Japanese Spitz - description of the breed and character of the dog

There are many dogs of miniature breeds, but the Spitz stands out among them for its appearance. A small fluffy ball attracts the eyes of passers-by, and if it is also white, there is no limit to delight!

Japanese Spitz

Breed standard

  1. In common people, snow-white dogs are called dwarf spitz, and this is not surprising. Due to its modest size, such a word characterizes furry pets. Naturally, the Japanese Spitz is larger than the "pocket type" relatives, but at the same time it is also miniature. The breed fell in love for its companionable qualities, loyalty to the owner, flexibility and easy-to-learn.
  2. Today, the demand for miniature dogs is literally surpassing, so more and more dishonest breeders are offering to buy Spitz with the word “mini”. But there are none in nature, the height of the purebred (not mixed) specimen is 30 to 38 cm. The body weight is also not small, in comparison, for example, with Chihuahua. Spitz weighs from 5 to 8 kg., But a 10-pound pet is also not considered defective.
  3. Gender superiority in terms of size is not very pronounced, but females are slightly smaller than males. The bitches are determined by their external characteristics, their muzzle is sharper, the dog itself neatly folded and aristocratic. There are certain standards by which you can easily determine the thoroughbred breed.
  4. Let's start with a description of the head. All representatives of the breed are characterized by a protruding nape, a wide forehead, which sharply descends to the bridge of the nose. The nose is neat, narrowed, with a “button” of black color at the end. The lips are tight to the jaw, thin, have a black fringing. Due to the specific shape, we can say that the Spitz is a bit like a fox. And his lips seem to stretch out in a smile, this is the "highlight" of the breed.
  5. Teeth in dogs are arranged in a full row, small, but strong. Bite with “scissors”, correct, not one of the jaws protrudes forward. As for the eyes, they have an oval shape, not “buttons”, with a certain slanting. Dogs are curious and kind, all this can be read by the look. The iris is dark, according to the standard it should have almost black pigment so that the pupil is indistinguishable.
  6. The ears have a triangular shape, medium in size, due to the strong fluffiness of the pets seem small. They are located quite high and relatively close to each other. If the dog is interested and excited, the ears slightly move forward.
  7. The case in size and shape is not much different in females and males. The neck is proportional, quite muscular, but not wide. The bend is clearly visible, the withers are, the back is even. The shoulders are developed, the lower back is wide, the pelvic part is slightly sloping.
  8. The chest is not too wide, but not narrowed. Rather, it is standard, developed, in the form of an oval, lowered to the elbow joints. The groin is not sagging, fit, but it is difficult to see it under a woolen coat. The breed is characterized by a bent rather than a saber-shaped tail, which touches the lumbar. If you adhere to standards, it should not be twisted like a piglet. Only slight flatness is allowed.
  9. The limbs are straight with strong joints and bone tissue. The shoulders are slightly extended back, the elbow joints are pressed against the body. When the dog becomes in the correct stance, its hind legs are spread wider than the front. The brushes themselves are assembled, the pads are strictly black, the same goes for the claws.

Color and type of coat

  1. The coat is soft, pleasant to the touch, very thick and upright.The undercoat is even more magnificent, as a result of which the dog looks like a lump. On the face and ears, the hair is shorter than on the body. The limbs and tail, in contrast, are lush.
  2. The main advantage of the Japanese breed is a truly snow-white shade of the coat. The presence of any inclusions of a different color is unacceptable, this type of wool is classified as defective.
  3. It is worthwhile to be careful if you intend to purchase a puppy of Japanese Spitz. Some unscrupulous breeders try to “suck in” a red pet, but this is a different breed (Pomeranian (German) Spitz).

