Olive oil - useful properties and contraindications

It has long been believed that olive branches have a truly divine origin. Aromatic oil was prepared on the basis of the fruits, which the Greeks called liquid gold. Such a saying is determined by the extraordinary golden ebb of the squeeze. Today, olive oil is in the public domain, it is consumed with bread and added to salads. But few people know that the product boasts undeniable valuable properties. We will analyze them in order, study the chemical composition and potential danger from taking.

Useful properties and contraindications of olive oil

Composition, features and properties of olive oil

The product is obtained by a cold cycle. Olives are harvested exclusively from late autumn to early spring. It is this move that guarantees full ripeness and a balanced chemical list of substances.

After harvesting, the crop undergoes rapid oxidation, so the raw materials should not be kept fresh for a long time. It is urgent to carry out cold pressing so as not to lose precious oil. If all the steps are completed correctly, the output will be an oil with an impressive list of nutrients.

The oil contains tocopherol, terpene alcohol, in combination they are necessary to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. The product boasts polyphenols, phenols, phenolic acids, all of which prevent earlier aging of tissues and skin.

Oil accumulates in a large volume of omega acids, they are required for the comprehensive fight and prevention of diabetes, atherosclerotic plaques, and obesity. Oleic acid is responsible for enhancing all metabolic processes and strengthening the walls of the blood channels.

Not everyone has heard about fatty acids, which are called palmitelaiko and steatico. They are required to remove cholesterol from the vascular cavity, as well as the prevention of thrombosis.

Vitamin E acts as a natural antioxidant that prevents oncological phenomena and cleanses internal organs of toxins. Vitamin K, available in the product, is useful for intestinal activity, blood formation processes.

Vitamin A, which is called retinol, is a "relative" of vitamin E. This substance is required to treat skin problems and ailments associated with the eyes. Vitamin D is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, it prevents rickets in children and improves metabolism.

Squeezed from olives and olives is not deprived of linoleic acid, which improves cell regeneration and saturates them with oxygen. Sitosterol in combination with sterol are necessary to lower blood pressure and intracranial pressure, as well as treat heart diseases. Qualification is used in the gynecological field in the treatment of diseases of the female genital organs.

Therapeutic effects of oil on the body

All the medicinal qualities of olive oil are considered in terms of the incoming ingredients. Squeezing from aromatic fruits has the following positive effect:

  • cleanses the liver of toxic substances, facilitating the work of the internal organ;
  • promotes increased outflow of bile;
  • prevents tissue aging, enriches cells with oxygen;
  • eliminates the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation, prevents skin cancer in residents of hot regions;
  • promotes the withdrawal of cholesterol, thereby being used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • heals stomach ailments, heals sores, lubricates the walls of the esophagus;
  • enhances metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss;
  • increases immunity during viral infections;
  • cleans the bile ducts and bladder;
  • prolongs youthful skin by enhancing collagen production;
  • eliminates dandruff, hair loss, dry hair;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • contributes to muscle building;
  • used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and blood vessels;
  • treats constipation;
  • indicated for admission to ladies in a ticklish position and breastfeeding girls;
  • stimulates brain neurons, improving important cognitive functions;
  • treats sensitivity and peeling of the skin, ailments of the dermatological sphere.

The oil obtained by the cold cycle is used in the culinary field, soap making, cosmetology. Such a wide area of ​​use is due to the beneficial qualities of the product. Anti-aging, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect positively affects the condition of all important human systems and organs. The value lies in the fact that the squeeze contains exclusively vegetable fats, which are much more useful than animals.

Olive oil for women

Olive oil for women

  1. Oil is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female genital organs. They are moistened with a tampon and inserted into the vagina with thrush. Ingestion is carried out with the goal of preventing breast cancer.
  2. During menstruation, the composition will raise hemoglobin, eliminate jumps in arterial and intracranial pressure, and relieve muscle cramps and pain in the lower back and abdomen.
  3. If we consider the product from the point of view of its external use, olive oil is added to almost all face masks. This is due to the ability of the composition to smooth wrinkles, moisturize, nourish.
  4. The product is applied in the form of hot wraps on the hair, after which it is aged for several hours. This remedy strengthens the follicles, prevents early gray hair, treats prolapse and dryness.
  5. Ladies who breastfeed a newborn, it is imperative to introduce olive oil into the diet. Such a move will enhance lactation, make milk nutritious and fat, remove its possible bitterness.
  6. The product is also used for weight loss. All this becomes possible due to the strengthening of metabolic processes, the removal of toxic substances and the cleansing of the intestines from toxins.

Olive oil for diseases

  1. Constipation. Due to the fact that the squeeze is prepared by cold pressing, the oil has a mild laxative effect. This means that people with constipation can take the product to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. There is no harm to the digestive system, but intestinal motility improves markedly. After 1-2 doses, the chair returns to normal, discomfort and soreness in the abdomen disappear.
  2. Gastritis. This disease develops due to malnutrition, characterized by frequent bouts of pain. Gastritis has an unpleasant feature of recurring and developing into a chronic stage. Cold pressed olive oil gently envelops mucous membranes, healing ulcers. The product does not allow food and gastric juice to corrode the sensitive inner walls of the esophagus.
  3. Hemorrhoids. In some cases, the hemorrhoid is inflamed, causing pain and tremendous discomfort. To prevent unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to take a squeeze inside. Preventive and therapeutic measures are carried out several times a month. If the inflammation has become active, you need to use suppositories with olive oil rectally.
  4. Pancreatitis This disease is characterized by a malfunction of the pancreas and a contaminated liver. In order to cleanse, it is necessary to carry out a tubing with oil. It is enough to take the composition inside, washed down with water at room temperature. The liver will clear itself of toxic substances and begin to recover. There will be no severe pain in the pancreas.During an exacerbation, oil intake will reduce the number of seizures.
  5. Stones in the gall bladder, kidneys. In the presence of a neoplasm in the cavity of the gallbladder and kidneys, severe pain appears. A systematic intake of olive oil will remove sand and stones up to 4-5 mm in size. Thanks to anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties, soreness will decrease. Oil provides a withdrawal of formations in a short time. The composition is used not only as an independent medicine, but also as an addition to medicines. It should not be used without the consent of a specialist, so as not to provoke a blockage of the ducts.
  6. Dry skin, acne. Squeezing from olive fruits is good because it penetrates the lower layers of the dermis and restores it from the inside. It is useful to lubricate the face with oil for acne and purulent acne to relieve inflammation and narrow pores. The composition is also indicated for use on aging skin, the oil quickly restores collagen production and smoothes wrinkles.

