How to Destroy a Hornet's Nest: 6 Ways

Hornets never leave a nest unguarded. Aggressive insects are thrown at people and animals who dared to approach their home, even if the victim simply passed by. An adult dies after 10-12 bites, and a child 3-5 is enough. How to get rid of hornets who have settled in the attic or in the yard? Destroy the nest. Act carefully and wisely, because angry insects attack the stranger instantly and do not retreat until they eliminate the threat.

How to destroy a hornet's nest

Outfit and first aid

The hornets have a long and sharp sting that can pierce even dense denim. A person who is about to approach a nest must protect himself by wearing a protective suit. Such beekeepers wear when they pump out honey. Close the face with a helmet with a net.

Dense long gloves will be needed, because a person with an allergy to hornet venom needs just one bite to have Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. What if there is no special costume? Put on a few pants, a thick sweater and sweater, wrap your neck with a thick scarf, without leaving even small gaps. Find an old hat and attach a piece of curtain to it, turning it into an impromptu protective helmet.

Pull on rubber boots or high winter boots. No slap or sandals. Pants are tucked into socks, and then into boots, so that predatory insects do not have access to the body.

Before starting an operation, consider options for deviations. It is possible to put a barrel or an iron bathtub filled with water in the courtyard. A person who was attacked by hornets will be able to jump into a container of liquid and lie low for 30-40 seconds. This is enough to make the angry guards back down.

The man who was stung by a hornet needs first aid. Act quickly to stop the spread of poison throughout the body, so you should have at hand:

  • a bottle of peroxide, ammonia or tincture of calendula;
  • packaging of an antihistamine, such as Suprastin or Diazolin;
  • cotton roll;
  • a bowl of ice wrapped in cloth.

A cotton swab dipped in an alcohol-containing agent is applied to the bite, the victim is given a tablet of an antihistamine to prevent anaphylactic shock. Then ice is applied to the swollen soft tissues to stop the spread of edema.

How to detect a nest

There are many predatory insects in the yard or next to the apiary, but could not be found? You will need a tennis racket and a thin red thread. Get close to any hornet and hit it to stun. Choose a victim flying alone, otherwise the remaining individuals will rush at the offender.

While the hornet does not understand anything, tie a thread to its foot or abdomen. Cut a small piece so that it does not catch on a flower or tree, otherwise the insect will not reach the nest. Do the trick with a few hornets, and then see where they go. The red thread will show where the queen and the nest itself hid.

Important: You can not take winged predators with your bare hands. Only in rubber or thick fabric gloves, because an insect can sting at any time.

Little problem

In the evening, when it gets dark, you need to go to the nest and evaluate its size. In some houses up to 700 adults live, and the height of such structures reaches 1 m. Only large pest control centers can cope with large families, but you can fight small ones yourself.

If the nest is not larger than a soccer ball, it is recommended to drown it. Gather a bucket of water, grab a stepladder and go to the hornet settlement.Carefully immerse the cocoon in a liquid without removing it from a branch or ceiling. Keep the bucket for 10-20 minutes, but it is better to put it on the stairs and wait.

Hornets will not understand what happened if everything is done quickly. The walls of the nest will dissolve in water, and the insects themselves will drown before they fly out.

Fire is the solution to the problem
Hornets cocoons, which are larger than a bucket, burn. The procedure is carried out in the evening, when insects become lethargic and not so aggressive. Pull a tight bag over the nest. The cover must be checked so that there are no holes in it. The neck of the bag is tied, the cocoon is cut with a sharp knife from a beam or branch.

Important: Sometimes hornets begin to buzz and, trying to get out, sting the cover. Insects can get into a person cutting a cocoon if he rests his body against a bag or gets too close.

A cloth soaked with ammonia will calm the striped aggressors. She is thrown into the bag, and the hornets subside after a few minutes.

A fire is being built on the street, into which a nest is thrown together with its inhabitants. It is undesirable to remove the cocoon from the bag. They recommend moving away from the fire at 2-3 m and waiting until the house of the striped aggressors turns to ashes.

