Ca de Beau - description of the breed and character of the dog

This breed is highly appreciated by dog ​​breeders. The thing is that it combines a lot of useful and good qualities necessary for the life of a dog. Firstly, the dogs of the Ka De Bo breed are very faithful and devoted companions, and secondly, they are very reliable defenders of both one person and the whole family. These animals also very adequately assess the situation happening around them and react to it correctly and according to the situation. Ca De Bo dogs will never bark for no reason or attack. But, if they see that something threatens their master, then they will immediately come to the rescue. They know how to feel the situation very subtly and distinguish friends and enemies well, and this is worth a lot.

Ca de bo

The dog’s name Ca De Bo is not the only one. The animal is also known as the Major Mastiff, because the island of Mallorca is recognized as the birthplace of this dog. The dog’s name is translated as “bull dog”, which is not surprising. The fact is that before these dogs took an active part in bullfights. They bravely defended the bullfighters and entered into an unequal battle with the bulls. As a result, many dogs died heroically. In modern society, Ca De Bo is just the perfect guard, but at the same time a very loving dog that can become the best friend and faithful companion.

Dog appearance

This animal has a very strong and strong body with well-developed muscles. They are about 52-58 centimeters in height, and their weight ranges from 38 kilograms.

The muzzle of the animal is quite wide and massive, especially in males. The size of the females of this breed is slightly smaller. The overall weight and appearance make a much larger impression than it actually is. The dog is quite small in size, but its general appearance produces a very impressive one. As for the coat, Ka De Bo has a short and stiff coat. By standards, it is customary to evaluate several varieties of the color of the animal’s hair: beige, tiger or black.

Dog character

The behavior and character of the dog is very calm. They get along well with all members of their family and do not give preference to someone alone. They can very well feel the family atmosphere and find a common language with people. This dog is ideal for families with children. This animal almost always becomes a true friend to the little guys. And this, by the way, is a very good socialization for the dog, which is important when raising and training. Usually in a family with children, Ca De Bo is not at all angry when they are squeezed or crumpled in every way. On the contrary, they are very good at communicating with people, and especially with children. This dog very subtly feels the mood of the household and always supports them both in sadness and in joy.

Another significant feature is that these dogs show tolerance and restraint to the friends of the owners, and will never lift them up just like that. However, they will never for any reason let even the unfamiliar relatives of their owners if they are not in the house. This instinct of the guard of the territory sits in dogs of this breed very deeply. The most amazing thing is that you cannot bribe these dogs or persuade them.

These animals never show unreasonable aggression, but regular training is an important condition for keeping the dog and developing certain behaviors.It is worth from an early age to engage in her education and not start this process. Moreover, it is recommended to start raising a dog from the moment it appears in the house. This will help to grow a reliable and loyal friend, as well as a good guard and defender of the territory.

This dog has a very high activity, which must be constantly maintained. For example, organize constant walks in the fresh air, play with a dog and use it in every possible way in mobile activities. It is recommended to take her to all events with her so that she walks, jumps and runs. It doesn’t matter what. The main thing is activity. This breed lends itself very well to learning and in joint games will not make you bored and sad.

This dog has very great strength and power. However, in spite of her power, she will never throw herself at a smaller and inferior dog. And with larger dogs, she, too, will not immediately rush into the fray without a special team or emergency. This is a very strong-willed animal, the upbringing of which requires a solid and unshakable character and a firm hand.

How to care

How to care for ca de bo

  1. This breed of dog does not require particularly careful care. The dog has short and thick hair, it is recommended to comb it with a specialized rubber comb 2 times a week.
  2. But bathing the dog is often not recommended, so that the fat balance in the skin of the animal is not disturbed. And in cases in which the dog’s coat is very dirty, it should be bathed with special shampoos for dogs with short hair. Thanks to these simple procedures, the animal will look clean and fresh.
  3. It is also necessary to remember that an important feature of care is cleaning the ears and eyes of the animal. The dog needs to brush his ears once every two weeks. To do this, use cotton swabs or tampons. There are times when an unpleasant odor is released from an animal’s ears. In this case, the animal must be immediately shown to the veterinarian. Another very important point is the systematic treatment of the eyes. They are recommended to be wiped with a special cotton swab moistened with a special veterinary lotion.
  4. The teeth of the animal must also be constantly monitored and prevent the formation of tartar. When it is detected, the animal is transported to a clinic where toothbrushing is performed. To avoid the formation of tartar, in order to prevent the use of special toys in the form of bones and cartilage with a cleaning effect.

