Sea kale - useful properties and contraindications

Do you know why people rarely get sick in Japan, why are there a huge number of centenarians who easily cross the 100-year threshold? It's all about nutrition and the right lifestyle. Every Japanese knows that food is a medicine that can heal the human body from almost any disease. All representatives of this oriental culture try to eat properly, their diet does not have sweet and rich buns - only healthy seafood, natural vegetable sauces, rice, vegetables. A special place in the eastern cuisine is seaweed. These algae contain a huge amount of useful elements, but most of all kelp is valued for its huge iodine content. This trace element is incredibly important for humans, iodine deficiency often affects well-being, health status and even appearance. Today we’ll talk about seaweed, its beneficial properties, contraindications and the right ways to prepare this treat.

Useful properties and contraindications of seaweed

The composition and calorie content of the product

Many of us have seen seaweed on sale - most often in dried form, sometimes already pickled and canned. Fresh kelp is practically not for sale, only in close proximity to the coasts - where it was collected. Algae grows in the seas, on rocky soil. Recently, people began to breed cabbage in special farms on the coasts of the seas. Laminaria is sown on prepared soil, it grows quickly and gives a good harvest. It is quite difficult to collect algae under water, strong men are engaged in this. In clear weather, they dive under the water and pick the cabbage using a special tool similar to a trident fork. Then the algae is dried, the roots are cut and sorted. Large algae that managed to be plucked with a whole leaf is the most valuable product. Such sheets are sent in their original form to cosmetic salons for wrapping. Smaller cabbage is cut and dried, or pickled - these are preparations for the food industry.

The composition of seaweed is very diverse. It has many different trace elements - phosphorus, iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron. Laminaria is also rich in vitamins - A, E, C, D, and B vitamins. In addition, algae contains fiber, sterols, alginates, polysaccharides and fatty acids. With all the variety of nutrients, the calorie content of the product is quite low - no more than 30 kcal per 100 grams of product. What is so valuable sea kale?

Useful properties of seaweed

As was noted, the most important property of seaweed is in the content of a huge amount of iodine. This microelement is very important for the body, its lack almost immediately affects the well-being and mental abilities of a person. Children with iodine deficiency lag behind in school, working people lose concentration and quickly get tired, old people suffer from sclerosis, women are often tormented with hormonal disorders. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include chronic fatigue, reduced immunity, edema, anemia, menstrual irregularities in women, overweight, depression, poor mood and depression. Introduce seaweed into your diet, eat it at least a couple of times a week and after a month iodine deficiency will pass without a trace.

  1. Oncology. Back in the last century, scientists and doctors noticed that the Japanese who lived in their homeland rarely have cancer.If they left the peninsula, their diet changed, women more often developed breast cancer and cervical cancer, and men had prostate cancer. Scientists were able to prove that the whole thing is in sea kale. Regular consumption of it significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  2. Blood and blood vessels. Sea kale is very useful for blood - it dilutes it and prevents the formation of blood clots. And algae perfectly reduces cholesterol, breaks plaques on the walls of arteries. With constant consumption of seaweed, we can talk about the powerful prevention of stroke and heart attack. A good portion of seaweed is not just a tasty dish, but also an effective medicine that can quickly reduce pressure.
  3. For digestion. Seaweed is very useful for the entire digestive system, a large amount of fiber is used to combat constipation. Laminaria is very good for losing weight - at a low calorie content the product gives an incredible feeling of satiety, in addition, seaweed accelerates the body's metabolic processes. We can say that algae is a negative calorie product, the body spends more calories than the product itself contains to digest seaweed.
  4. Ascorbic acid. Sea kale is the record holder for the amount of vitamin C in its composition. Ascorbic acid, first of all, is a powerful protection against flu and colds, an excellent prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. Regular intake of ascorbic acid in the body eliminates excessive bleeding, headache, pallor and aching joints.
  5. During pregnancy. The high content of beneficial trace elements makes the product indispensable during pregnancy. Iodine protects the fetus from congenital abnormalities, allows you to bear a child without additional difficulties.
  6. Vital tone. Often, vitamin deficiency and lack of sunlight does its job, people by the middle of winter become gloomy, depressed, clogged and tired. Sea kale will correct this situation. Include kelp in the diet, after a couple of weeks you will notice that the mood of your loved ones has risen, there are forces for evening walks, sleep has become more calm and deep.
  7. In cosmetology. Of particular importance is kelp in cosmetology. External use of seaweed allows you to increase blood circulation in the tissues, stimulates metabolic processes. This property of algae is used in the fight against cellulite. Seaweed-based wraps are the most popular, effective and popular procedure in beauty salons. In addition, algae is added to face masks - the skin becomes toned, beautiful, natural, vibrant and radiant.
  8. Libido. At all times, seaweed was considered a true aphrodisiac, both for men and women. Laminaria can stimulate sexual desire, excites even the most dormant sex hormones.
  9. Body cleansing. Alginic acid, contained in cabbage, removes heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Sea kale is necessarily included in the diet of people who are at least somehow exposed to radiation. Modern man is also subject to numerous magnetic fields and other influences - exhaust fumes, the environment with gadgets and devices, unnatural food - all this affects human health, pollutes his body. Sea kale will help you with quality cleaning.