Dog character

Character of Japanese Spitz

  1. All miniature representatives have cheerfulness, cheerful disposition, devotion. The dog quickly becomes attached to the owner, it is difficult to tolerate his absence, always welcomes on the threshold of the house / apartment. Since the pet does not like to be alone, he is often taken with him.
  2. Spitz is flexible, easily trained, can understand a person’s mood by intonation, gestures and facial expression. The main distinguishing feature is that when the dogs are scribbling, they immediately give themselves away. Sincerity and naivety are an accurate description of the breed.
  3. Dogs of miniature breeds do not like children, therefore they are not used as nannies. But at the same time they can endure children's bullying for the time being, for the time being. Therefore, if a child lives in the house, do not allow permissiveness on his part in relation to the dog. If the Spitz gets tired of bullying, he will bite.
  4. If you build on the numerous reviews of the owners, it is worth highlighting one important feature. The Japanese pet practically does not bark. Some are afraid of this, but soon get used to it. Dogs bark only when they are very afraid. In other situations, they try to show feelings in other ways.
  5. Interestingly, the representatives of the breed by nature always remain children. They are cheerful and playful, as when they were puppies. Therefore, a Spitz needs an active owner, who often happens in the fresh air and is not lazy to play with a dog.
  6. It is also worth knowing that the dog does not conflict with its relatives, if they are about the same size. He treats larger individuals with caution, but is not afraid. It gets along well with cats, if the dog was brought into the house and shared with another puppy. Does not touch rodents and birds.
  7. When the Spitz is only brought into the apartment, he immediately begins to get used to it and soon feels “on that plate”. The dog loves attention, stroking and affection, but can also find time to lie around idle in his house. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight a nook for the pet.

Care Rules

Japanese Spitz Care Rules

  1. In terms of pet care, you must adhere to standard rules. Systematically comb out the hair, trim the claws, watch your teeth, eyes and ears. Almost all Spitz have a beautiful fur coat. Thick coat simply needs regular care.
  2. As for the presented breed, the coat is able to maintain a beautiful appearance and shape for a long time. Therefore, you will not encounter any big problems. You can walk with such a dog even in rainy weather.
  3. After drying, the fur will still look at its best. The dog will keep a well-groomed and neat look. The advantage of this breed is that its coat is coated with special impregnation. This composition repels dirt particles and moisture.
  4. Breeders recommend bathing your pet 2 times a month. To do this, you must resort to using a special washing shampoo for animals. It is also important to choose the composition for the appropriate type of coat. Consider very sensitive skin in your dog.
  5. Therefore, bathing animals with shampoo is strictly prohibited for people. The pet may show an allergic reaction. The skin of the dog begins to lose moisture and dry out. Therefore, give preference to special means for Spitz.
  6. After the water procedure, apply a special conditioner or balm to the dog’s coat without fail. Such compositions can avoid tangling of hairs. In addition to this means of directional action will give the coat a beautiful shine. Get similar formulations at pet stores.
  7. After bathing, it is recommended to wrap the pet in a terry towel. Blot excess moisture, no need to rub the animal. Otherwise, the coat will become tangled. After the coat dries, it must be combed. Use a brush with natural bristles.
  8. If you do not accustom your pet to water procedures in advance at a young age, problems may arise in the future. Therefore, care procedures must be vaccinated as early as possible. Also, examine your pet’s ears once a week. Clean them if necessary.
  9. As for the eyes of the breed presented, they must be washed every day. Use a cotton pad and brewing black tea. Watch the claws of the animal. Use a special nail clipper if necessary.
  10. If the dog will wriggle and get nervous in every way, it is recommended that you entrust the procedure to a professional. Also, do not forget about the care of the oral cavity. This is an important aspect. Systematically inspect the mouth for damage to soft tissues and teeth.
  11. The pet may be slightly injured, but even a small wound can cause a lot of discomfort. Therefore, do not be surprised if you notice a poor appetite or a bad mood in the animal. If you do not know what to do or what is the matter, contact your veterinarian.
  12. An undoubted advantage of the breed in question is that the Spitz is very clean. These dogs do not like dirt. Also, the animal does not tolerate poor living conditions. Even if the pet will feel affection and tender feelings for you.


  1. Often, almost all breeders give preference to feeding Spitz with high-quality food from proven manufacturers. In this case, you need to choose premium formulations. Such feed contains everything you need, in addition, they are fully balanced.
  2. Pick up food is not difficult. Visit the pet store, tell the seller about the dog's breed, its size, age and health features. After that, watch the animal. If he has regular stools, he is cheerful, vigorous, his hair and eyes shine, which means that the animal’s food is perfect.
  3. If you still decide to cook independently for the animal, then you need to properly draw up a balanced diet. Offal and meat in the dish should account for about 25 grams. per 1 kg. pet. You can also cook buckwheat and rice porridge. Vegetables should be given daily in small quantities.

Many lovers of small dogs are happy to get their own Spitz. But before that, it is important to find out what he is by nature, whether there are difficulties with the content and education. Also important is the general characteristic and standard of the breed. Today we learned all this.

Video: Japanese Spitz dog breed

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