Xoloitzcuintle - breed description and dog character

Xoloitzcuintle (as well as Xolo or Mexican Hairless) is an extremely rare breed of dog. About three millennia ago, during the existence of the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, Xolo was bred in Mexico as a cult breed in temples. The name of the breed of these animals is made up of the name of the Aztec god - Xolotl and Itzkuintli, which means “dog of the god Xolotl”. When it was necessary to conduct ceremonies at the temple, Mexican hairless dogs were used. As for the other breeds, Xolo differs from them in that her sweat glands are located throughout her body, and her molars are missing.


Mexican hairless is a branch of the breed, which sometimes appears in the same litter, where puppies with a hair coat appeared. They are famous for their excellent watchdog abilities and are excellent partners.

Origin of breed

This breed is unique in that for many centuries it was formed independently, regardless of human participation. The basis of its development is natural selection. There is no way to finally determine what caused the appearance of dogs without hair, but it is generally accepted that the cause is genetic mutations that are spontaneous.

Archaeologists have been able to find evidence that the most ancient ancestors of Xoloitzcuintle came to America, being brought there by pioneers who crossed the Bering Strait.

According to legend, it was Sholotl who sent these extraordinary animals to the planet to protect them from all sorts of adversities, and after the death of a person they could escort him to the gates to the afterlife. The burial ritual ended with the killing of a Mexican hairless dog. It is worth noting that in Mexico - the historical homeland of Xolo - these dogs are the property of the nation.

Appearance Xolo

This is a dog with an unusual appearance, possessing a powerful complexion and proportional physique. Xolo has developed limbs, a strong chest and an extended tail. Several types of Xoloitzcuintle can be distinguished depending on their growth. The smallest dog is usually no higher than 35 cm at the withers, the average can reach 45 cm, and the standard large variety is about 60 cm tall. The species of breed of these animals that has a wool coat usually has a short coat that is dense adjacent to the body. The color of the cover can be any.

Naked Mexican has strong and supple skin, which perfectly protects it, being the result of centuries of evolution. She is not susceptible to a variety of injuries, bites of annoying insects and sunburn.

Xoloitzcuintle has characteristic and peculiar folds between the eyebrows, and other areas of the skin are distinguished by good tension. At the same time, Xolo's puppies are usually very mottled with wrinkles, which creates the feeling that they are gradually growing into mature skin.

Mexican skin can be completely different colors: yellow, blackish, gray or brown, walnut. Usually, one-color dark color is most preferred. In addition, spots of different colors may appear on the skin, and the color of the eyes is in full accordance with the color of the skin.

The most ancient and well-established characteristic of Xoloitzcuintle is their thin and rather long tail, which the dog carries rather high when walking, but does not twist to the back.

A number of Mexican hairless dogs often have short hairs on the forehead, end of the tail and on the fingers, but fragments of hair on the body are a minus of the breed.

Xolo breed standard

The standard description of a dog includes the following characteristics:

Xolo breed standard

  1. The shape of the animal's skull resembles a wolf, while it is more elegant. The head is decorated with a flat forehead, a clear line of transition into the muzzle. The occiput is very weakly expressed, the jaws are powerful, partly narrowed.
  2. The muzzle has a flat and flat back of the nose, the muscles on it are well developed, and the lips are tight.
  3. The teeth of dogs of this breed are strong, white, only a regular bite is acceptable. Sometimes the standard allows you to not have molars. Some individuals may not have teeth at all, and they are considered pure breed animals, but are not allowed to be bred.
  4. Xolo's nose is rectangular, well developed. The lobe usually matches the color.
  5. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size. The eyelids are pigmented, quite dense. The disadvantage is the partial color of the eyelids.
  6. The ears are natural, bulged up, quite large. If Xoloitzcuintle is interested in something, then the ears rise and can slightly turn forward.
  7. Xolo's body is slightly elongated, the neck is elegantly bent. The muscles are well developed.
  8. The chest is barrel-shaped, if the ribs are excessively flat - this is considered a vice. The withers and scruff are almost not expressed, the back is even and flat, wide enough.
  9. The limbs are strong, proportional.
  10. The tail near the base is thicker than at the tip.

Any dog ​​of this breed can acquire the so-called “zero” type of pedigree, if after evaluating the standard it will correspond to it. They even take this positively, as there are not so many representatives of the breed.

Character Features of Xoloitzcuintle

Xolo is distinguished by a rather high level of intellectual development, calmness and relative silence. At the same time, dogs are very vigilant and suspicious of strangers. The dog can give itself to its owner and all members of his family without a trace, she is very faithful and faithful, trying to find even an emotional connection with the owner.

