The benefits and harms of mangoes for the health of the body

Among connoisseurs of exotic fruits, mango is gaining more and more popularity. India is considered to be his homeland. Many liked the mango not only for its unique taste and aroma, but also for its valuable composition with a lot of useful properties. Let's consider everything in order.

The benefits and harms of mangoes

Mango composition

  1. In the fruit there is a mass of valuable substances, with a deficit of which the activity of the human body is simply impossible. The necessary enzymes are found not only in the pulp of mango, but also in the leaves and peel.
  2. The composition includes phosphorus, starch, magnesium, flavanoids, iron, polyphenols, selenium, natural saccharides, potassium, organic acids, manganese, retinol, zinc, a subgroup of vitamins B, tocopherol, sodium, copper, nicotinic and ascorbic acids.
  3. In 100 gr. The pulp contains most of the water, fiber and carbohydrates. Calorie content directly depends on the degree of maturity. The average figure is about 66 Kcal per 100 g. fruit. Calorie content is determined by the high content of saccharides.
  4. Keep in mind that the chemical composition varies with the degree of maturity of the mango. The green fruit has a high percentage of starch. As the fruit ripens, the substance turns into maltose, sucrose and glucose.
  5. Ripe mango has many organic acids and pectin, unlike green fruit. The pulp is rich in succinic, grape, oxalic, ascorbic, citric and malic acids.
  6. The above substances are not produced by the body, but many processes directly depend on these enzymes. Regular intake of organic acids directly affects human health and condition.

The use of mangoes

The invaluable composition of pulp, seeds and leaves of mango is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

In medicine

  1. Mango is recognized as an indispensable assistant in the treatment and prevention of most diseases.
  2. Medicines based on extracts from the leaves have a calming, antioxidant and immunomodulating effect.

In cosmetology

  1. In the cosmetic world, mango has also found widespread use. Means, which are based on fruit extract, qualitatively eliminates skin problems.
  2. The cosmetic composition rejuvenates and tightens the face, improves color, relieves inflammation and eliminates black spots.
  3. The daily use of a cream based on mango extract softens the skin, cleanses pores, smoothes creases and tones the dermis at the cellular level.
  4. Recently, shampoos, lotions, shower gels, masks and tonics with an extract of exotic fruit are more and more in demand. Mango seed oil has gained not less popularity.
  5. Herbal composition is popular in the care of the epidermis of the body, hands and face. The oil fully restores the structure of the hair, protects the skin from UV rays and eliminates age spots.

In cooking

  1. Mango is no less demanded in culinary form. The fruit is used fresh and canned. In the first case, the pulp is often added to desserts and salads.
  2. From pulp and juice, smoothies, juices, drinks, liquors, cocktails and yogurts have become popular. In the East, it is customary to combine mangoes with meat and fish dishes.
  3. It has been proven that the flesh of an exotic fruit helps the body digest heavy and fatty foods. Often, soups, cold dishes, jams and ice cream are prepared from mangoes.

The benefits of mangoes

The benefits of mangoes

  1. Prevents the formation of chronic intestinal obstruction, establishes stool, quickly assimilates protein.
  2. It improves mood, relieves tension and effectively fights stressful conditions.
  3. Participates in hematopoiesis and improves blood quality. Significantly increases hemoglobin.
  4. Useful for diabetes. Value is achieved due to the low glycemic index.
  5. Normalizes heart rate, relieves possible pain with cramping. It stabilizes pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  6. Prevents the formation of night blindness. Useful for vision, relieves burning and itching of the mucous membranes of the eye.
  7. It fights the formation of malignant tumors. It stops the development of cancer cells, blocking the access of blood to them.
  8. It eliminates excess weight, helps to keep it normal. Incoming leptin suppresses raging hunger.

The benefits of mango for women

  1. The ripe mangoes are beneficial because their chemical list of elements has fully formed. Women need to eat a product to fight anemia and prevent disease. It is especially useful to consume mangoes during the menstrual cycle, when the body experiences a huge lack of iron.
  2. Laxative properties of exotic fruits cleanse the digestive tract from old waste and toxic compounds. Mango removes excess bile and water, thereby eliminating swelling during pregnancy. The diuretic effect allows you to use the product in case of kidney problems, conducting a comprehensive cleansing.
  3. Calories 100 gr. the fetus does not exceed the figure of 70 Kcal. For this reason, it makes sense to consume mangoes to people who are following the figure or trying to lose weight. The product will make up for the lack of glucose, uplifting.
  4. The benefit of the composition is due to its cosmetological orientation. On the basis of pulp or juice, a variety of masks are prepared to care for hair, skin, and nails. Retinol and tocopherol are considered natural sources of youth and beauty.

