Cocoa Butter - Useful Properties and Applications

Cocoa butter is a product made from chocolate tree seeds. In temperature conditions from 16 to 18 ° C, the texture of the oil is dense and crumbles with ease. When the product begins to heat to a temperature above 28 ° C, it turns into a transparent liquid substance. Interacting with human skin, the oil becomes soft.

Useful properties and application of cocoa butter

The benefits of cocoa butter

This vegetable fat has a healing effect on the human body. The main feature of the product is the presence of antioxidants in its composition, which help stimulate the immune system.

This substance is included in most cosmetic products manufactured at home: creams and lotions for face and body skin, massage tiles, lip balms, cellulite products, cosmetics for children. In addition, many medicinal products are created on the basis of this product to help get rid of some health problems.

However, before making any folk remedy, it is necessary to know the nuances of cooking, as well as what properties the main component has.

Natural cocoa butter, used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, has a creamy yellow color and has a specific subtle, almost imperceptible smell of chocolate tree beans. Oil is the most stable, highly concentrated vegetable fat.

Cocoa Butter Composition

The product contains a large amount of fatty acids:

  • stearic;
  • peanut;
  • lauric;
  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • and palmitic.

These substances are present in small quantities in the secretions of the skin, which is why they are important elements in cocoa butter for the normal functioning of the skin, providing effects such as moisturizing, restoring, slowing down the aging process.

In addition, the oil contains many trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, various vitamins, caffeine.

Cocoa Butter Properties

The substance performs the following actions:

  1. Strengthening immunity. Fatty acids, which are part of cocoa butter, weaken the activity of T cells, activate the immune system, which begins to fight various infectious diseases, and also help eliminate inflammation. The use of the product in food allows you to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, helps to cleanse the blood, makes blood vessels stronger, provides protection against lowering blood pressure, the oncology and heart diseases.
  2. Slowing down wilting. Due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition of cocoa butter, the use of this substance allows you to neutralize the damage that free radicals cause to health. As a result of this, an improvement in the state of the body is observed, the process of harmful changes that occur in tissues and systems, in particular the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging, is suppressed.
  3. Keeping your skin healthy. Cocoa butter is present in many cosmetic products designed for skin care. There are also folk recipes with which you can cook creams, masks and lotions on your own, which will have a moisturizing and nourishing effect.With this cosmetic product, you can smear the skin with burns, it is used in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, eczema and other skin problems. In addition, cocoa butter smoothes stretch marks, scars and scars.
  4. The restoration of the mucous membranes. Processing ulcers in the oral cavity with this natural fat can speed up the healing process. To get rid of cracks on the lips, you should make a balm, for which you need to mix cocoa butter with orange, mint, grapefruit, vanilla essential oil. The combination and proportions can be any. The tool has been successfully used to treat cracks in the rectum, hemorrhoidal nodes, cervical erosion.
  5. Hair condition improvement. Means prepared on the basis of cocoa bean oil help get rid of dryness and itching of the skin on the head, prevent dandruff, strengthen roots, make curls more elastic, and prevent them from falling out.

The use of cocoa butter for medicinal purposes

The following are recipes for traditional medicine, with which you can prepare medicinal products based on cocoa butter.

The use of cocoa butter for medicinal purposes

Cough medicine
In the cold season, the body's defenses are lowered, which is why it is prone to colds. Using this natural fat, you can cure bronchitis by eliminating a strong cough. Cocoa butter is effective for pneumonia and asthma. An excellent preventive measure against influenza and acute inflammatory diseases will be the treatment of cocoa butter of the nasal mucosa. Due to the antitussive, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of the product, it can be used as a healing and prophylactic agent.

To cure a cough, it is possible to use a substance to massage the back and chest. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation will improve and blood circulation will normalize. As a result, the work of the bronchi and lungs will be restored, the respiratory system will be cleaned, getting rid of the disease.