Character Features of Xoloitzcuintle

The breed is easily trained, their temper is balanced and restrained. Xolo are the real owners, with particular trepidation regarding the fact that they are dear - toys, food, a berth or owner. They are great guards, doing their job well as a watchman. In a situation that requires the protection of the owner or house, Xolo will certainly show courage and determination.

Dogs can carry a guard, warning their owner that strangers have appeared in sight. At the same time, they practically do not use a voice for notification, but begin to fuss and actively move. Often these dogs are used for therapy, since Xolo is very attentive to those whom they love, and very balanced.

Sometimes already adult dogs of this breed can show a certain aggressiveness in relation to other animals, but within the same family they get along well with other pets, including dogs.

Note! For Mexican naked, early socialization is important, otherwise, after growing up, she will show fear or, conversely, excessive aggression towards other dogs or strangers.

For Xoloitzcuintle, an obedience course is required, and the owner will need to become a true leader and authority for his pet.

It is also important that all family members take part in the training and training of the pet, only this will allow the puppy to become a “talkative” and open dog. If these processes are laid on the shoulders of one of the family members, then Xoloitzcuintle will be most attached to him.

Animals of this breed rejoice if they have to accompany their owner everywhere, and only then can they feel real comfort. Such a desire everywhere to follow the owner and take part in everything that happens in his life turns Xolo into a slightly obsessive dog. In order for the pet to be extremely happy and happy, the owner is required to use every chance in order to spend time with him.

Sometimes, unfortunately, those people who start Xolo make a huge mistake if they don’t have enough time for their pet. Such a dog will begin to experience a regular lack of attention, and staying alone will be extremely unbearable for him. Therefore, the best option would be if the family has a child who will become a great playmate for Xolo. Or there is another option - to get two dogs of this breed at once. They will be able to perfectly find a common language with each other and play together if there are no household members in the apartment.

Xolo Care and Maintenance

Xoloitzcuintle does not need special care for the skin. After water procedures, moisturizers can be used to lubricate the skin of the pet. Given the fact that Xolo's skin developed under the influence of the sun in the trails, she does not need sunscreen.

If Xoloitzcuintle has hair, then you will need a grooming procedure that allows you to remain elegant, beautiful and soft dog hair. Such Ksolo will need to be washed approximately once a month.

Mexican hairless dog is very simple and convenient to keep in an apartment. It is extremely rare that households are allergic to them, Xolo does not leave shreds of wool anywhere and they do not have fleas, as well as an unpleasant odor.

Training Xolo

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a high intelligence and are always ready to communicate with the owner with joy, therefore they are easily trained and trained in teams. At the same time, the owner is required to have sufficient firmness and leadership qualities, in the opposite situation problems may arise in the behavior of an adult dog.

Training Xolo

Mexican hairless dogs are very helpful, have a great memory, so usually there are no difficulties with the development of standard commands. You should start training your puppy as soon as he gets into the apartment. He needs to understand where his place is, he must learn a demon of reason not to cast his voice, to approach a family member if he calls him by his nickname. If Xoloitzcuintle is not brought up correctly, then this can be a serious problem. In addition, the uncontrollability of an adult dog and excessive curiosity can result in damage to the dog itself.

Sometimes among animals of this breed quite evil individuals are found, and such a character trait must be suppressed. Do not allow your pet to engage in fights with other dogs, as his skin can be damaged, which will lead to the appearance of scars in the pet.

Dog health

Given that the formation of the breed took place in the wild, independent of human participation, it is no wonder that the Mexican hairless dog has strong physical health, but even they sometimes manifest the following diseases:

  • external damage;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis (it leads to improper food or care).

Xolo Food

Given the fact that Xolo often has allergies, the owner needs to carefully select the feed and food for his pet. It is worth watching what exactly the dog eats and in what volumes. The diet should be carefully selected, and any new products must be introduced in stages. If the feeding is completely natural, then it is worth considering that the following products most often lead to allergies:

  • confectionery;
  • fish products;
  • chicken or beef;
  • egg products;
  • soybeans.

But this does not mean that the allergy will certainly manifest itself. You can introduce these products into the diet in minimal quantities, and if there is no negative reaction, then after a while you can try to give the dog other food.

However, some products still have to be abandoned, because they can harm the body of Xolo:

  • food whose expiration date is expired;
  • fatty foods;
  • bakery products;
  • potato;
  • smoked, salted foods and food with spices;
  • products with synthetic additives.

You need to understand that Xolo is a carnivorous dog, and, therefore, more than half of the products in their diet should be meat. If you offer raw meat to a dog, you need to divide it into small pieces in advance.

The cost of Xolo puppies

Xolo is a huge rarity for Russia, which determines the rather high cost of puppies. If we consider rejected puppies, then one individual can cost in the range from 500 to 5000 dollars.

Video: Xoloitzcuintle Dog Breed

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