The benefits of mango for men

  1. Mango belongs to the category of aphrodisiacs. The fetus increases male libido, strengthens desire, is responsible for “male power”, makes a representative of a strong half of humanity attractive in the eyes of women.
  2. Overseas fetus has a powerful positive effect of normalizing the reproductive system. With dosed and frequent administration, a large number of sperm are produced, their mobility is enhanced. Therefore, mangoes are necessary for couples who are faced with problems of conception.
  3. Manganese, zinc, selenium, copper and other elements are necessary for the male body to maintain the reproductive system. As a result of consumption of mangoes, diseases of the prostate and the entire urinary, as well as the reproductive system are prevented.
  4. Incoming tocopherol enhances potency, causes desire, removes toxic compounds from the body, and purifies the blood. All this is necessary for a man to constantly maintain himself in good shape.
  5. Many people know that men after the age of 45 fall into the risk zone of those who may encounter diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system. Therefore, you need to start eating the fetus in advance in order to prevent the likelihood of strokes or heart attacks.

The benefits of mangoes for pregnant women

The benefits of mangoes for pregnant women

  1. The properties of mangoes allow you to introduce the product into the diet of pregnant girls, and this is not surprising. Folic acid responds to the formation of the central nervous system of the child and the normalization of the psychoemotional background of the expectant mother.
  2. The use of mangoes in food relieves the girl from toxicosis, mood swings, jumps in blood pressure. The fetus corrects the functioning of the heart muscle, cleanses the kidneys of urine and stabilizes their activity.
  3. Mango removes excess water from the body. This quality is appreciated by pregnant girls, who often suffer from swelling. The laxative effect of the fruit gently cleanses the digestive tract and eliminates constipation.
  4. Overseas fruit is considered a natural antioxidant.It should be taken to maintain internal and external beauty. You can benefit not only from the pulp, but also from mango juice.
  5. As for the birth of a baby, mango is contraindicated in children. It is possible to enter the fetus into the child’s diet only after the age of three. Otherwise, the baby will develop colic, allergies and other side effects.

The benefits and harms of dried mangoes

  1. Candied fruits contain few fatty acids that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. That is why people with ulcers and gastritis are better off consuming dried fruits that gently envelop the walls of internal organs.
  2. It should be remembered that dried fruits are prepared by soaking in sugar syrup and further drying slices of mango. That is why candied fruits have a high calorie content (about 318 Kcal. Per 100 gr.).
  3. People with diabetes and overweight (including obesity) should discard dried fruits. Otherwise, you will encounter spikes in sugar.
  4. Candied fruits can be taken as a snack for those people who care about their figure. A few pieces a day will not harm you, they will only make up for the lack of vitamins and glucose.

Harm mango

  1. The pulp of the fruit makes it difficult to remove ethyl alcohol from the body. Therefore, mangoes should not be combined with alcohol. Also refuse to take juice during a hangover syndrome.
  2. Certain substances in overseas fruits accelerate the transformation of carbohydrates into fats. If you abuse mangoes, you run the risk of gaining excess weight.
  3. If possible, do not eat fruits that are not ripe. Otherwise, strictly control the quantity. When taking more than 1 piece, there is a chance of developing flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, pain in the stomach.
  4. Fatty acids adversely affect the health of people with gastritis. Therefore, with an exacerbation of the disease, give up mangoes.
  5. Unripe fruits are contraindicated in people with gout. Mango should be removed from the diet of people with chronic pancreatitis.
  6. Contraindications include the presence of individual intolerance to mangoes. Also, the skin of the fetus, and not its pulp, often causes allergies. Wear gloves when cleansing the fetus.

How to choose a mango

To benefit only from overseas fruit, follow the mango selection rules.

How to choose a mango

  1. To begin with, smell the fruit in the area of ​​the stalk. You should feel a pleasant smell, which in some way resembles the aroma of peach. If you smell alcohol or acid, the mango has deteriorated and is not suitable for consumption.
  2. Good fruits have an elastic and shiny skin. After pressing the fruit retains its shape, does not leak and does not crack. If the fingerprint has not disappeared, and the mango has crumpled, it has long been lying on the shelves of the store.
  3. There are quite a few varieties of mangoes. Each of them differs in color, smell, variety (dessert, sauce, etc.). Read the label before purchase.

The main properties of mangoes are its laxative, bactericidal, diuretic effect. Also, the fetus is able to restore the body after operations and strengthen the immune system during viral infections. You can benefit from eating overseas fruit only if you completely eliminate contraindications.

Video: the beneficial properties of mangoes

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