Eggplant during pregnancy - benefits and harms

Pregnancy is a great time, except for early toxicosis, swelling of the legs and, of course, prohibitions on certain products. Ladies who are in an "interesting" position, it is very important to monitor their own diet. You can not enter vegetables that can harm the development of the fetus in the womb. Eggplant is quite common in pregnant women. Let's figure it out, are they only beneficial or are they contraindications?

Eggplant during pregnancy

The composition and properties of eggplant

  1. For pregnant girls, vitamins are useful substances, which are included in group B. Folic acid can be attributed to this list, it is it that guarantees the correct formation of the fetus in accordance with the term.
  2. But thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin and choline also have benefits. All of them belong to the B-group.
  3. The fruits are not deprived of ascorbic acid, which acts as an immunostimulant and an antioxidant at the same time.
  4. Tocopherol in combination with vitamin A reduces the likelihood of congenital heart defects in the baby and supports the maternal circulatory system.
  5. Eggplant also contains minerals, pectin, fiber, nasunin (an excellent antioxidant that prevents brain cells from aging), vitamin D.
  6. Of the minerals, it is separately necessary to isolate large amounts of iron, calcium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.
  7. Solanine gives the eggplant an unusual bitter taste, and chlorhexidic acid is similar in composition to a pharmacy drug of the same name.
  8. Blue ones, as eggplants are also called, have an optimally balanced list of nutrients. Of particular value to a pregnant girl are minerals such as magnesium and potassium. They protect the heart muscle and cleanse the blood channels of cholesterol.
  9. Dietary fiber, fiber, pectin are aimed at improving the digestive system. All pregnant ladies suffer from constipation and heartburn, taking a little blue will prevent unpleasant ailments.
  10. Potassium is necessary for girls suffering from diabetes while carrying a child. When you use blue ones, the dependence on purchased insulin decreases, the body becomes more susceptible to its own.
  11. It is interesting that during pregnancy eggplant juice is also used. Thanks to regenerating substances, they lubricate damaged skin areas for faster healing.

What diseases does eggplant treat?

  • anemia
  • obesity;
  • slow metabolism;
  • thyroid ailments;
  • diabetes;
  • problem skin;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • ischemia;
  • impaired heartbeat;
  • gallstone disease.

It should be understood that pregnant girls need to undergo a preliminary examination, only then use the vegetable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Also check with your doctor how much you can eat daily.

The use of eggplant for pregnant women

The use of eggplant for pregnant women

  1. Modern female doctors do not advise their patients to eat heavy foods that can slow intestinal motility and cause constipation. Eggplant is low-calorie and quickly digested, bringing only benefit.
  2. The composition contains B vitamins, they are important for the proper formation of the central nervous system of the baby. Calcium with phosphorus is responsible for the development of the musculoskeletal system of the child.
  3. Pregnant women often experience swelling of the extremities. Blue ones have diuretic properties, remove excess fluid, relieving the syndrome of heavy legs and swelling.
  4. Useful properties extend to the heart muscle of the future mother. During the bearing of the fetus, the main organ receives a tremendous load, the rhythm breaks down. Eggplant prevents the development of ischemia.
  5. It should be understood that eggplant will benefit and clean the blood channels only if you use it in boiled or stewed form. Fried slices, on the contrary, clog vessels and worsen well-being.
  6. The vegetable will bring value to the processes of hematopoiesis. Due to the increased production of red blood cells, the composition of the blood improves, its circulation accelerates. On this basis, all internal organs begin to work harmoniously, without failures. This is extremely important for women in early pregnancy.
  7. Blue ones will be beneficial for digestion, relieve symptoms of toxicosis, eliminating nausea and vomiting cramps. And due to the iron content in the pulp, iron-deficiency anemia is prevented in mother and baby.
  8. Folic acid, which belongs to B vitamins, is of particular value. This substance is important not only for a pregnant woman, but also for a nursing woman. Because vitamin B9 enhances lactation, improves the quality and fat content of milk.
  9. Eggplant intake has a positive effect on the nervous system. The girl during pregnancy suffers from mood swings, insomnia. The inclusion of little blue ones in the diet will eliminate disorders of the psychoemotional environment.
  10. Eggplants contain phenolic compounds that actively resist the action of free radicals in the body. Therefore, the systematic eating of fruits will help to avoid the development of oncological abnormalities in the baby and mother.

Eggplant during lactation

Eggplant during lactation

  1. If you do not have health problems and the corresponding contraindications, vegetables should be included in the diet of the fairer sex when breastfeeding.
  2. The only condition is that the product should be administered gradually. Closely monitor the health and reaction of the baby. If there are no rashes, feel free to enjoy the vegetable. It is recommended to introduce eggplant in your own diet when the child is more than 3 months old.

Harmful Eggplant

  1. It is forbidden to consume fruits with impaired activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Such contraindications also include ulcers and gastritis.
  2. A high concentration of fiber is concentrated in eggplant, so serious exacerbations can occur with such diseases. In addition, the vegetable is contraindicated in arthrosis, acute gout and pancreatic disease.
  3. It is forbidden to include eggplant in the menu for kidney failure. Oxalates, which are contained in the vegetable, have a negative effect. Therefore, the product in most cases provokes an exacerbation of diseases.
  4. It is important to know that in overripe specimens a large amount of solanine is present. Such a substance is considered poisonous to the body. In case of poisoning, colic, diarrhea, convulsions and dizziness are observed. Be careful.

There is no doubt that eggplant belongs to the list of healthy products. The composition of the vegetable contains important enzymes for the human body. Systematic eating of fruits will help to bypass the development of serious ailments. In order not to encounter the opposite effect, be sure to read the contraindications.

Video: the beneficial properties of eggplant

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