It is difficult to describe all the beneficial properties of this product. But, despite this, kelp is not useful to everyone, it is worth knowing about it.

Contraindications to the use of seaweed

As you have already seen, kelp is a rather potent product that has a serious effect on the body. That is why, before introducing cabbage into the diet, you should familiarize yourself with some contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of seaweed

  1. Sea kale can not be consumed with hyperthyroidism, when there is an excess of iodine in the body - this can aggravate the situation.
  2. When lactating, it is not worth leaning on seaweed - iodine can accumulate in the mammary glands. If you are pregnant, eat kelp only after consulting your doctor.
  3. Children cannot eat sea kale, at least until they reach the age of three. The high content of various trace elements in the composition of algae can trigger the development of an allergic reaction.
  4. By the way, an allergy to seaweed can appear in an adult. If you are trying seaweed for the first time, start with small portions.
  5. The taste of kelp is quite hard and annoying, it can be harmful to the stomach in the presence of gastritis and ulcers.
  6. With reduced blood coagulability, you can not consume seaweed, as well as other blood thinning products.

Otherwise, if you do not have chronic diseases, you can introduce seaweed into your diet, although 2-3 times a week for 100-150 grams. But how to cook it right?

How to cook and eat sea kale?

If you bought ready-made pickled or canned cabbage, you just need to open it and put it on a plate - the dish is ready to eat. But dried kelp is much more useful - it does not have vinegar, sugar or other flavors. Dried kelp can usually be found on the market at places where spices are sold. Dried algae is poured with water at room temperature, left for a couple of hours, and then washed through a colander. This will get rid of natural mucus and sand, which can get into the product from the seabed. Sea kale itself is very tasty, it is enough to season it with spices, add onions, garlic and vegetable oil - you get a nutritious and light salad, which can also be used as a side dish for fish or meat.

Seaweed can be mixed with other vegetables, such as classic Korean carrots. This salad needs to be seasoned with garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, red pepper and vegetable oil. The result is a spicy Asian salad. Very good is sea kale in the form of sandwiches with red sprats. A piece of black bread should be greased with a thin layer of mayonnaise, put a little cabbage on top and garnish with tomato sprat. This is a great appetizer that will certainly decorate your table. Tasty and healthy are obtained not only snacks and salads, but also the first dishes. Sea kale goes well with a languid mushroom flavor. To prepare the soup, you need to take the meat broth, add potatoes and wheat groats to it. Separately, lightly fry onions, carrots, mushrooms, and soaked kelp in a pan. Transfer the contents of the pan to the pan, let it boil, add salt and spices to taste, serve with white crackers and parsley. The soup is rich, tasty and very healthy.

If you do not like to eat seaweed, you do not get poisonous with slimy algal substance, you can buy kelp in dried and crushed form. You can sprinkle any dish with this powder, this gives it not only the taste of seafood, but also gives invaluable benefits. Eat sea kale - be healthy and full of strength!

Video: the benefits of seaweed

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