How to reduce facial pores at home

Specialists in the field of cosmetology unanimously reiterate that enlarged pores are a serious defect that is difficult to deal with. However, dermatologists refute this statement, arguing their position with accessible folk remedies. Depending on the size of the pores, girls and women at the same time struggle with blackheads, black spots and increased greasy. To rid yourself of troubles, it is necessary to adhere to basic care and regularly prepare masks.

How to reduce pores on the face

Practical tips

  1. Clean clogged pores regularly with mousses, gels and washing serums. Get a brush with fine bristles in the cosmetics store for deep cleansing. The procedure must be carried out once a day - in the morning. Otherwise, pores accumulate dust, which in combination with sebum forms calendons and large blackheads. Finish washing by rinsing with chamomile decoction and rubbing with cosmetic ice.
  2. Take the habit of scrubbing 2-3 times a week. The peeling composition can be purchased at any cosmetics store or large supermarket. Some ladies prefer to cook scrubs on their own from coffee grounds, granulated sugar, ground nuts, etc. Such a move simultaneously cleanses and narrows the pores, as a result of which much less dirt accumulates in them.
  3. The constant use of homemade masks aimed at narrowing the pores ensures a smooth skin structure. The composition has a constricting, cleansing, regenerating and smoothing properties. All the masks presented are universal, they are suitable for girls with any type of epidermis. The recommended frequency of the procedure varies from 3 to 5 times a day.
  4. Experts have come up with an interesting fact, which states that age-related changes negatively affect pore size. The older the person, the more clearly the defect appears on the face. To avoid this, it is recommended to use professional cosmetics. Choose anti-aging serum, gel or cream marked “35+”, “40+” and so on.
  5. If possible, wash your face at least 3 times a day, while the procedure should be carried out with contrasting water (first cold, then warm). It is recommended to complete the wash using cosmetic ice. To make it, brew sage and let it brew. After half an hour, strain the composition and pour into molds, freeze, apply as directed.
  6. In order not to clog pores, refuse to use foundation, powder, blush, concealer and other decorative cosmetics. If this is not possible, apply makeup in rare cases, try to limit yourself to a daily BB base. Remove makeup 2 hours before going to bed, never leave it overnight.
  7. Give up the addiction of squeezing acne and acne. If you do not have sufficient knowledge regarding such procedures, entrust the face to professionals. You can resort to hardware cosmetology if the use of home formulations has been unsuccessful.
  8. After using folk remedies, wipe the skin with a cosmetic tonic or lotion. Means of this kind were originally developed to narrow pores, so the effect will be maximum. Depending on the type of epidermis, the product may be moisturizing or drying.

