Coffee addiction: how to get rid of it?

Caffeine can be attributed to a legal drug. For different personalities, the effect of interrupting coffee is not the same. For someone to make coffee is not a problem, others may face a number of unpleasant consequences. Opinions vary today. Let's talk about everything in order.

Coffee addiction

Human exposure to caffeine

  1. It is a deep misconception to believe that when refusing coffee, caffeine ceases to flow into the body. Thus, the dependence on the substance disappears. The only thing a person deprives himself of is drinking coffee drinks.
  2. Caffeine is found in almost all products; various types of teas, chocolate, carbonated drinks, etc. In this case, you can stop for coffee. The content of caffeine in it prevails over other products.
  3. The modern American writer decided to conduct an experiment on himself. For 1 month, he completely refused the consumption of coffee. Up to this point, the writer drank 3-4 mugs a day.
  4. After cessation of caffeinated drink, the American did not experience any side effects. The writer did not experience migraines, hand tremors, or irritability. Physically, nothing has changed.
  5. The only thing the writer felt on himself was the inability to wake up normally and be awake. As it turned out later, it was enough to lie down to rest 1 hour earlier, the symptoms disappeared immediately the next day.
  6. Therefore, instead of looking for a coffee maker first thing in the early morning, try to go to bed earlier. The result will amaze you, you will wake up a few minutes before the alarm rings. In this case, the need for coffee will disappear.

How to get rid of coffee addiction

  1. It should be understood that natural high-quality coffee does not need to be turned into a means for awakening. Such a drink must be enjoyed. If you have no health problems, just go to bed earlier.
  2. In this case, the use of coffee will take place in the circle of a pleasant company as a pleasure to drink. If you experience drowsiness in the afternoon, just drink good quality black or green tea.
  3. Many people prefer aging pu-erh as an encouraging drink. It is forbidden to drink it in the evening or before bedtime. In this case, insomnia is guaranteed to you. It is also worth considering that the consumption of puerh on an empty stomach can provoke a number of troubles.
  4. In some cases, refusal of coffee can cause a number of unpleasant factors. Usually the consequences occur if a person drank more than 5 cups per day. In this case, palpitations, headache, fatigue and irritability appear.
  5. To cope with constant migraine against the background of a complete rejection of coffee, it is recommended to drink high-grade green tea. In addition, it is proved that hot water with lemon or just boiling water, drunk before meals, will help overcome the disease.
  6. Keep in mind that if you previously drank more than 3-4 cups of coffee a day, you may not immediately be able to refuse the drink. Discomfort will accompany not only the psychological level, but also on the physical in the form of headache and fatigue.
  7. First of all, manipulate gradually, reduce the amount of coffee you drink. Reduce cups with a drink daily. Next, go to chicory. Such a drink is considered a great alternative if you like the smell and taste of the product.
  8. Studies have shown that dependence on coffee is most often manifested on a psychological level. In this case, the physical condition of a person is quite normal.In this case, the gradual weaning of coffee should take place correctly. Do not forget to carry out the morning ritual.
  9. Next, replace coffee with another drink. If you have definitely decided that you want to abandon the composition, act decisively. At first, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy a hot drink after waking up.
  10. Reflect on the coming day and plans for the future. Gradually replace coffee with herbal tea, premium Chinese teas or freshly squeezed juices. Do not forget to have breakfast and sleep the prescribed number of hours.

The value of water in the fight against addiction

  1. In difficult times of refusal of caffeine, it is important to drink as much clean water as possible. During the first 3 days, the body needs fluid, the process of rebuilding occurs.
  2. Caffeine is known to act as a diuretic. The consequence of this effect is dehydration. This phenomenon is not dangerous for people who do not abuse coffee.
  3. Other circumstances await caffeine addicts. Abusing invigorating drinks, a person is faced with severe dehydration. As a result, a number of ailments arise.

Other ways to deal with addiction

  1. In the first difficult days when refusing caffeine, provide yourself with those things that can distract you or benefit. The most difficult time is considered to be morning.
  2. It is at this time that the body's need for caffeine is strong. At the psychological level, the familiar reflex is triggered, with which you need to fight.
  3. Try to keep yourself busy and distract the nervous system from the coffee habit. Remember in your hands a pillow with a special filler against stress, play games on the gadget.

To overcome coffee addiction, you need to find out if you are addicted to caffeine. Side effects are manifested in different ways, so first of all, observe the reaction of the body. Decide what exactly you want to achieve. Caffeine is found in almost any product. If you want to reduce the consumption of the substance, tie it with natural coffee and energy drinks. Prefer herbal decoctions and green teas, try oolong.

Video: how to overcome caffeine addiction

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