How to wash your hair with soap

Girls who have changed their shampoo for laundry soap do not cease to admire this method of washing their hair. Surprisingly, many of them have well-groomed and magnificent hair, what's the secret? To answer the question correctly, you need to know how to wash your hair with laundry soap and whether it is possible to achieve the desired result.

How to wash your hair with soap

Composition of laundry soap

In household chemical stores, you can often find soap that does not have a wrapper and is dispensed to customers in plastic bags. We’ll talk about him. The product is made in accordance with GOST, the soap smells bad and is made in an unpleasant brown color. It does not include chemical additives, the product contains only natural components. Soap for 60–72% consists of palm, lauric, steranic saturated fatty acids, which are extracted from raw materials of animal origin. Alkali is also included in the product, it is due to it that it has an excellent whitening effect.

Step-by-step instructions for washing your hair with laundry soap

  1. Give preference to products with higher fat content, figures from 60-72% should be stamped on the bar. Refuse to buy products that contain coloring pigment or include flavored additives. The soap should be brown and nothing else.
  2. You can’t just take and start lathering the curls with a solid piece, first you need to prepare it to make a solution. For these purposes, take an ordinary food grater and rub a third of the bar on a large section. You can also dip it in boiling water and stir for 20 minutes so that it melts a little. To wash your hair with household soap you will need a muddy decoction of a dirty yellow hue. After you receive it, beat the solution with a mixer or whisk until a foam forms.
  3. Wet your hair well with running water and squeeze it a little. Next, apply the decoction on the curls, squeezing them into a fist. Do not rub the scalp in a circular motion, so as not to provoke an accelerated work of the sebaceous glands. Soapy broth should be kept on your hair for about 25 minutes to achieve a better result. It is convenient to carry out the procedure while taking a shower or bath.
  4. A negative feature of washing your hair with household soap is that it is very poorly washed. Rinse the solution with running warm water for 5-7 minutes, until the curls begin to "creak". Next, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into a container and mix it with 1.5 liters of boiled (not hot) water. This step is necessary to neutralize the alkali from the hair structure.
  5. After rinsing with lemon, the use of vinegar is used. Get sage, chamomile, oregano, burdock and a string at the pharmacy. Brew herbs with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Add to the composition of 40 ml. apple cider vinegar and rinse with a decoction of hair. After the procedure, wrap your head in a towel, but do not rub the curls between your palms. Wait for the water to soak into the fabric, then use a hair dryer or let your hair dry naturally.

The use of laundry soap for hair

The use of laundry soap for hair

  1. The fatty acids that make up the laundry soap nourish and moisturize the hair, eliminating dryness and cut ends.
  2. The tool removes stubborn dust and dirt, it also brightens the curls in case of unsuccessful staining.
  3. Laundry soap strengthens the follicles and nourishes the scalp, as a result of which the hair falls out less, dandruff disappears.To achieve the best effect, use a soap solution once every 5 days, then rinse your head with a decoction of herbs and a solution of lemon.
  4. If you wash your hair with household soap regularly for 3 weeks, your hair will become 2 times more voluminous and more magnificent, and styling will be done 2 times faster.
  5. Laundry soap has antibacterial properties, it heals wounds and inflammation on the scalp.
  6. Alkali is easily neutralized with lemon, due to which the hair is saturated only with natural components.
  7. In addition to the above advantages, laundry soap protects the skin from viral inflammation, acne and fungal infections. It treats minor burns from the use of thermo-devices and reduces possible bumps on the head.

It is interesting

Researchers studying the structure of hair categorically do not recommend washing your hair with laundry soap. Their protest is caused by the content of a large amount of alkali, which negatively affects the structure of the hair. Doctors say that it dries the skin and leads to the formation of dandruff, but what about the fatty acids in the composition of 72%? Trichologists also say about the violation of the acid-base balance, as a result of which, after prolonged use of soap, the curls will lose color, shine and become dry.

Doctors unanimously shout that the hair will begin to fall out at an incredible speed, again, due to alkali. However, girls who regularly use soapy water say the exact opposite. They notice that the hair became well-groomed and healthy, the hair increased in volume and began to comb well. Who should one believe in such a situation? There is only one answer - to my own experience. Follow all recommendations to form your own opinion about this procedure.

Have you decided to change shampoo to laundry soap? Do not rub the hair with a bar, make a soap broth with hot water and a kitchen grater. Observe the exposure time, it should not exceed half an hour. Rinse the solution thoroughly first with running water, then with a lemon broth to neutralize the alkali. Do not be lazy to make an infusion of vinegar and herbs to preserve the shine and health of the hair. After washing your hair, wrap your hair in a soft towel and allow moisture to soak in.

Video: laundry soap for hair

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