The smell of sweat under the armpits: how to get rid of it?

The human body controls thermoregulation due to sweating. In some people, it is moderate, while others suffer from an unpleasant odor that appears in the armpits. An unnatural aroma causes a lot of inconvenience and often puts a person in an awkward position. Hence the need to get rid of the smell under the armpits. We’ll talk about how to deal with this today.

The smell of sweat under the armpits

Causes of bad smell

  1. The smell of sweat can be sharp, sometimes unbearable, during puberty. Often the "aroma" interrupts all deodorants. To cope with the situation is almost impossible, you should wait time.
  2. There are cases when women in the climatic period encounter an unpleasant odor in the armpits. This is due to hormonal changes and malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  3. The cause of the appearance of “aroma” may be pregnancy, regardless of the gestational age of the fetus. The expectant mother is undergoing a restructuring of the hormonal environment, all this is accompanied by increased sweating.
  4. Aroma in the armpit area may come from an unhealthy diet. If a person is leaning on fried, smoked, pepper, salty foods, problems cannot be avoided.
  5. The smell in the armpits appears due to the use of oral contraceptives or other medications. Such medicines change the blood formula, thereby changing the smell of sweat.
  6. There is also the most obvious reason for the appearance of “aroma” - this is the failure to observe basic rules of personal hygiene. If the symptoms of hyperhidrosis are very severe, simple ablutions will not help. It is necessary to use agents with an antibacterial effect that will stop the growth of bacteria.

Odor Characteristics

  1. When the armpits of women sweat, the smell acquires a sour note. While a heavy, harsh aroma comes from men. This feature is determined by various factors, including individual characteristics, the structure of the endocrine glands, nutrition, and microflora.
  2. The smell of sweat can tell a lot about a person. So, for example, if a sharp aroma of acetone is published, it is quite possible that it is necessary to undergo an examination to increase blood sugar levels.
  3. When you smell spoiled meat, consult a specialist and check for cancer.
  4. If the aroma is vinegar, sour, malfunctions of the thyroid gland or the entire endocrine system are possible.
  5. Notes of hydrogen sulfide, or the so-called "rotten eggs", indicate a malfunction in the digestive system and impaired intestinal microflora.
  6. Shades of ammonia can be a consequence of the presence of a duodenal ulcer or stomach, as well as difficulties in the functioning of the liver and genitourinary system.
  7. If you notice one or more of the listed symptoms, contact a specialist for an examination. In the case when there is confidence in a normal state of health, resort to common ways to deal with the problem.

Drug odor elimination

The right solution to dealing with such a delicate problem will be the use of medicines. Let's consider them in order.

  1. Chlorhexidine is a disinfectant that is publicly available, sold at a pharmacy, and is cheap.The product is easy to use, it is enough to moisten a cosmetic sponge in it, then wipe the armpit area with a disk and wait for it to dry. The composition will kill all bacteria, as well as prevent the occurrence of odors in the future. The product is safe for the skin, most importantly, choose chlorhexidine not for alcohol.
  2. Urotropin is an effective composition that is not sold in every pharmacy. Urotropin has an analog - Hexamethylenetetramine. The latter is released in the form of a ready-made solution or powder, the properties do not change. The drug is distributed in the armpit area, after which it is left overnight.
  3. Teymurova paste is the most common drug that is known to many. There is its analogue, which is called Lassara paste. The preparations are made on the basis of zinc oxide, which controls the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminates sweating. It is necessary to use the composition 3-5 days before the disappearance of the unpleasant odor. These medicines are not approved for use by categories of people who have an increased sensitivity of the skin.
  4. Zinc ointment is an effective tool, the use of which should carefully read the instructions. An analogue is salicylic-zinc ointment, it is made from salicylic acid and zinc, respectively. These drugs eliminate the action of bacteria and dry the skin, the smell goes away pretty quickly.
  5. Formidron is the most effective drug according to numerous reviews. The composition has bactericidal, deodorizing properties. The action is caused by the accumulation of tannins, ethyl alcohol, perfumes, distilled water. When using Formidron, the effect lasts up to 5 days, not a single similar remedy can boast of this. You should be careful, the drug is toxic and not suitable for use by people with sensitive skin. Too frequent use leads to itching, peeling, burning in the armpits.