Home remedies for pore narrowing

Home remedies for pore narrowing

  1. Coffee. Exfoliated ground coffee scrub effectively cleans and tightens pores. To prepare it, mix 60 g. sour cream with 45 gr. fat cottage cheese, rub until smooth. Grind half a banana in a blender, add 65 gr. coffee grounds and mix into the previous mixture.Apply to problem areas of the skin or face as a whole, soak for a quarter of an hour. After this, begin to rub the dermis in a circular motion for 5 minutes.
  2. Cucumber. Wash one fruit, do not peel. Pass the cucumber through a combine or meat grinder to make porridge. Add 15 gr. potato starch, 20 ml. lemon juice, mix. Make a mask, soak it for about 40 minutes. In the summer, you should be careful, a cucumber whitens the skin and removes freckles. The composition also effectively combats age spots and premature skin aging (smoothes wrinkles).
  3. Bodyagi. Since ancient times, a freshwater sponge called "bodyagi" has been used to smooth the texture of the face and narrow pores. Many cosmetologists recommend the use of body paint in the form of a powder rather than a gel. The bulk composition is diluted with warm water to a paste-like consistency, after which it is used for its intended purpose. The exposure time of the mask on the basis of a bodyagi should not exceed 15 minutes. Rinse off the product with ice water without fail.
  4. Cottage cheese. Whisk 1 chicken protein with a whisk or mixer to make a thick foam. Rub the mass with 40 gr. fat cottage cheese and pour 10 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution (concentration of 3%). Put the resulting mixture on the skin, place a plastic film on top. Soak the mask for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with ice water, brush face moisturizer.
  5. Parsley. The plant controls the release of subcutaneous fat, as a result of which the pores are polluted more slowly. In this case, parsley whitens and evens the tone of the face, tones, fights wrinkles. Since the composition also narrows the pores, its use is extremely relevant in this case. Wash a bunch of parsley, grind it in a mortar or blender so that the juice comes out. Add 25 ml. lemon juice, 5 gr. sugar and 20 gr. low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the mask on the face, cover with plastic wrap, rinse after 25 minutes.
  6. Granulated sugar. For effective narrowing of pores at home, a mask of known sweeteners is used - sugar (preferably cane) and honey. Combine these products so that a paste-like scrub is obtained. Distribute it over the entire surface of the problem area, intensively massage for 3 minutes. After the period, wash with cold water to fix the result.
  7. Activated carbon. Prepare 4 tablets of activated charcoal, mash them in a mortar or use tablespoons. Mix the resulting powder with 40 ml. fat milk, add 15 gr. gelatin. Soak the composition in a warm place until it completely swells. After that, distribute it to the problematic parts of the skin, wait for it to dry. When the mixture has set on a crust, rinse it off with warm water. For convenient removal, use a cosmetic brush (you can replace a toothbrush with a soft bristle).
  8. Starch. The recipe is designed for owners of a fatty and combined type of epidermis. Potato starch effectively narrows the pores and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. To prepare the mask, mix 30 gr. liquid honey, 15 gr. starch, 30 ml. olive oil and 5 gr. crushed sea salt. Make a mask, cover your face with gauze or bandage, soak for 20 minutes. Rinse the mixture with contrasting water to restore blood circulation and fix the result.
  9. Black bread. To prepare the composition, you will need to soak the crumb in hot water. When it swells, drain the liquid, rub the bread with a fork. Pour 2 g. ground caraway seeds, add 3 gr. drinking soda and 5 gr. salt. If the mixture is too liquid, add 10 g. gelatin and wait 15 minutes. Place the cooked product on the skin of the face, fix with gauze so that the composition does not drain down. Soak a third of an hour.
  10. Cosmetic clay. The tool is rightly considered the most effective in the fight against enlarged pores. However, clay can only be used by girls with oily skin.The composition helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, to refresh and even out the face. In order to use the mask, dilute white, pink, black or blue clay according to the instructions. Make a mask, soak until completely dry.
  11. Egg. Beat one or two chicken proteins in a thick foam, pour 35 g. finely ground oatmeal. Squeeze the juice out of a third of the lemon, and grind the zest in a blender or grate it. Pass through a coffee grinder or combine 50 gr. almonds, mix the resulting crumbs with other ingredients. If the composition is too thick, dilute it with milk or kefir. Make a mask, cover with slices of cling film and leave for 20 minutes.
  12. Zest of citrus fruits. The scrub recipe is notable for its simplicity and affordability. For cooking, you can use the peel of any fruit, be it lemon, grapefruit, orange or pomelo. Dry the zest in the oven, then grind it in a coffee grinder or blender. You will get small abrasive particles that perfectly exfoliate the skin. To narrow the pores, add 3 ml to the chopped zest. hydrogen peroxide (3%) and 30 ml. lemon juice. Massage your skin with a scrub for 5 minutes.
  13. Acetylsalicylic acid. The effect of aspirin on enlarged pores is similar to activated carbon. The composition cleanses and tightens the skin, prevents purulent inflammation and further opening of pores. To prepare the mask, grind 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder, pour 35 ml. kefir. Spread the mass in a thin layer over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area under the eyes. Wait for drying, then carefully rinse off the mask. Wash with ice water, apply a moisturizer, it will restore the PH-balance.
  14. A tomato. Peel 1 ripe tomato, mash the pulp with a fork or use a blender. Mix the resulting composition with rye bran, so that the mass becomes viscosity. Apply the mixture to the problem area with a thick layer, put a gauze cloth or bandage on top. Soak the composition for about 35 minutes, rinse with water and wipe with ice.
  15. Baking soda. The loose mixture has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Masks based on soda are often used to combat acne. To make the correct composition, mix the soda with slightly warm water. You end up with a pasty mass. Distribute it on a previously cleaned face, soak for about 15 minutes. After this period, moisten the skin with water, remove the mask with light circular movements.

To narrow pores at home, you must regularly use homemade masks and scrubs. Consider effective recipes based on activated carbon, lemon juice, acetylsalicylic acid, cucumber, bodyagi, granulated sugar, cottage cheese. Do not neglect basic care, use foam or gel for daily washing, wipe the skin with ice.

Video: how to narrow your pores

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