Means for the normalization of digestive processes
To eliminate stool problems, take one dessert spoon of cocoa butter daily at night.

Hemorrhoid Remedy
To get rid of hemorrhoidal nodes, you can use cocoa butter, a small amount of which must be introduced into the anus after the bowel movement.

High Cholesterol Remedy
It will turn out to lower cholesterol if you use half a dessert spoon of natural cocoa butter twice a day - in the morning and evening hours, 20 minutes before eating.

With cholecystitis, to remove bile, you can use the following recipe:

  • melt the butter;
  • drink 1 tablespoon funds in the morning after sleep on an empty stomach;
  • heat the water and pour it into a heating pad, which must be applied to the right side for one and a half to two hours.

A similar procedure is recommended once every seven days.

Cervical erosion
This method of treating gynecological diseases has long been used by traditional healers. The tool is prepared as follows:

  • a teaspoon of cocoa butter is melted in a water bath;
  • ten drops of sea buckthorn oil are added, mixed thoroughly;
  • a swab is taken, soaked in the prepared mixture and inserted into the vagina.

The procedure should be performed before bedtime, the tampon must be removed in the morning. Treatment lasts two to three weeks.

Other recipes with cocoa butter
Adding propolis to the cocoa butter oil in proportions of 1:10, you can prepare an excellent remedy that is used to treat tonsillitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. The mixture should be taken in half a teaspoon three times a day, one hour before a meal. In addition, this drug helps to eliminate itching and pain during burns.

This product in the form of applications is used to reduce swelling of the veins with varicose veins.A similar tool is used to treat eczema, fungal diseases, and promotes the healing of wounds and cracks in the nipples of women during breastfeeding. Cocoa butter will bring invaluable benefits to people in old age as a healing and prophylactic drug that prevents and treats atherosclerosis, fights stool problems, and dry skin.

The use of cocoa butter for cosmetic purposes

The product obtained from the fruits of the chocolate tree moisturizes, softens, nourishes, restores the skin, increases the effects of the beneficial substances that make up the prepared cosmetics. The properties of the product make it an excellent skin care product that makes it smooth and supple, smoothes it, eliminates wrinkles, and provides protection against wilting.

The use of cocoa butter for cosmetic purposes

Body massage with cocoa butter provides relaxation of the body, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress, promotes good full sleep.

Below are the most common and effective recipes with which you can prepare cosmetics based on cocoa butter yourself.

Hair care
The oil effectively restores damaged hair, prone to brittleness and dryness. The healing properties of this substance allow you to strengthen the structure of the curl from the inside, making them beautiful and shiny, provide good nutrition for hair follicles. The effect is noticeable after the first use. The product should be heated in a water bath and rubbed into the roots.

There are many recipes to help restore curls health and attractive appearance. The use of cocoa butter in combination with other components enhances the healing effect of funds. For example, you can prepare a mask in this way:

  • One tablespoon of oil is taken and softened in a water bath.
  • The same amount of burdock oil and kefir, one yolk of a chicken egg is added.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • The product is applied to curls and rubbed into the roots with massaging movements.
  • It is advisable to cover your head with cling film and a towel, rinse off after an hour.

Face skin care

To prepare facial skin care products using cocoa butter, you can use one of the following recipes:

Softened oil (1 tsp) is mixed with parsley (1 tbsp), which must be ground beforehand. The mixture is applied to the face for half an hour, then washed off with water. The product is suitable for aging skin.

Oil (1 tsp) is mixed with the same amount of milk and juice from any vegetable or fruit. The mixture is applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes, then washed off. It can be used with any type of skin.

Precautionary measures

You should be aware that cocoa butter can cause adverse reactions due to allergies to the product.

Where to buy good quality cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is sold in pharmacies, some beauty shops and on Internet sites that offer products for creating homemade cosmetics. When buying a product, you should pay attention to the information on the package, the composition should not contain preservatives, dyes or other artificial additives.

Video: beneficial properties and application of cocoa butter

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