The use of olive oil

The use of olive oil

  1. The plant component of the olive tree has gained wide popularity in cooking, industry and cosmetology. Many manufacturers of body and hair care products actively include the extraction of olives in their products.
  2. In cosmetic stores, there are often compounds with olive oil in the form of shower gels, creams, masks, emulsions, hair balms, shampoos and soaps. In addition, the oil did not leave aside the medical industry. The substance is part of fortified solutions for injection.
  3. Olive oil has the highest nutritional value compared to similar products. The advantage of the presented composition is that it is completely digested and absorbed by the human body. The process goes without difficulty even in people with impaired activity of the digestive tract, pathologies of the gallbladder and liver.
  4. In ancient Greece, men consumed 30 ml. olive and 20 gr. flower honey on an empty stomach. This mixture rewarded the stronger sex with a special force that affected sexual activity. Also, oil is considered a fairly valuable dietary product due to its unique composition.
  5. Among the fairer sex, oil also earned special respect. The systematic use of raw materials in their pure form preserves youthfulness of the skin, eliminating wrinkles and small creases. A positive effect is achieved due to the abundance of natural enzymes and antioxidants.
  6. In the cosmetology world, various products containing olive oil are very popular. Such drugs are enriched with tocopherol. Vitamin E helps cells and tissues easily absorb vitamins D, K, and retinol coming from products and cosmetics. Together, these enzymes prevent premature aging of the skin, increasing its tone and protective properties.
  7. From all that has been said, it can be concluded that such an oil is especially recommended for regular use for sensitive and dry skin. Ether is also recommended for moisturizing the epidermis. Such a tool can be mixed into the usual body care cosmetics.
  8. Experts often advise resorting to massage practice using olive oil. Such a procedure with a valuable composition in the complex has a positive effect on the whole body. The composition fully nourishes the epidermis, moisturizes and softens it.
  9. Massage is useful for salt deposits in tissues and the presence of osteochondrosis. In addition, blood microcirculation improves and the nervous system calms down. Please note that this benefit applies only to the highest quality cold pressed raw materials. Therefore, do not spare money on the purchase of a good product.

Olive oil treatment

Olive oil treatment

  1. Body cleansing. To fully cleanse the tissues and internal organs from the accumulated muck and decay products, 30 g should be combined in a total capacity.honey and 35 ml. olive oil. Warm the components in a steam bath and completely dissolve the bee product. The portion is calculated on 1 reception. Take the composition after waking up on an empty stomach for 1 month.
  2. Improving the liver. To improve the activity of a vital organ and cleanse it of toxins, a healing mixture should be prepared. Combine in a convenient container 100 gr. chopped pumpkin seeds and 240 ml. olive oil. After that, warm the components in a steam bath to 55-60 degrees. Leave the composition for 2 hours to cool naturally. After that, send the product in the refrigerator for 1 week. After the specified period, strain the product and take 15 ml. 40 minutes before the meal three times a day.
  3. Elimination of diaper rash. If you or your child suffers from constant diaper rash, it is recommended to rub vegetable oil 4 times a day. Wait for the composition to dry completely. Also, the raw materials can be mixed with various cosmetic creams and serums. Olive oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin and hair.
  4. Fight against wrinkles. To cope with flaws on the face, it is enough to moisturize the skin with a herbal composition and do a short massage. Leave the product overnight. With the coming of the next day, wash yourself with directional foam. Olive oil can also be used a little differently. Dampen a cotton sponge in plant composition and wipe your face. The tool can eliminate microcracks and wrinkles. Also, the oil takes good care of the skin around the eyes and excellently removes makeup.

Contraindications olive oil

  1. With extreme caution, the squeeze must be taken orally by categories of people who are diagnosed with cholecystitis. Since the oil increases the outflow of bile, it can harm. Take the product in moderation, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  2. The composition is almost entirely composed of fatty acids, so you should not eat more than 20 grams. oils per day for obese people. Moderate use will benefit, but do not abuse it.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to subject the oil to heat treatment, because it loses all its valuable characteristics.
  4. At the time of purchase, first examine the column "Composition" on the back of the bottle. The lower the acidity of the oil, the better and more beneficial it is. Focus on European indicators, which say that acidity should not exceed 0.8%.
  5. Even if you consider yourself ardent fans of olive fruits and oils based on them, do not abuse the product. You should not take more than 3 tablespoons of raw materials per day.

Olive oil is a product with a lot of useful properties, which are used with great success in folk healing and traditional medicine. Squeezing from olive fruits treats serious diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and heart. Oil is used externally in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and hair, enrichment with nutritional components.

Video: olive oil - the benefits and harms

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