The benefits and harms of black radish for the health of the body

Black radish, or the "Queen of vegetables" got a big name for a reason. The root crop has long been used by healers for the treatment of ailments. They wrote stories about radish, praised it, and applied it everywhere. Today, many people want to know if a product is as valuable as Hippocrates said? Can root crops harm the human body? Consider the important aspects in detail.

The benefits and harms of black radish

Chemical list of elements and calories

There are many carbohydrates in the radish, both fast and complex. Vegetables include minerals that support the entire body. Of the most popular, potassium, sulfur, iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus, strontium, magnesium, sodium and others are isolated.

In addition, there are a lot of mustard oils in the root crop, which give radish a burning sensation and aroma. It includes proteins, esters, fatty unsaturated acids.

As for vitamins, the most useful are retinol, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or niacin), the entire B-group, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene.

If we talk about nutritional value, in a radish more than 2 gr. protein, 0.2 g. fat, 6.6 gr. carbohydrates, 2 gr. dietary fiber (namely fiber). Also in the root crop there is a lot of water, ash, di / monosaccharides, organic acids.

Interestingly, with such an extensive list, the calorie content of black radish is only 35 Kcal. on 100 gr. This feature allows you to consume root crops for people who are obese or carefully monitor the figure.

The benefits of black radish

  1. The root crop has the ability to remove bile and water, dissolve sand and stones in the gall bladder and kidneys. At the same time, it is useful for people without such ailments to eat radish for preventive purposes.
  2. The vegetable is considered the winner in the fight against harmful microorganisms. Radish easily eliminates the symptoms of colds, viral infections, helminths. If you combine black radish with onions or garlic, you will increase intestinal motility and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Radish is often used to treat cough, in which case it is mixed with honey and used in the form of porridge. The root crop helps to cure pertussis, pneumonia, bronchitis, hemoptysis, and also partially relieve asthma symptoms.
  4. The product helps to increase appetite, increases the secretion of gastric juice. Incoming esters and dietary fiber accelerate metabolism, thereby allowing you to lose weight slowly and safely.
  5. If you make a compress from a black radish, passed through a blender, you can easily get rid of the pain with a strong bruise or radiculitis. Also, radish puree warms the ligaments during stretching, contributing to their constriction.
  6. Radish is responsible for cholesterol. It removes harmful compounds, leaving only useful for the body. This eliminates the possibility of blood clots and subsequent blockage of the blood channels. This property is invaluable for varicose veins.
  7. The iodine contained in large quantities controls the activity of the thyroid gland, compensating for the lack of hormones necessary for the full functioning of the gland. Complete prophylaxis of the endocrine system is also carried out.
  8. It is useful to consume black radish for hepatitis at any stage, cholecystitis, chronic intestinal obstruction, stones in the kidney cavity and gall bladder. The root crop prevents and partially cures the listed diseases.
  9. The product relieves swelling of the internal organs, limbs and face. This is achieved due to the ability to repel harmful salt and remove excess fluid.
  10. Lysozyme, which is not deprived of radish, is a serious prevention of the development of malignant tumors.With regular consumption, toxic compounds are eliminated from the body that can cause cancer cells to appear.

The benefits of black radish juice

The benefits of black radish juice

  1. Root juice should be consumed at the first sign of a cold. Bactericidal action will kill all harmful microorganisms and increase their resistance in the future. Also, juice is taken with wet / dry cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, viral ailments of any nature.
  2. Black radish is considered a natural antibiotic, which at times increases the protective function and is completely harmless. If you get the flu or sore throat, take the juice in combination with honey.
  3. A drink from the root crop can eliminate any inflammatory processes in the internal organs, as well as remove harmful compounds from their cavity. Antioxidant properties contribute to the beauty of the skin and rejuvenation of the whole body.
  4. Squeezing from a vegetable is useful for people who, by nature, tend to be overweight and suffer from a slowed metabolism. Radish increases metabolism, accelerates the secretion of gastric juice, helps to gain full appetite. All these qualities lead to the normalization of digestive processes.
  5. Black radish juice removes sand and stones from the kidneys, gall bladder, and also is the prevention of the appearance of ailments of this kind. The drink removes the smell coming from the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. A complete disinfection of the oral cavity, treatment of stomatitis and pulpitis is also carried out.
  6. The composition, prepared from young root crops, cleanses the blood channels, enhances the production of red blood cells, prevents atherosclerosis, thrombosis, varicose veins, as well as heart diseases of any nature. Radish juice removes bad cholesterol and strengthens cell membranes.
  7. Doctors advise taking black radish juice to their patients who have chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, bronchitis or cough. The drink helps relieve the symptoms of the disease.
  8. Black radish and juice based on it saturate the brain cells with oxygen, fight anemia in adults and children, help eliminate excess weight by increasing metabolic processes.
  9. The composition is useful for people with parasite infection. The anthelmintic property will relieve tapeworms and other similar parasites. Juice improves intestinal motility, stopping chronic constipation.
  10. In cosmetology, juice removes excessive pigmentation and wrinkles. In folk medicine, they make compresses from radish juice to reduce joint pain, eliminate purulent neoplasms, striae and sores.

The harm of black radish

The harm of black radish

  1. The root crop will not be useful if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to it.
  2. Pregnant ladies can consume radish only after the approval of a doctor. Incoming compounds cause uterine tone, resulting in a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. People with peptic ulcer and gastritis, which are accompanied by high acidity, should not eat radish.
  4. Radish is contraindicated for the admission of categories of people who have kidney or gall bladder diseases that are not related to the presence of sand or stones.
  5. It is forbidden to eat radish with enterocolitis, pancreatitis, as well as in the case of a recent heart attack.

The value of black radish is determined by the accumulation of essential mineral compounds and vitamins, which must necessarily enter the body with food. If there are contraindications, you should refuse to take it.

Video: the right vitamin salad of black radish with carrots

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