How to behave during a thunderstorm: useful tips

During thunderstorms, many people ask the urgent question of how to behave properly in such weather conditions. Every year the number of victims increases. Knowing certain rules, you can avoid an accident. Let's consider in order how to behave in a thunderstorm, being in different places.

How to behave during a thunderstorm

Thunderstorm during a home stay

  1. Often a thunderstorm catches people at a time when they are outside their home walls. It is a mistake to assume that a weather phenomenon cannot be harmful. It is important to observe a number of certain rules when you get into this situation.
  2. It is highly recommended that you turn off the power to all home appliances that are connected to the network. It will not be superfluous to completely de-energize the living space (house, apartment).
  3. It is imperative to close the balcony doors, windows, windows. To not be afraid of bright flashes, curtains. It is also worth paying special attention to fireplaces and chimneys. If possible, they must be closed.
  4. The house should not have a hint of a draft. Such a move will prevent ball lightning. It is not necessary to assume that this is a rather rare occurrence. It is highly recommended that you stay away from windows during a thunderstorm.
  5. Do not try to melt the stove or fireplace in such weather conditions. Smoke is considered an excellent electrical conductor. Otherwise, the risk of lightning falling into the roof of the house increases.
  6. Indoor people are advised to stay away from entrance doors, antennas, walls and wiring. Especially if tall trees grow near the house or there are other similar objects.
  7. It is also worth limiting the use of cellular communications and modern gadgets. Unnecessarily do not leave the room during a thunderstorm. Thus, the accident can be reduced to zero.

Thunderstorm while staying at a pond

  1. Almost everyone knows that in summer there is a period of severe thunderstorms. Often people choose to go fishing, actively relax and just freshen up in the water. In this case, a thunderstorm is considered the most dangerous phenomenon.
  2. As soon as you hear the peals of thunder in the distance or the flickering of lightning, leave the pond immediately, you need to stay away from it as far as possible.
  3. If you spend time on a catamaran or boat, you need to get to the shore as soon as possible. At the same time, try to bend down to the water transport as much as possible.

Thunderstorm while in transport

  1. It is not always possible to predict the weather. Often a thunderstorm occurs suddenly. Fortunately, transportation is not the worst shelter. The car is quite capable of protecting you from lightning, thunder and heavy rain.
  2. If you have personal transport, it is recommended to park the car in a place where there are no power lines and trees. Do not continue driving during bad weather conditions.
  3. If you have insufficient experience in the role of a driver, such a move can contribute to a poor outcome. A gusty wind, along with poor visibility and bright flashes, often leads to a traffic accident.
  4. It is strongly recommended that you select a suitable place, turn off the engine, turn off the radio, and close all windows.
  5. If you are driving another vehicle, for example, a two-wheeled vehicle, you must immediately stop and move away from the equipment. Otherwise, you will become the object of a lightning strike, as you represent the highest point in the open. It is not necessary to follow such rules in the city.

Thunderstorm while staying in the forest

Thunderstorm while staying in the forest

  1. Being in the forest, it is recommended to behave calmly enough. If possible, do not panic, leave this place and look for an open glade.
  2. If you have electronic devices with you, immediately turn off the power. Remove jewelry, if any. Do not try to hide under tall trees such as poplar, pine, oak or spruce.
  3. For such cases, a birch, maple or hazel will do. Such trees, as practice shows, are subject to the least lightning strike. Do not hide in plants that have previously been exposed to thunder.
  4. Earth in such an area has a large electrical conductivity, therefore, represents the highest danger. After choosing a suitable place, you need to squat down, lower your head and grab your legs in your arms.

Thunderstorm while staying in the mountains

  1. It is highly recommended to stay away from sharp peaks and cliffs, mountain ridges. Go down as low as possible.
  2. If you climbed a mountain with professional equipment and all kinds of utensils, immediately put everything in bags and lower it on a rope to any depression.

Thunderstorm while in the open

  1. If for any reason you find yourself in an open area at the beginning of a thunderstorm, it is recommended to find any structure. Otherwise, immediately turn off all appliances that are powered.
  2. Look around for potentially dangerous objects around you in the form of power lines, trees and shrubs. Ideally, you need to find a depression and a ravine, where the earth will be dry, a sand embankment is best.
  3. You should also remove all kinds of jewelry and put them at a distance of several meters. Squat and lower your head. Try not to get nervous or move. Lying on the ground is prohibited.
  4. Do not try to hide during a natural phenomenon in an open place under single trees, metal structures, wet buildings and mesh fences. All of these objects attract lightning.

Before a thunderstorm, carefully evaluate the situation, do not panic. Keep in mind that the risk of lightning strikes may be higher with a wet body and clothing. An important factor remains that you need to stay away from large trees, clay soil, ponds, bonfires. It is forbidden to be on a hill and in a dense group of people.

Video: rules of conduct during a thunderstorm

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