How to calm the nerves during pregnancy: 7 ways

A pregnant woman is a volcano. Unpredictable, quick-tempered and extraordinary. Hormones, a lack of understanding of loved ones, problems in family life and at work can undermine the peace of the expectant mother. It explodes in seconds, blows everything around with its aggression.

How to calm the nerves during pregnancy

Negative emotions can affect the fetus. Children whose mothers were a lot nervous during childbirth become too active, restless, irritable. Stress during pregnancy can lead to impaired formation of embryonic nerve cells, the baby is born with abnormalities. In late pregnancy, nervous breakdowns can lead to hypoxia of the baby, as well as to premature birth. Given this, you need to be able to calm down in time and tune in to a positive wave.

Psychological attitude

The psychological mood of the mother is the main condition for bearing a healthy child. It depends only on you what state and mood you will pass on to the child. If you wear under the baby’s heart, stop responding to external factors. Avoid problems, they will understand and forgive you, believe me. Many treat pregnant women with condescension, this is natural. Drop all your problems, what could be more important than the little life that was born in your body? Think of your baby who should be born healthy, beautiful, and happy. You will solve all problems later, when you give birth. In the meantime, you need to be as if under a dome, in security and distance from life's turmoil.

Equally important in this state is the support of loved ones. Relatives, husband, children and parents should support the expectant mother. In no case should you tell a pregnant woman that she has become irritable, tearful, moody. You can’t tell her that she’s got better or getting fat. This is unpleasant to hear, even ordinary women, what to say about a pregnant lady. If the expectant mother is offended, growls and swears, you can translate everything as a joke - they say, a little grumbler will be born here. You can not run into a conflict, provoking outbreaks of anger and aggression.

Pregnant mother can not receive negative information from the outside. You should not watch news with elements of bloodshed, you do not need to report financial or housing problems as far as possible. The environment of the future mother should know that it is impossible for a pregnant woman to tell tragic cases from the life of a particular woman in labor. Remember, a woman takes all the information to heart, any unpleasant news can lead her into a predicament.

Many women work until the seventh month of pregnancy. They have to go to work every day, fulfill their job responsibilities, and resolve issues. Abstain from nervous work, ask your boss to transfer to more relaxed forms of work. Do not worry about losing your place - pregnant women cannot be fired, and the workplace is retained. Do not be nervous because of the wrong work done, the boss, whether he is a woman or a man, will surely enter your position. If working moments do not give you peace of mind, take a week off or sick leave.

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy

Here are some effective and safe ways to help you calm down if you are carrying your baby under your heart.

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy

  1. Foot massage. Massage is always pleasant, especially for a pregnant woman. He is able to improve blood circulation in the feet, relieve swelling, soothe.
  2. Herbs. Decoctions of some herbs can very quickly and safely relieve fatigue. Prepare a collection of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, sage and mint, which you need to pour boiling water.Let the broth brew and strain it. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening. Within a few days you will notice an improvement in your emotional state.
  3. Physical activity. Oddly enough, but sports and physical exercises remove any emotions and aggression. Pregnant, of course, you can’t pull dumbbells and run, but some types of physical activity are not only possible, but necessary. These include gymnastics for pregnant women, walking, swimming, yoga. Bedtime walks near ponds and forested areas are the best sedative medicine.
  4. Vitamins We do not urge you to drink multivitamin complexes, although if they are prescribed by a doctor, do not interrupt their intake. We are talking about vitamins that a pregnant woman should receive along with fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products. A full, balanced diet allows the baby to develop normally, and the woman - to calm the shaky nerves.
  5. Music. Music is an imperceptible and incredible substance that can help a person when he is sick or ill. Listen to pleasant tunes, your favorite songs, funny tunes - this calms your nerves and improves your mood.
  6. The fight against insomnia. Many women get nervous because they suffer from insomnia. Take care of this - walk before bedtime, buy a pillow for pregnant women, drink milk with honey in the evenings.
  7. Painting. This interesting and effective exercise can calm a person even under the most severe stress. If you experience negative emotions, try to express them on paper - this will help you get rid of them.

If no way helps you calm down, get ready to have a baby. The need to purchase strollers and cribs, arranging a room, preparing diapers and thousands of necessary little things will save you from bad thoughts.

As the well-known heroine of the famous book "I will think about it tomorrow." If you have problems, discard their solution for the period when the baby is in your hands. In the meantime, get only positive and high-quality emotions. After all, what could be more important than little happiness that grows beneath the heart?

Video: why you can not be nervous during pregnancy

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