White-fronted goose - description, habitat, interesting facts

Bird hunting is gaining in popularity. In view of this, the number of feathered individuals decreases over time. Today we look at a representative of the goose family, namely the white-fronted goose. It differs from other brothers in dimensions, as well as its taste. Hunters are not averse to feasting on a bird obtained by their own labor.

White-fronted goose


Represented individuals in the process of searching for a place to build a home are guided by the fact that there is a reservoir or other similar source nearby. Natural waters with dense vegetation that are not in a forest area are all that birds need.

Usually geese are found in swampy areas, near valleys with reservoirs, rivers, lakes. These individuals successfully breed in different parts of the globe, whether it be Asia, Europe, Greenland or America. There are American species of similar birds that have settled in Alaska and Canada.

Feathered go for the winter to the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as the Black Sea. They fly there every year, as soon as it gets cold enough in their native lands.

When the weather is cold in the homeland of birds, they travel to warmer regions, such as Asia or Hindustan. They are met in the south and east, on the Caspian Sea. North American feathered friends do not leave the territory of their country, shifting only to its southern regions.


Otherwise, individuals of the family under discussion are called geese. They were first discovered in the Soviet Union in the late 1800s. These birds were originally seen on the territory of Pavlograd. If you follow the information of some scientists, they supposedly entered from the Caspian Sea.

In its external characteristics, this representative of the family is similar to a gray goose. However, in terms of overall features, the case is smaller. The color of the bird is brown; in the area of ​​the belly, black marks can be observed.

The beak is famous for its pinkish tint, very in harmony with the rest of the coloring. On its surface you can observe the mark of a whitish tone. Young growth does not have such points, after growing up they will appear. This usually happens after a couple of years. In parallel, the abdominal region brightens, the frontal section stands out.

Paws are orange with a reddish tint. The tail includes special feathers that are colored white. By their weight, the birds represented can reach 2-3 kg. This is the norm, deviations of + - 5 kg are possible.


White-fronted Goose Lifestyle

  1. Individuals of this species belong to the category of migratory, that is, they go for wintering to where it is warmer. When birds move, they try to stay on lakes and large rivers. In these areas they stop for the purpose of rest and a reserve of forces. At night, they settle on wide shallows or open meadows.
  2. In June, birds begin to build housing for future offspring. As a rule, first adults come, then young animals. The thing is that fragile couples find it difficult to travel for a long time. They eat a lot at stops and recover for a long time. These birds move quickly on land, and also swim perfectly.
  3. The considered individuals love winter crops and stubble. Often in the diet of birds there are all kinds of berries, algae. In addition, individuals feed on horsetail and instill roots of plants. As soon as the birds end the process of summer molting, they unite in schools and try to feed all together.
  4. Often, such individuals begin to feed precisely at sunset, when the sun is just beginning to set over the horizon. After the meal, geese go to a watering place.At the end of the day, the birds return to their usual habitat for recreation. Often during wintering, individuals are placed in the fields. In such places cereals are usually present. Because of this, local farmers often chase birds.


Breeding white-fronted goose

  1. The breeding season and corresponding games in birds begin during the flight. After arriving at nesting sites, adult couples are already forming. Immature individuals stay in separate flocks. Therefore, they spend the summer period separately from couples. Single birds roam all this time before returning home.
  2. As soon as the geese reach the nesting sites, they begin to reproduce offspring. Often individuals begin to equip nests in elevated and dry places. In most cases, they are tubercles, humps and mounds. The birds make small indentations on them, which are covered with dry grass and fluff.
  3. For 1 time, the female lays up to 6 eggs. She is engaged in the subsequent incubation. Chicks only begin to be born in a month. The male, in turn, all this time tries to carefully guard the territory. If there is any danger, the gander always warns the female.
  4. After the young growth is born, they remain for a while with the family. At this age, goslings are already quite capable of hiding and getting food on their own. However, parents do everything for them and carefully guard them. Adults wait until their offspring can fully take care of themselves on their own.

Geese Facts

  1. In places where these individuals often live, a law has been in effect for quite a long time that birds are strictly forbidden to catch during molting.
  2. Shooting is permitted exclusively from firearms at a time when all individuals, including young growth, are sent for wintering. For this reason, geese numbers are not at risk.

The geese in question are interesting individuals. Divided into pairs, they begin to build their family. During hatching, the male carefully guards the female. After birth, goslings remain in the family. Parents continue to protect them until the young growth stands on the wing. However, even in this period, older individuals try to protect their offspring from predators.

Video: white-fronted goose to hunters note

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