Acne on the cheeks of women: causes and treatment

There are many reasons for the appearance of acne on the cheeks of the fair sex. Such a phenomenon may be related to health problems, the environment, poor nutrition or poor makeup. Consider in order the causes of acne and their treatment.

Acne on the cheeks of women

Why acne appears on the cheeks

  1. Often a small rash, accompanied by itching and pain, occurs as a result of an allergic food reaction. The main condition in this situation remains that in the shortest possible time it is necessary to get rid of the provoking factor.
  2. If you do not do this, the disease takes on a chronic form. Thus, the allergen adversely affects the body, causing the development of acne on the face. Often, the disease can be supplemented by the formation of acne.
  3. If you are faced with a similar problem, it is worth considering that the reasons may be in other factors, which are also irritants. Often a woman is faced with hormonal disorders.
  4. Plus, often a rash occurs due to an allergic reaction to certain antibiotics (medicines). Also, acne on the cheeks is formed due to problems in the digestive system, which are prone to chronic course.
  5. Consider the state of your nervous system, it is stress and deep depression that provoke the development of a rash on the face. It should not be ruled out that the cause of the disease may be deviations in the thyroid gland (endocrine system diseases).
  6. With improper nutrition, metabolism is disrupted, vitamin deficiency occurs and the protective membrane of the body weakens. As a result, acne forms. Often their extrusion is accompanied by infection of the skin, which leads to the formation of a rash.

Acne Treatment

  1. The occurrence of an infection on the face in the form of acne is formed due to the penetration of dangerous bacteria. The ailment looks like a small bump under the skin. Such a pimple causes discomfort and severe pain, while it does not ripen and does not form a white head of pus.
  2. Small foci of pathology cause inflammation of the epidermis and appear not only on the cheeks, but also in the neck, temples, cheekbones and forehead.
  3. Often you can find single rashes, they are especially painful. In this case, acne can bother you for a long time, they need to be treated with intensive mediocre therapy.

White Acne Treatment

  1. With the formation of purulent acne on the face, it is strongly recommended to begin their early treatment. Such an ailment causes special painful sensations, which are a source of redness of the epidermis. On top of that, acne is hard to hide.
  2. More often they occur in women during the inflammatory or infectious process. To get rid of the disease, you need to comprehensively approach the situation. To do this, start eating fractionally, with the addition of healthy (medicinal) foods.
  3. In addition, for effectiveness, it is necessary to take medicines and use funds for local application. It is forbidden to squeeze acne, they can only be burned with antiseptics.
  4. If your ailment is formed in a strong form, the cause may be extensive lesions of the spleen and liver, progressive demodecosis, increased testosterone, infection of the skin, clogging of the sebaceous glands, poor personal hygiene, heat.
  5. In some cases, such acne results from poor quality cleansing scrubs and cosmetic oils. Also, the cause may be the intake of sorbents aimed at treating dysbiosis.In the latter case, it is important to follow a proper diet and medical diet.
  6. Experts strongly recommend that you do not take the appearance of such acne for granted (folk signs) and proceed with complex treatment without delay. For maximum results, consult a beautician.

Acne treatment

Acne treatment

  1. The formation of facial acne in adults can have different causes. Often an ailment occurs due to an inappropriate mask for skin care or the use of tobacco, which releases toxic compounds.
  2. Often, acne adversely affects the condition of the patient, in addition, self-confidence disappears due to an ailment. Often, a profuse rash leaves deep damage that does not go away even after a full recovery.
  3. Acne is presented in the form of a relapsing disease in the form of a lesion of the skin with an inflammatory-infectious nature. Acne on the cheeks is accompanied by redness, spots and sharp pain after extrusion.
  4. The cause of the disease is the skin parasite Demodex and other similar pests. In order to accurately conduct treatment, it is necessary to pass tests. Get professional advice from a specialist.

Acne Treatment

  1. Against the background of other acne, acne is characterized by high profusion, the ailment is accompanied by painful sensations. Most often, such a deviation indicates hormonal changes in the body.
  2. It is known that a copious amount of blackheads on the cheeks appears with a high surge in hormonal levels. More often a similar ailment is characteristic of adolescents. In addition, acne can occur for other reasons.
  3. Modern dermatology claims that the cause of acne can be the presence of a chronic ulcer, gastritis. A progressive pregnancy can also be the cause, in addition to this, the ailment manifests itself with hormonal imbalance.
  4. Pay attention to your usual diet, if you abuse fatty, fried, spicy or salty foods, acne can also occur. Often an ailment is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The dermis can be affected by toxins inside the body, or external factors in the form of dust.
  5. Pay attention to the quality of decorative cosmetics. Foundation and powder may well become agents of pollution of the sebaceous glands. A rigid diet cannot be ignored if a sufficient amount of microelements does not enter the body, such a move can provoke the formation of blackheads.
  6. The disease manifests itself due to chronic problems of the genitourinary system or the presence of dysbiosis. Keep in mind if a representative of the weaker sex between the ages of 12-17 has a severe rash in the form of acne, it is worth knowing that the teenager has reached a period of transitional age.
  7. In this case, it is forbidden to use various medicines, experts strongly recommend waiting for improvements after a few years. It is allowed to use local antiseptics for the external prevention of foci of skin lesions. You can also resort to cosmetic facial cleansing.

Diet and lifestyle for acne

  1. If you want to get rid of acne in a short time, you need to adjust the correct diet and daily regimen. For normal activity, the body needs trace elements and vitamins.
  2. Useful substances stabilize the work of all internal organs and systems. Do not forget about timely rest, give preference to long walks in the fresh air.
  3. It is imperative to start an active lifestyle. Use the recommended amount of filtered water (about 2-2.5 liters). It is highly recommended that you get involved with addictions soon.
  4. In addition, give up fatty, salty, fried, spicy dishes, canned food, fast foods. Sweets and sparkling water are also not recommended.If you have single acne, you should think about how hard it is for the body to cope with everything.
  5. In the event that the rash is abundant or remains under the skin and does not mature, immediately consult a specialist. You will be prescribed an examination and prescribe the delivery of the necessary tests. After that, experts will establish the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment. Do not try to get rid of the problem yourself, do not squeeze acne.

Folk mask for acne on the cheeks

Folk mask for acne on the cheeks

  1. Potato and kefir. Peel a small potato, pass through a blender. Mix the slurry with 30 ml. put kefir on cheesecloth, set the mask on your face. After a third of an hour, wash with water, moisturize your skin with a tonic.
  2. Cucumber and yolk. Grate the average cucumber on a grater, combine with egg yolk. Stir in a total weight of 40 ml. olive or corn oil and 12 ml. apple cider vinegar. Spread the mask over the problematic skin, after 25 minutes remove the product with ice cubes.
  3. Clay and lemon juice. Dilute 30 gr. cosmetic clay purified water. The result should be gruel. Add 10 ml to the composition. fresh lemon juice and a drop of essential oils of fir, lemon balm, lavender, mint and tea tree. Distribute the product in an even layer, wait until the composition has completely dried, then remove it with water.
  4. Aspirin and soda. Dust 7 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Stir in 10 g. baking soda. Apply a uniform composition to the face. Wait a quarter of an hour, wash and apply a moisturizer.

Consider hormonal disruptions, the frequent causes of a rash can be the onset of the menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy. Pay attention to the quality of your cosmetics (caring and decorative). Do not forget about the climate and genetic predisposition. Do not hesitate and seek help from a specialist.

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