A socket located on an iron base is not required to be removed. If there are no flammable objects around the cocoon, it is poured with kerosene or gasoline. They wait until the liquid is absorbed into the walls, and then they put the burning torch from a wooden stick or newspaper inside. And they quickly move to a safe distance, because some individuals are able to get out and attack the person who destroyed their housing.

Hornets Insecticides
There is a third option for the destruction of dangerous insects. You will need Dichlorvos or another pesticide designed to fight wasps. Pull a huge plastic bag over the nest. Spray the poison inside without sparing. Tie a plastic cover, wait until the hornets die.

The nest is cut off without being removed from the bag, and thrown into a landfill. You can burn it.
How to get rid of hornets settled in a hollow tree? Buy a can of chemical pesticide designed to destroy wasps, prepare a solution of clay or putty. Spray the product into the hollow, and then quickly cover up all the holes from which the hornets can fly out.

Important: Liquid insecticides are injected with a thick needle into a tree trunk. The toxic chemical spreads quickly throughout the plant, droplets of poisoned juice fall on the legs and wings of insects, and they die.

Big danger

Large nests are difficult to drown or burn without teasing a swarm. First, insects living in huge cocoons are destroyed, and then they get rid of the structure.

Hornet's nest

Stage 1
You will need a lot of transparent plastic bottles with a volume of 2 to 5 liters. Make a cross-shaped incision in the lids and bend the plastic “petals” into the container to form a small hole.

Pour sweet water with vanilla, jam or honey to the bottom of the bottles. Choose a bait with a strong smell that will attract adult hornets. Insects enter the container through the hole in the lid and remain inside because they cannot find a way out.

Traps with a large number of striped aggressors are thrown into the fire. You can shove a burning newspaper inside, completely covering the hole. Drowning bottles is not recommended. Hornets float to the surface, and some aggressors are able to find a way out, dry out and attack the enemy.

Stage 2
When the number of adults decreases, they switch to larvae and young insects. Tin cans or other containers filled with minced meat are placed next to the nest. Not necessarily fresh. Ground chicken offal or fish are also suitable.

The first 2–3 days of insects lure. Hornets carry meat in a nest to feed young larvae. On 3-4 days arsenic or Parisian herbs are added to the minced meat. For 1 kg of meat, 10-20 g of poison. Stir and arrange in jars.

Work with the pesticide carefully; be sure to wear rubber gloves. The cans are tightly closed, leaving only small holes into which an adult hornet will crawl. Bait is placed in hard to reach places. Minced meat should not be tried by a pet or a child.

Young animals and soldiers guarding the queen die from the poisoned treats. Surviving hornets are destroyed by Dichlorvos. Insect repellent is sprayed inside the nest. Holes in the cocoon are sealed with putty or clay, so that striped predators do not get out of the trap.
A nest with dead hornets is taken out to a trash heap and burned.

Good time

It all starts with a small cocoon, which the queen flies, guarded by several soldiers. In the spring, it is recommended to check the attic and other secluded places in which insects could settle. If it was possible to find a mini version of the nest, they pick it up with a stick in a plastic bag, and throw a rag soaked in liquid ammonia inside. The tool destroys hornets no worse than synthetic pesticides.

Striped aggressors masked the cocoon well? If insects get along well with humans, large nests do not touch until winter. Hornets leave the summer house before the onset of the first cold weather and hibernate. In December or March, an empty cocoon is removed and burned, and all cracks in the room or in the attic are covered with cement so that insects do not get inside.

Non-standard way

No time to lure and feed the hornet with minced meat with arsenic? Aggressive individuals are lured from the nest with a vacuum cleaner. You will need an old model with a fabric dust bag and a long tube.

The technique is turned on and brought closer to the entrance to the cocoon. Hornets, sensing danger, begin to attack the plastic pipe, which sucks them inside the dust collector. What to do with caught insects? You can quickly shake it out in a bag and burn it or leave it inside the vacuum cleaner by plugging the tube with a rubber stopper or a rag.

Hornets are dangerous neighbors. They are aggressive and large, and one bite of a predatory insect can kill an adult. It is necessary to deal with striped invaders carefully, carefully thinking over each step. And if there are a lot of hornets, and they carefully guard the queen and the nest, it is better to call a team of experienced disinsectors.

Video: how to destroy a hornet’s nest

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