parents ask about a gift, do not forget to mention that the best gift for you is a dog. There can be no alternative - no "If not a dog, then commercials." Otherwise, you will remain with the rollers. Say that a real gift for you will be a dog, real and alive. Do not forget to write “Santa Claus” if the New Year is ahead.
  4. Sometimes a strong argument for parents is security. Say that you are not afraid to walk with a dog, even in the dark. The dog will protect against hooligans and ill-wishers.
  5. Ask mom and dad - did they have a dog in their childhood? If there was, they will certainly smile when pleasant moments from childhood come up in my head. Ask your parents if they had a dog, why don't they let you get it? If there was no dog, they probably also dreamed of an animal in childhood. In this case, they will be able to realize not only your dream, but also yours.
  6. Do not push on parents. No need to put ultimatums - adults do not like this. Just stay true to your dream, from time to time reminding your mom and dad that it bothers you.
  7. There is one tricky move that will encourage parents to think about the dog. Tell mom and dad that none of the guys understands you, that you have a conflict with the class and you need a close and faithful friend.

All these methods are capable of producing real results, but not immediately, but after some time. Understand that parents should get used to this idea, understand that you really feel bad without a dog, accept for yourself the possibility of a puppy appearing in the house. If all the methods used do not help, you can go to extreme measures.

Risky way

If nothing is able to push your parents to buy a dog, you need to go to extreme measures. This is a very risky act and its outcome may be different. However, risk is a noble cause, but what if you are lucky?

The principle of risk is simple - you just bring the dog home. Often, parents cannot refuse a child by looking into his eyes, filled with tears. In addition, we can say that you picked up the dog on the street, in the rain. After that, only the most hard-hearted person can throw a dog out of the house. But where to get the dog and what if the parents refuse to accept it? The dog can be found in the shelter - there are many vaccinated and kind dogs.Such a dog, having experienced a lot of troubles in life, will be very faithful and loyal. However, arrange with the shelter that the dog can be returned if the parents are still against it.

If you want a puppy, you can ask your friends and acquaintances, perhaps someone’s dog has recently whelped. Denying a puppy housing will be much more difficult. But in this case, you can get only a cur - you just don’t have enough money for a thoroughbred dog. And you can bandage the dog’s neck with a bow and present your favorite mom or dad for his birthday. Well, can they really refuse such a gift?

A dog in the house is not only about worries, unpleasant smell and expenses. This is fun, laughter, joyful cries of children, the absence of stress and depression. And most importantly, this is friendship. True friendship that you can cherish. Do not despair if your parents refuse to buy a dog for you. Conversations, proper behavior and self-confidence will help you persuade your parents to have a puppy.

Video: how to persuade parents to get a dog

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