How to dry a phone that has fallen into water

A few centuries ago, when there were no mobile phones, we did not suffer from such a problem as getting a stationary telephone set wet. However, time goes on, technology does not stand still and today almost every inhabitant of the planet has a mobile phone. We appear with a cell phone everywhere - on the street, in the pool, on the beach and even in the toilet. And it is not surprising if, under such a regime, he accidentally falls into the toilet, puddle, if a glass of water spills on him or he is completely washed in the washing machine.

How to dry a phone that has fallen into water

Many believe that getting a cell phone in water is tantamount to its complete failure. But this is not so. If the phone fell into the water, it can still be saved. In this situation, it is very important to act instantly.

What to do if the phone falls into the water

  1. As soon as the phone enters the water, through the ports of the headphones, charging and other openings, the water instantly enters. Therefore, the very first thing that needs to be done is to remove the device from the water. If the cellular device fell into the toilet, you should not hesitate and waste time searching for rubber gloves. You can wash your hands a little later. The ability to save the phone depends on the time of your reaction.
  2. After that, the phone must be immediately disconnected. If it doesn’t turn off from the button, just pull out the battery. In no case do not try to check the operability of the device and do not turn it on when it is wet. This can lead to contact closure and the phone just burns out.
  3. After turning off the device, try to disassemble it as much as possible. At a minimum, you can remove the battery, memory card and SIM card, remove the back cover. If the phone is not touch, but older models, you can disassemble the device completely, remove the rubber buttons. The touch phone can also be disassembled, but for this you will need a special small screwdriver. In general, remove everything that can be removed, but be careful at the same time - do not tear off or break some delicate details. If you completely disassemble the device, do not forget what and in what sequence it was shot. It is better to take a few photos in the process of parsing the phone.
  4. After that, take paper towels or dry napkins. Wipe every part of the phone thoroughly. Try to get hard-to-reach spots with flagella folded from napkins. In no case do not wrap the tip of a pencil or pen with a napkin in order to get moisture stuck in the corner. This is not safe for small parts of the phone, in addition, it will not bring much benefit.
  5. After thoroughly wiping and drying all parts of the device with dry wipes, you need to leave the phone for several days. Remember that the phone must not be turned on until it is completely dry. And it may take more than one day.

If you want to speed up the process of drying your phone, you can do this using the following methods.

How to dry the phone

In order for the phone to dry quickly and recover, it must be placed in an absorbent composition.

How to dry the phone

  1. Fig. This is the most popular cereal, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. Take a bowl of dry rice and place the phone there. Completely bury the case itself, the battery and other parts in the rice. Leave it overnight. In the morning, the phone will be completely dry and moisture will remain in the rice. Rice dust can be wiped with a rag or vacuumed.
  2. Cat litter. If there is a cat in the house, then there will be no problems with drying the phone. Put the device and its parts in a clean filler, and in a few hours it will remove excess moisture from the phone.
  3. Silica gel. Surely you found silicone balls in a box with new shoes that were put there specifically to absorb excess moisture. Place the phone in a container with silica gel so that the balls completely cover the device. This is a quick and safe way to dry the appliance.

Is the phone wet

In order to check if the phone gets wet and its accessories are damaged, refer to the instruction manual of the device. Most modern models have a special indicator that changes color when wet. If in the normal state it is a white square or circle, then in the wet state it is a pinkish speck. It is usually located under the battery in the corner near the charging hole.

If the phone was charged when wet, unfortunately, most likely it will not succeed in saving it. The fact is that during charging, most of the indoor units are activated, which, when wet, immediately burn out. When removing the phone and charger from the power supply, be careful - water is an excellent conductor of electricity. It may be advisable to disconnect the apartment from the power supply and only then carry out all the manipulations.

Can I dry my phone with a hairdryer or a vacuum cleaner

Among the tips for drying a phone that has fallen into the water, you can find reliable recommendations for drying the device with a hairdryer. However, this is not worth it, even if you are going to dry the device with a cold stream of air. The fact is that the hair dryer blows air and under the influence of a strong jet of moisture sits even deeper in the small parts of the device.

If you want to use household appliances, use a vacuum cleaner. Put a nozzle with a narrow nose on the pipe and bring it to all crevices and inaccessible places. The vacuum cleaner thoroughly draws out all excess moisture and dries the appliance.

If you drop the phone not in water, but in juice, sweet tea or salt water, you do not have to rush to rinse the device under a stream of clean water. You need to dry the cell according to previous recommendations, and then wipe all parts of the phone with wet wipes.

After the phone falls into the water, do not rush to run after the new device. A wet phone can be resuscitated. If after thorough drying the phone does not turn on, take it to the master. And so that the next time such an incident does not happen again, be more careful. Indeed, sometimes in addition to an expensive device, you can lose photos and video frames of dear and beloved people.

Video: a way to dry your phone

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