Dog Canary - breed description and dog character

This breed of dog is very large and powerful, and is even banned in some countries. The birthplace of the breed is the Canary Islands, which served to call these dogs Canary dogs. The fact is that animals were the indigenous inhabitants of the islands for hundreds of years, but until the end of the 19th century, as a breed, they did not exist at all. However, in the modern world, some dog handlers still refuse to recognize this breed.

Great Canary

It is believed that this breed was bred with the help of several representatives of European dogs with Mahorero. Mahorero is not a fully understood breed. She has an interesting tiger color, sometimes black. These animals are by nature very distrustful and have an enviable fearlessness. During the travels and the development of new lands, this breed of dogs began to be crossed with various European breeds. As a result of such crossing, a new species of animal was obtained, which was called Presa Canario. One of the components of the name translates as "grab." And this is far from accidental. This word reflects the whole essence of the behavior of these animals.

Historically, this breed was kept mainly by farmers. Dogs helped to monitor cattle, and were also used as watchmen for the premises. Also, animals took an active part in battles that were banned in the middle of the 20th century. After this ban, the popularity and significance of these dogs began to decline. But the true fans of the breed continued to develop dogs and achieved their recognition later.

The breed has regained its former popularity after an American anthropologist published an article in Dog World Magazine. Moreover, the scientist later published a book in which he introduced a variety of rare breeds of dogs.

About the breed

This is a fairly large animal with a strong body and strong muscles. The size of the dog varies from 50 to 60 cm (bitches also from 50 to 60 cm), the weight ranges from 40 to 60 kg (bitches - 39-55 kg). As you can see, bitches are slightly inferior in size and weight to males.

Dogs have a square and powerful head. The head should be of the correct form, which is the main indicator of the difference between this breed and others.

Usually the ears of such a breed are cut (stopped). This is done to give the dog a more formidable expression, as well as to reduce the number of vulnerabilities on the body of the animal. After that, the ears take an always upright position. However, in some countries, ear cupping is strictly prohibited. In this case, their shape will be hanging, resembling a rose flower in shape.

When examining the face of the dog, you can see an interesting feature: the upper lip of the dog hangs slightly, and when examining the animal in full view, it is clear that the shape of the upper and lower lips forms the letter V, but in an inverted position. The color of the lips is usually dark.

Dog behavior

If you study a variety of literature, you can see that the Canary Dogs are an amazing breed that has its own uniqueness. They are very versatile, as it is in their nature to carry out various functions, such as security, assistance and camaraderie. They can be very good companions to humans. With an impressive power, this dog can easily stop any thief sneaking into the territory of the home. Sometimes just a glance of the Canary Mastiff is enough for a person to experience animal fear.

Dog breed Canary Dog

But the whole thing is not only in the appearance of the dog. In their nature, there is territoriality, thanks to which these animals are able to control their own territory, as well as the territory of their owners, strangers and guests, as well as other animals. This dog adores his master and sincerely gives all his love and devotion, but if a stranger enters the territory, he will protect his place in all possible ways. During this period, nothing can calm a furious dog. No persuasion, affectionate words and food can not distract the attention of the animal. Only the master's word can act on them.However, dogs will not attack immediately unless provoked. Initially, they will only warn the stranger with certain signals: grin, roar, aggressive poses or barking.

The genetic memory of dogs sometimes reminds them of the fighting past, but in general they behave quite calmly with representatives of their breed. This is especially evident when the puppies have passed socialization.

If we consider the relationship of this dog to children, it is clear that they love each other very much and constantly play together. But you should know that in no case should you leave your children alone with a dog unattended (this applies to all breeds). It is also better to teach puppies to children from a very young age. It is important for the dog to learn to accept children and understand their behavior so that running around and cries of children are not accepted by animals as a manifestation of aggression.

In fact, this breed of dog does not like to bark very much and uses this ability extremely rarely. If the animal understands that it is a real threat, then it begins to attack immediately, without using barking. His dogs are used when they want to scare or warn someone. The sound of barking is quite booming and hoarse, which is pretty impressive.

Dogs behave extremely wary towards strangers and do not lose sight of them even for a second, so not a single detail can pass by these dogs. With all this, they have a surprisingly calm character and behave quietly. In the house, as a rule, they choose a special place for themselves, from where it will be easy for them to inspect their possessions and keep a steady and leisurely look at the situation.

Many believe that such dogs should not be kept in an apartment. This opinion is erroneous. For them, a free apartment with a large yard is enough. But, if the animals provide good physical activity, then they will easily get along in an apartment with a smaller area.

This breed is not recommended for beginner breeders. This is the dominant breed, which sometimes does not need teams, as it can independently make decisions without looking back at the owner. Before buying a dog, a good specialist will definitely explain how to care for this breed, as well as how to properly train a puppy, what you need and what you don’t need to do. The main factor is the owner’s experience and his ability to control the dog’s behavior. It is important to understand the animal and closely monitor any manifestations of its behavior. The main thing that is best avoided in education is too rude and too soft behavior. Here, animals need a certain hardness and durability.

Do not forget that these dogs took an active part in events where people died. It is for this reason that the import of animals into Australia and New Zealand is prohibited. These dogs are not suitable for owners without experience, as well as for irresponsible and careless people.

Dog training

It should be remembered that as soon as you have a dog, you must immediately begin to train it. It is important to know that a dog’s teeth always itch, which means that it will definitely bite everything that it encounters on its way. This in the behavior of the dog needs to be eradicated immediately, because in the future it can spoil you not only clothes but also furniture.

Education Canary Mastiff

This dog should have only one person who is raising it. If you assign this responsibility to all family members, then the classes will be completely ineffective.

In order to teach a dog to execute commands, it is necessary to show who is the owner, and the dog will respect and listen to you. If you manage to gain the trust of the animal, then in the future, the upbringing will develop perfectly.

Remember that an important feature of a dog is its cunning, which means that you should carefully monitor the dog if it is swinging away from classes.In most cases, this is the usual trick of the animal and an attempt to postpone training. And if it seems to you that the dog does not notice you, does not see and does not hear, this is not a disease. The dog understands and sees you perfectly, just at the moment he is checking your character and testing for strength. At such moments, it is especially important to show your strength and superiority. If the dog is constantly allowed to rest, then soon she will not respect her owner and will sit on his neck.


This breed does not require special care, which is very convenient. The coat in dogs of this breed is short. During molting, it is recommended to take care of her and comb her out every few days.

Be sure to pay attention to the climate of residence, as the coat of this breed is short and not suitable for severe cold. Therefore, at cold temperatures, dogs buy special warming clothing and reduce the time allotted for a walk.

Dog health

The most common diseases of dogs of this breed are scabies, intestinal torsion, problems with eyelids and a weak immune system are observed. Also, the most common ailment is hip dysplasia.

Where to buy

Since this is a rather rare breed within our homeland, there are not so many special nurseries. In buying you can rather help special sites for the purchase of such dogs, and vehicles for transporting the dog to a future place of residence.

Video: Dog breed Canary Dog

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