A dog of the Ka De Bo breed feels great both in a city apartment, and in a country house or in the country. Just provide her an active life with outdoor games, and she will be the happiest animal on Earth.

How to train and educate a dog

Representatives of this breed lend themselves very well to training, but raising an animal should start as early as possible, almost from the moment it appears in the house.

At a time when Ca De Bo is still a puppy, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal. Do not pamper the dog and let it behave as it wants, if you do not want problems in the future. A very important factor is not to allow the dog to seize power over you, taking a dominant position. If the moment has already been missed, and the dog is reluctant to carry out commands or behaves strangely, then you need to contact an experienced trainer.

How to choose the right dog breed Ca De Bo

Dogs of this breed are just wonderful friends and protectors, but the question of choosing an animal is always quite complicated for many people.

Dog breed ca de bo

Mallorca mastiff puppies are very cute and cause extremely positive emotions.But how to choose an adequate dog with a good psyche in such a wide variety of kids? It is important to realize that this breed is so easy to get on a flea market. And in order not to doubt the dog’s origin, its maintenance and upbringing, it’s worth buying puppies in specialized kennels, where specialists in their field will help you make the right choice by studying the wishes and concerns of the potential buyer. So you will be sure of the quality of the services provided, and also enlist the direct support of the breeder.

However, in cases where the dog is acquired not only as a friend and protector, but also for participation in competitions and exhibitions, it is recommended to start attending such events ourselves and talking to people participating there. The fact is that it is very difficult to understand without the knowledge base that this particular puppy will be the champion. Therefore, before acquiring a pet, it is recommended to study a variety of literature on this topic, as well as ask around knowledgeable people.

If a dog of this breed is acquired exclusively as a companion and loyal friend, then there are several points to which special attention should be paid:

  1. Inspect your puppy regularly after purchase. Notice that after 40 days they have to grow all the milk teeth.
  2. Pay attention to the puppy's head. They have a special lump on their head, which shows the future growth and size of the pet. The larger the lump, the larger the animal will be.
  3. Be sure to check the bite. Ideal are indicators that do not exceed 1 centimeter.
  4. It is important to inspect the animal’s hair. It should be pleasant and soft to the touch. It should also be clean.
  5. Look at the tail of the animal. It should not have kinks.

How to walk a dog

Dogs of this breed are very fond of walking. And they like to do this for a long time. Parks, squares or alleys are ideal for walking. For a walk you need to take some toy with you. It can be an ordinary rubber ball. It is also necessary to monitor what the dog takes in his mouth. For example, if she likes to nibble sticks, pay attention to their structure so that she does not swallow small chips.

How to walk a dog ca de bo

Remember! If you notice that after a walk your pet’s well-being is not as usual and gradually worsens, this is a very good reason to visit a veterinarian.

It is also important to pay attention to all the merits of the pet. They love to be praised. Therefore, do not regret positive emotions and praise.

When walking with animals, do not allow hassles with other dogs or cats. Although dogs of this breed, in general, never act as initiators of fights, but sometimes they can make an exception (after all, these are animals). If nevertheless this happened, then try to remove the dog from the source of aggression by any means. Shift the focus of the animal's attention to something else (game, ball) and direct it to another place.

What is right and what to feed Ka De Bo

For this dog, you can use both home-made and purchased food. Purchased feed contains the necessary set of minerals and vitamins, which are simply necessary in keeping the animal fit.

But there are some foods that are strictly forbidden to the animal. These include:

  1. Products containing chocolate. This negatively affects the liver of the animal.
  2. Any sweets and products containing sugar. These substances very quickly make the animal gain weight, and also spoil the tooth enamel.
  3. Bow is also an enemy of mastiffs. It causes poisoning of the animal.
  4. Any kind of mushroom. The fact is that the dog’s body digests this product very poorly.
  5. Seasonings and spices are also strictly prohibited for these animals, as they can cause a burn of the stomach and even an ulcer. Vinegar also belongs to this list.
  6. Fresh milk can easily cause digestive upsets.
  7. Pasta and pasta lead to fermentation.


In the process of evolution, it so happened that only the strongest survived, because there was no special care for the puppies and weak individuals died. But this was also the case with adult dogs, if they became ill for some reason. They were also not treated and they were dying. Nobody provided them with medication, so these animals had to overcome all diseases themselves. As a result, thanks to a rather brutal natural selection, these animals have practically no genetic diseases.

Dogs do not have excessive salivation, so their breathing is free, and heart problems are not observed at all. And the structure of the ears in these dogs resemble a rose. Because of this structure of diseases of the ears, Ca De Bo has practically no.

Video: Ca de Beau dog breed

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