Herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

According to statistics, 80% of the fair sex are unhappy with their figure. Moreover, in general, these are quite slender girls and women who, in spite of everything, strive for perfection. Diet or various dietary restrictions accompany us constantly - we are losing weight by the summer, New Year, the beginning of the school year. We go on a diet almost every Monday and not every first day of the next month. But why do all attempts remain in vain? Often, an uncontrollable appetite, which is difficult to fight, prevents you from losing weight. It seems that the whole day went well - not much was eaten, but the evening appetite nullifies all efforts. We gain weight again, try to lose it again and fall into a strong vicious circle, which is almost impossible to get out of.

Herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

To lose weight once and for all, you need to observe several conditions. You need to eat fractionally, move more, do cosmetic procedures for the skin. But herbs can help suppress wolfish appetite. This is the safest, most natural and effective way to cope with an inexorable urge to eat. Decoctions, infusions and salads from such herbs will save you before bedtime, when the body suffers from hunger, but you want to postpone the meal until the morning. Such herbs not only suppress appetite, but also have a negative calorie content. This means that the body will need much more energy to digest them than is contained in their composition. Using such herbs, you can not only suppress appetite, but also lose weight in the most direct way.

How herbs against appetite

As the great Avicenna noted, there are no plants that would not have any medicinal value. That is, any herb has its own specific properties and can be used against a particular disease. In herbal medicine, there are many herbs that can help in the process of losing weight, but the principle of action of each of them is different. Consider the main groups of plants that can suppress appetite, save us from overeating and give us a slender figure.

  1. Viscous herbs. Decoctions of these plants are quite viscous, which gives us undoubted benefits. Such compositions gently and carefully envelop the walls of the stomach, protect against the effects of gastric juice, and relieve hunger. By the principle of action, such decoctions are similar to oatmeal jelly. These funds not only relieve the obsessive feeling of hunger, but are also able to relieve pain in gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach. Flaxseed decoction has powerful viscous properties. In addition, Ivan-tea, linden, aloe, coltsfoot leaves, and also the marshmallow root can boast a similar effect.
  2. Swelling herbs. This is one of the safest groups of herbs, which, getting into the stomach, begin to actively swell and increase in size. Due to this, there is a feeling of satiety, although the caloric content of such a meal is negligible. You can be sure that you do not want to eat until the contents of the stomach are digested. These herbs include dandelion, nettle, flax seeds, rhubarb, kelp. You can combine a regular lunch, replacing it half with salads from similar herbs. The amount eaten will be unchanged, but the calorie intake will be reduced by at least half.
  3. Accelerating metabolic processes. Human metabolism is a very fragile system on which the figure depends. Surely you know very thin people who eat a lot, but do not recover a bit. Perhaps in your environment there are fat people who eat little, but get better even from cucumbers. The reason for all this is the metabolism and the speed of its course.This mechanism is affected by heredity, age, and external factors. For example, if you do not eat anything all day, but eat up at night, the metabolism will slow down, making reserves of fat. But the metabolic rate can be increased with some plants, such as ginger and ginseng, cinnamon, rosemary, nettle, and turmeric. Remember, the first time after you start taking such drugs, your appetite may increase due to the fact that the body begins to experience a deficiency in energy. However, after a week of intake, internal sources of fat reserves will be burned.
  4. Herbs to suppress the production of gastric juice. What is appetite? We feel this feeling when we produce gastric juice when we get hungry or see something tasty. In order not to feel hungry, you need to reduce the amount of gastric juice in the stomach. This requires herbs to lower the acidity of the gastric juice. These include heather, mint, St. John's wort, fennel, linden.
  5. Diuretic plants. If you need to lose a few centimeters for an important event, diuretic plants will help you. Indeed, often the cause of large volumes may not be fat deposits, but simple swelling and excess fluid in the body. However, remember that these herbs can not be taken for too long - they can wash the potassium, which is so necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system. Among the diuretic herbs you can distinguish rose hips, burdock, horsetail, bear ears, birch buds. In addition, treatment with decoctions will allow you to get rid of not only edema, but also toxins, toxins and other toxic agents in the body. But remember, after 4 days of taking, the beneficial properties of diuretic herbs become harmful.
  6. Soothing herbs. Appetite is very strongly associated with the mood and emotional state of a person. How often do we celebrate good news with a feast, and we try to catch the bad news with sweets. If you are sensitive to mood swings, you need to drink soothing herbs - valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and oregano. These decoctions will help you stabilize your psychological state and protect you from unexpected meals.
  7. Laxative herbs. These decoctions do not suppress hunger, but are able to cleanse the intestines from stagnant feces, toxins and toxins. Regular intake of such drugs will help you establish the intestines, because this is one of the main conditions for losing weight. Among laxative herbs, buckthorn, senna, hellebore, caraway, anise, and yarrow can be noted. However, remember, such decoctions can be taken in courses - during fasting days or during diets. Continuous use can be addictive.
  8. Cholagogue plants. Everyone knows that diseases of the liver and gall bladder often lead to excess weight. Because it is bile and the speed of its renewal that affects the purity of the skin, metabolism, and the quality of digestion. If you want to lose weight, you need to regularly drink choleretic decoctions of herbs 5-6 times a year to accelerate the excretion of old bile and stimulate the production of new bile. Among choleretic plants, one can distinguish immortelle, lingonberry leaves, corn stigmas, chamomile, oregano and mint
    These are the main groups of herbs and plants that can help in a particular situation. But remember that herbs can be both beneficial and deadly.

