How to get rid of excessive armpit sweating

Sweating is one of the protective properties of the human body, salts, moisture, and some metabolic products exit through the pores of the skin. Through this process, a comfortable body temperature is maintained. Under normal conditions, profuse sweating occurs under the influence of stress or physical work. Unfortunately, some people suffer from excessive perspiration, regardless of any circumstances - this condition is called hyperhidrosis.

How to get rid of armpit sweating

Causes of Underarm Sweating

Hyperhidrosis of the armpits can lead to disturbances in the sweating system. The sweat gland works under the influence of the autonomic nervous system, therefore, under the influence of stress, uncontrolled profuse sweating occurs.

In people with hyperhidrosis, axillary hollows, palms and feet sweat most often. All this causes severe discomfort, both in the patient and in the people around him, leading to a violation of social activity.

Hyperhidrosis can cause skin diseases and infections. Depending on the etiology, primary and secondary axillary hyperhidrosis are distinguished.

The most common causes of primary hyperhidrosis include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • obesity;
  • adrenal system activity;

Secondary hyperhidrosis may occur due to diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • tuberculosis;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • menopause;
  • tumors of various etiologies.

In addition to these factors, excessive sweating can be an adverse reaction of the body to taking certain medications, including hormones.

The primary signs of the disease are observed in adolescence. Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs in adults.

Armpit hyperhidrosis treatment

To date, drug therapy for the treatment of hyperhidrosis is not enough. The choice of treatment method depends on the type of disease: primary or secondary. A doctor with the help of a certain therapy cannot completely get rid of sweating, you can only reduce the amount of secretions.

Armpit hyperhidrosis treatment

Today, conservative or surgical methods are chosen to treat this ailment, and traditional medicine is not far behind.

Among conservative methods:

  • Botox
  • treatment with special drugs;
  • treatment with aluminum chloride hexahydrate;
  • iontophoresis.

Surgical methods:

  • liposuction;
  • curettage;
  • ETS.

Drug therapy
At the initial stages of the disease, drug therapy is prescribed with drugs based on a formaldehyde solution:

  • Formidron;
  • Formagel.

This category of drugs is applied directly to the problem area, acts as antiseptic, disinfectant.

One of the well-proven remedies for increased sweating in the armpits for a long time is Teymurova paste, which copes well with an unpleasant odor, deodorizes and reduces sweating.

Drug therapy for hyperhidrosis

If persistent unpleasant odor is added to increased sweating, the cause is a fungal disease. To get rid of it, you need to use antifungal agents. These drugs include Utropin ointment.

External drugs can be used at home, they are effective, but after a while a second course of treatment may be required.

Calcium supplements may be used to treat excessive sweating:

  • Calcium chloride;
  • Calcium gluconate.

They are taken orally in the form of tablets or solutions.

Botox for underarm sweating
In cosmetology, an innovative method is used to treat increased sweating in the armpit using botulinum toxin injections. This substance has the ability to block sweat glands located in the armpits. The substance, getting under the skin, blocks nerve endings that transmit an impulse to the brain, causing sweat glands to work actively. Since the impulse is blocked, the signal does not enter the brain, and sweat ceases to be released.

Botox for underarm sweating

The disadvantage of this method is that it does not cure the disease, but only loses the sweat glands for a while. After six months, you must repeat the procedure.

Hyperhidrosis treatment by iontophoresis
This is a fairly effective treatment for hyperhidrosis. Using a special apparatus, it is possible to deliver water-soluble substances to the deep layers of the epidermis using the movement of ions.

The procedure is as follows: tissue moistened with a special solution is applied to the axillary region, after which the skin is treated with an electrode. In this way, you can adjust the sweat glands.

Treatment with aluminum chloride hexahydrate
A reliable way to treat armpit sweating. Alumochloride hexigitrate has the ability to slow down the activity of the glands, block their ducts, not allowing contact with fat cells. The tool is available in the form of a spray, gel, ointment, easy to use and quite effective.

Endoscopic sympathectomy (ETS) for armpit sweating
Surgery with an endoscope. It is carried out quickly enough and the effectiveness of the method is high. With the help of a small incision, the nerve endings are blocked - they are clamped with a special clip. Among the disadvantages of this method is general sweating.

Sweating curettage
A rather complicated operation, with the help of which axillary sweat glands and their nerve endings are removed. The most effective procedure, but it also has drawbacks: scars remain in the armpit, which can be irritated by clothes and bring discomfort.

Hyperhidrosis liposuction
The most effective and reliable method of getting rid of underarm sweating. It has been used in cosmetology for a long period and has established itself well.

Alternative methods of treatment

Excessive sweating in the armpit is easily treated with folk remedies: compresses with decoctions of herbs, lotions and baths.

Alternative methods for treating armpit sweating


  1. Every day you need to apply a tissue to each armpit, first moistened in hot water, then in cold. It is necessary to withstand each lotion for at least three minutes.
  2. Potassium permanganate is able to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. Lotions with a solution of pink manganese in a warm form should be used regularly in the morning.
  3. An effective folk remedy for excessive sweating is salt. You can use any salt, but preferably sea, which must be dissolved in warm water. It is important not to overdo it with the concentration of such a saline solution - the axillary region is very sensitive. Therefore, it is recommended to first drop a little of this solution on the skin, withstand half an hour, if redness does not occur, then you can use it.

Compresses with decoctions of herbs

  1. Oak bark. It has tanning properties, is used in the form of extracts, decoctions. To prepare the medicine, you need to grind the dried bark, pour it with boiling water and insist in a dark place for several hours. When the solution is ready, they wet the tissue and apply it as a compress to the problem area.
  2. Lemon juice is an excellent disinfectant. It is applied to the cleaned skin of the armpits immediately before leaving. Citric acid counteracts unpleasant odors and reduces perspiration.
  3. Coniferous baths are an excellent remedy for sweating. To prepare it you need: brew pine needles with boiling water.Insist in a thermos for half an hour and add the product to a bath of warm water immediately before taking it.

Means for oral administration

  1. Valerian root. Since excessive sweating can be directly associated with nervous excitement, a valerian root is an excellent way to get rid of this unpleasant condition. It is recommended to take valerian in the form of infusions, tablets at night.
  2. Sage is a unique way to get rid of excessive sweating. Infusion of sage can be taken orally and do compresses with it. To prepare the infusion, you need to take dry leaves and pour them with boiling water, insist for a short time and take half a glass at night.

Before taking serious measures to treat excessive sweating, it’s worth considering whether this problem can be solved much easier: taking a shower regularly and using deodorants will also help to review your diet.

Video: how to get rid of excessive sweating

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