Proper nutrition in the fight against odor

Proper nutrition in the fight against odor

  1. Specialists in the field of dietetics claim that you can cope with the unpleasant odor under the armpits with the help of an adjusted diet. You should heed this cure and review the daily menu.
  2. Exclude all smoked dishes, fast foods, canned goods, home-made preparations for the winter, sausages, pastries, pastries and other “nasty things”. Instead, lean on fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, nuts.
  3. Excessive sweating occurs due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands and obstruction of the ducts. To fix this, drink a minimum of 2.5 liters of filtered water per day.
  4. Refuse sweet soda, packaged juices, alcohol (including beer) for the period of treatment for sweating. Do not smoke or reduce the number of cigarettes.
  5. Do sports at the same time. It is not necessary to drive yourself to a loss of heart rate, take the habit of doing exercises or running for 15 minutes a day.

Odor injections

  1. Modern medicine has developed quite widely. Often people turn to specialists for help. In order to suppress the activity of sweat glands, targeted injections are administered.
  2. An undoubted advantage can be considered that you will no longer encounter awkward situations and an unpleasant odor of armpits. You will not have stains on your clothes. Unfortunately, not many people know about the back of the procedure.
  3. During the introduction of special medicines, the body undergoes serious changes and enormous stress. Hence, a number of diseases appear on the basis of weakened immunity.
  4. The fact is that the sweat glands are set to work properly, such a process is laid down by nature. When a person sweats, the body can control body temperature. When intervening, these functions are impaired, which adversely affects cardiac activity.

Odorless Essential Oils

Odorless Essential Oils

  1. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, you can resort to the help of essential oils. Often the herbal composition is added when taking baths. Also, ethers wipe problem areas on the body.
  2. Consider some effective recipes for a mixture of oils against the smell of sweat. Combine in 30 ml containers. grape seed oil and 3 drops of orange ether. Stir components, use as directed.
  3. For the bath, you need to prepare a slightly different composition. Add 12-14 drops of sage, pine or eucalyptus essential oils to the hot liquid. As a result, you get a tonic aromatherapy. This procedure perfectly kills germs that contribute to the appearance of odor.
  4. To suppress an unpleasant odor on the body, it is enough to lubricate the problem areas with a small amount of citrus ether. Tea tree oil is also suitable. Take one drop of the compound and rub it thoroughly under the armpit.
  5. Most essential oils have antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so the plant composition simply does not allow bacteria to multiply and provoke the release of an unpleasant odor. Do not forget about daily hygiene and clothing made from natural fabrics.

Folk remedies for smell

Tea mushroom

  1. A strong infusion of Kombucha showed itself well in the fight against the smell of sweat. It is known that the drink is famous for its good antiseptic effect.
  2. Such an effect qualitatively reduces sweat secretion by narrowing the pores. With a solution, it is necessary to wipe the problem areas of the body. Keep in mind that this procedure is performed after taking a shower.

Oak bark

  1. Traditional medicine has long been practicing decoction based on oak bark. The finished composition has tannins and astringents. It is recommended several times a day to wipe the problem areas with the prepared liquid.
  2. To prepare the broth send 200 gr. oak bark in a small stewpan. Pour in raw materials of 0.5 liters. water., wait for the composition to boil, cook for about half an hour over low heat. After 2 hours of infusion, use as directed.

Camomile tea

  1. To prepare the composition, you need 50 gr. dried plant flowers. Put the raw materials in a heat-resistant container, pour 400 ml. boiling water, cover.
  2. Wait for the natural infusion to cool, then strain the liquid. Stir in the composition 30 gr. baking soda, mix. Use the product as a wipe 2 times a day.

Apple vinegar

  1. To suppress the specific smell of sweat, resort to a solution based on apple cider vinegar. For 1 liter of pure water, you need to take 80 ml. apple cider vinegar. Mix well.
  2. Take water procedures, wipe the body dry. Apply the solution with a cotton pad to the armpit area. Wait for it to dry completely. Only after this is allowed to go to rest.

Before proceeding with decisive action to eliminate the smell of sweat, it is worthwhile to find out the root cause of the problem. If necessary, hand over the list of tests and go through the examination. After that, get professional advice from a specialist. Next, you can resort to the pharmaceutical method of eliminating odors or try traditional medicine recipes.

Video: how to get rid of the smell under the armpits

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