How to cook and drink herbs

It is very important to remember that prolonged use of herbal decoctions can be dangerous, because the plants are not as harmless as they seem. Before taking any broth, you need to study in detail the contraindications and side effects to each broth. Be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of taking this or that plant. In no case do not self-medicate, especially during pregnancy or in the presence of chronic diseases.

It is not difficult to prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs. For this, you can use both fresh and dried plants.A handful of dry plants need to be poured with boiling water, cover, wrap and let it brew for about an hour. During this time, the water absorbs all the healing powers of the plant, and the broth can be drunk. Plants with a denser structure (corn stigmas, flax seeds or fennel) should be cooked for about 15 minutes over low heat. Inside, you can take only fresh decoctions prepared no more than a day ago. If you are preparing a decoction for future use, it must be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

You need to drink cooked medicines gradually. That is, on the first day, take no more than half a glass of decoction and watch the reaction of the body. On the second day, double the dose. Reach 2-3 glasses of broth, which you need to drink in small portions throughout the day. Drink broths better courses. Especially diuretic, laxative and choleretic fees. They are not intended for continuous use.

Teas and decoctions to suppress appetite

Here are some recipes to help you suppress your wolf appetite and not get off your diet.

Teas and decoctions to suppress appetite

  1. Green tea with ginger and cinnamon. This is a wonderful drink that can give a feeling of satiety for a long time. Put a cinnamon stick, a teaspoon of chopped ginger root, and the same amount of green tea in the teapot. Brew and drink a cup of the drink 3-4 times a day. For taste, you can add lemon and a drop of honey to tea.
  2. Dandelion stalks, parsley seeds, corn stigmas, buckthorn bark. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with a liter of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Drink a third glass three times a day before meals. This will not break and take a moderate amount of food.
  3. Ginseng root and flax seeds. Pour in a saucepan on a tablespoon of flax seeds and chopped ginseng root, pour two glasses of water. Boil on low heat for at least half an hour, and then cover, let the ingredients steam. Drink the resulting jelly in half a glass with severe attacks of hunger.
  4. Yarrow, rosemary and wormwood. Prepare a strong broth from these plants and drink it on an empty stomach, one glass each. Yarrow has a diuretic and choleretic effect, it will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Rosemary will give you energy, which will not be enough with a limited amount of food. And wormwood will save you from hunger - your appetite will not torment you.

These are the simplest but effective recipes that will relieve you of hunger and help you lose weight. But remember, plants can be combined as you like - the more ingredients in the collection, the stronger its medicinal effect.

Herbs that suppress appetite are not a panacea. Do not rely on magic decoctions and refuse food completely. In order to lose weight gradually, correctly and forever, you need to establish nutrition, give up bad eating habits, go in for sports. And herbs will remain an indispensable tool during a period of acute hunger. Love your body, and it will certainly reciprocate.

Video: 3 herbs for taming appetite

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