How many people should drink water per day?

A lot has been said and written about the benefits of water. Everything is clear here and there is no dispute that water performs a vital function for our body. However, questions arise and heated debate is ongoing about how much, when, and what water should be consumed.

How many people should drink water per day

What water to choose?

  1. The ideal option is water from spring sources or from deep wells, but the source must be verified. Such water is quickly absorbed and is most useful, as it contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Natural water should be taken only from trusted sources, which will minimize the possibility of harm to its use. Springs should choose where industrial facilities and settlements are absent. It is better to choose a source near forests and environmentally friendly areas.
  2. Next in usefulness is water purified by filters. However, in this case it is also necessary to verify the quality and efficiency of the filters used.
  3. Bottled water, as a rule, is considered "inanimate", so it is processed and is almost distilled. In this water, the content of minerals is reduced and when it is used, a person, to a greater extent, satisfies the need for a liquid. It is recommended to add a little sea salt to this water. Important! Not all bottled is so harmless, it is necessary to carefully study its composition and source of origin.
  4. Boiled water is of little use, since when boiling along with pathogenic bacteria, calcium and magnesium salts also leave, which reduces the beneficial properties of water.
  5. Mineral water: there are 2 types of such water (canteen and medicinal), which must be separated.

The first is suitable for frequent use, but the second is intended for medicinal purposes and the use of which should be strictly dosed. It is proved that excessive consumption of mineral water can lead to unpleasant consequences (for example, the appearance of kidney stones), therefore it is better to drink it not daily, but periodically.

In no case should you drink sweet sparkling water. She not only does not quench her thirst, but, on the contrary, strengthens her. Plus, metabolism is disrupted, and as a result, obesity occurs.

For a complete and effective replenishment of the body with the required volume of liquid, it is recommended to drink clean water.

How much water per day is needed?

The volume of fluid drunk per day depends on the following factors:

  1. Body mass: the necessary amount of water for a person is calculated on the basis of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Physical activity: if a person is involved in sports or during the day is constantly in great physical activity, with increased sweating, it is necessary to increase the daily rate of water.
  3. Ambient temperature: in the summer, the body is prone to dehydration, so an additional amount of water is needed. Due to the lack of water in extreme heat, the content of potassium and magnesium in the human body decreases. This can lead to heart rhythm disturbance, especially for older people.
  4. Human Health Status: for example, when the temperature rises due to the disease (with intoxication during an infectious disease). The amount of water consumed must be increased, which will help get rid of harmful microorganisms faster and prevent the dehydration process.

It is recommended to increase the amount consumed by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who consume large amounts of coffee, sweet and salty foods per day.

Why drink enough water?

Why drink enough water

  1. The body consists mainly of water, therefore it is necessary to maintain its level and replenish the consumed reserves.
  2. For a good metabolism: if the body lacks fluid, then the metabolism is inhibited.
  3. Promotes weight loss. With weight loss and diet, the amount of water consumed plays an important role. Firstly, appetite is reduced. And secondly, when drinking large amounts of water, the need for other drinks, such as tea and coffee, is reduced.
  4. To lower blood pressure. When you consume large amounts of water, the blood becomes more liquid, and as a result, blood pressure decreases
  5. Reduces joint pain. Due to the fact that cartilaginous tissues wear out more than others, therefore they need water.
  6. The condition of the skin and hair improves.
  7. To remove toxins from the body

Due to the following properties that positively affect the body:

  • water regulates body temperature;
  • protection of organs and tissues of the body, as well as tissues of the eye, nose and mouth;
  • nutrient saturation;
  • reduced load on the kidneys and liver;
  • helps prevent aging.

Lack or excess of water is equally harmful. To determine the amount of water sufficient for you, below are the signs of its lack and excess.

Signs of excessive drinking:

  • colorless urine;
  • low body temperature;
  • hands and feet are freezing;
  • headaches;
  • muscle cramps;
  • swelling;
  • trouble sleeping
  • chronic fatigue;
  • stagnation of weight, the impossibility of dropping it.

Signs of lack of water in the body and its dehydration:

  • dry skin, dry mouth and eyes;
  • feeling of excessive thirst;
  • joint pain;
  • feeling tired and drowsy;
  • hunger;
  • digestion problems;
  • the appearance of signs of premature aging;
  • the duration of the course of the disease increases;
  • decreased attention span;
  • the appearance of excessive irritability.

It makes no sense to try to drink too much water, because along with excess water, macro- and microelements will be excreted from the body.

Do not try to immediately drink the daily norm of water, if you have never done this, and even more so do not need to force yourself. Accustom yourself to drink water gradually until it just becomes a habit. Thus, the main thing is to realize that compliance with the water regime is a necessary and inalienable condition for proper life.

Video: how much water should I drink per day?

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